
英语高考作文必背范文 英语高考作文是很多学生担心的一项,但是,掌握一些经典的范文将有助于提高写作水平和得分。以下是几篇英语高考作文必背范文。1. My view on keeping petsWith the rap...



1. My view on keeping pets

With the rapid development of human civilization and the improvement of people's living standards, keeping pets is becoming increasingly popular. And different people have different opinions on this issue.

First, pets, like dogs, cats, fish, birds and so on, can bring a lot of joy and happiness to people, especially to the elderly, the disabled and children. Secondly, pets can help people to relax and reduce their loneliness and depression. Thirdly, keeping pets can teach people love, responsibility and mutual respect.

However, there are also some potential problems. For example, the hygiene and sanitation problems must be taken seriously. Moreover, if pets are not well trained or taken care of, they may harm other people or damage the public property.

In conclusion, in my view, keeping pets is a good thing as long as we do it properly. We should treat them as our friends, rather than toys or tools. We should give them enough food, water, exercise and medical care. And we should also respect other people's rights and interests.

2. The importance of environmental protection

Environmental protection has become a hot topic all over the world. Nowadays, people are faced with a lot of environmental problems, such as pollution, climate change, loss of biodiversity, deforestation and so on.

Obviously, environmental protection is of great importance. Firstly, the environment is the basis of our existence. Without a good environment, human beings cannot survive and develop. Secondly, the environment is also the source of our wealth and happiness. For example, clean air, fresh water, fertile soil and diverse species are essential for our health, food, tourism and recreation. Thirdly, environmental protection can enhance our sense of social responsibility and global citizenship, and promote the sustainable development of our society and economy.

However, environmental protection is not an easy task. It requires the joint efforts and cooperation of governments, organizations, companies and individuals. We need to reduce our consumption and waste, develop renewable energies, improve our transportation and production systems, and raise our awareness and education on environmental issues.

In a word, environmental protection is not a luxury, but a necessity. Let's work together to protect our precious planet and leave a better place for our future generations.

3. The influence of the Internet on our life

The Internet is a miracle of modern technology. It has changed the way we live, work, communicate, learn and play. The Internet has become an integral part of our daily life.

The Internet has brought us many benefits. Firstly, we can access to a vast amount of information and knowledge within a few clicks. Secondly, we can communicate with people from all over the world at any time and any place. Thirdly, we can shop, bank, book and study online, which is convenient and time-saving.

However, the Internet also has some negative effects. Firstly, the Internet addiction and online gaming addiction have become serious problems, especially among the young people. Secondly, the Internet censorship and privacy invasion have posed a threat to our freedom and security. Thirdly, the Internet fraud and cyber bullying have caused harm to our social and emotional well-being.

Therefore, we need to use the Internet wisely and cautiously. We should filter the information and evaluate its reliability. We should balance our online and offline activities and cultivate our traditional values and hobbies. We should protect our personal data and respect others' privacy. We should also promote the ethical use of the Internet and the harmonious development of our society.

In conclusion, the Internet is a double-edged sword. Let's make good use of it and avoid its pitfalls.

  • 发表于 2023-07-09 12:35
  • 阅读 ( 110 )
  • 分类:游戏

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