过去式的构成(九年级英语 第九单元知识汇总)

9年级 Unit 9 When was it invented? 一、知识要点梳理 1. I think the calculator was invented before the computer. 我认为计算器的发明比计算机早。 (1) was invented为一般过去时的被动...

9年级 Unit 9 When was it invented?


1. I think the calculator was invented before the computer. 我认为计算器的发明比计算机早。

(1) was invented为一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为:“was / were 及物动词的过去分词”。

The bridge was built in 1967. 这座大桥是1967年建的。

The radio was repaired yesterday afternoon. 收音机是昨天下午修好的。

(2) invent意为“发明”,表示设计出或制造出以前没有的东西,因而又引申为“编造、虚构”等意思。

Who invented the glass? 谁发明了玻璃?

He invented a story to explain why he was late. 他编造借口来解释迟到的原因。

●友情提示● invention n. 发明,创造;inventor n. 发明者,创造者; inventive Bdj. 有发明才能的。

The light bulb is a great invention. 电灯泡是一项伟大的发明。

Edison was a famous inventor in the world. 爱迪生是世界上一位著名的发明家。

The boy has inventive powers. 这男孩有发明创造的能力。



误:Gilbert invented electricity, but Edison invented the electric light bulb.

正:Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the electric light bulb.


2. They’re used for seeing in the dark. 它们用来在黑暗中看东西。

●词语辨析● be used for, be used by, be used as与be used to do

① be used for意为“被用来做……”;介词for后接名词或动词的-ing形式,表示用途。

A pen is used for writing. 钢笔是用来写字的。

Wood can be used for building. 木材可以用来搞建筑

② be used by意为“被……使用”,介词by后面接名词或代词,表示动作的执行者。

Tractors are used by the farmers. 农民使用拖拉机。

English is used by travelers and business people all over the world. 世界各地的旅行者和商人都使用英语。

③ be used as意为“被用作……”,介词as意为“作为”,其后一般接名词,强调使用的工具及手段。

English is used as the second language in many countries. 英语在许多国家被当作第二语言使用。

“Swim” can be used as a noun. Swim可以用作名词。

④ be used to do意为“被用来做……”,其中的to为不定式符号。

Knives can be used to cut apples. 刀可以用来切苹果。

Wind and water can be used to produce electricity. 风和水可以用来发电。


① be used to (doing) sth. 意为“习惯做某事”,其中的to为介词,后面可接名词、代词或v.-ing形式,系动词be可换为get / become。

He is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。

She isn’t used to staying up late. 她不习惯于熬夜。

② used to do sth. 表示“过去常常做某事”,暗含现在不再做。

I used to go to school on foot, but I don’t do that now. 我过去常常步行上学,而现在不那样了。

She used to live in the country. 她以前住在乡下。

3. I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb. 我认为最有用的发明是电灯炮。


thank—thankful (感谢的、感激的) grate—grateful(感谢的、感激的)

use—useful (有用的) wonder—wonderful(令人惊奇的)

forget—forgetful (健忘的) success—successful(成功的)

beauty—beautiful (美丽的) pain—painful(疼痛的)

4. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 薯条是由一个错误才发明的。


(1) 用作名词

① 表示“(言语或行为上的)错误,失误”。

It’s easy to make a mistake. 犯错误很容易。

He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing. 不犯错误的人必然一事无成。

② 表示“(用词或数字上的)错误、口语、笔误”。

My writing is full of spelling mistakes. 我的文章到处是拼写错误。

③ 常用短语by mistake意为“错误地;由于出差错”。

I took your pen by mistake. 我错拿了你的钢笔。

I took her umbrella by mistake last night, because they are the same style. 昨晚我错拿了她的雨伞,因为它们是相同型号。

(2) 用作动词

① 表示“误会;误解”,它的过去式是mistook,过去分词是mistaken。另外,mistaken还可用作形容词,表示“错误的、弄错的”。

Sorry, I mistook what you said. 对不起,我误会你的意思了。

You are mistaken about him. 你误会了他。

② 常见短语mistake sb. / sth. for sb. / sth. 把……错当成……。

She mistook Mr Brown for a Frenchman. 她把布朗先生误认为法国人。

She always mistakes Lucy for Salina. 她总是把露茜错认为是塞琳娜。

5. Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? 你知道茶——世界上最有名的饮料(在水之后),是由于意外被发明的吗?

accident为名词,意为“意外的事,偶然的事,事故”。by accident是个固定短语,意为“偶然,意外地”,其同义介词短语是by chance。

It is quite an accident. 这是一件很偶然的事。

He found a new way to solve the problem by accident. 他偶然找到了一种解决这类问题的新方法。

Last time I ran across Jane on the street by accident. 上一次我在街上意外地遇见了简。

6. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. 根据中国古老的传说,皇帝神农在烧开水的时候发现了茶叶。

according to意为“根据……,按照”,其中的to是介词,后可接名词、代词或从句。

According to this passage, please tell true or false to the following sentences. 根据这篇短文,请判断出下面句子的正、误。

According to what he said, do you believe in him? 根据他所说的话,你相信他这个人吗?

7. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. 一些附近灌木植物的叶子落到了水里并煮了一会儿。

(1) nearby是由“near by”构成的复合词,作形容词讲时,意为“临近的,附近的”,作定语,既可放在被修饰的名词之前,又可放在之后。作副词时,意为“附近”,作状语。

Luckily there was a hospital nearby and they took the man there. (= a nearby hospital) 幸运的是附近有一家医院,他们把那人送到那里。

He gave his seat to the old man standing nearby. 他把座位让给了站在旁边的老人。

The plan landed nearby. 飞机在附近着陆。

(2) fall into意为“落入,陷入”。

Some ash fell into my cup. 一些灰掉进我的杯子里了。

Look out! Don’t fall into the water. 小心!不要掉进河里。

(3) remain = be still此处用作系动词,意为“仍然是”、“保持(某种状态)”,后接形容词、名词、分词或介词短语等。

Their working conditions remain poor. 他们的工作条件仍然很差。(后接形容词)

His brother became a doctor while he remained a peasant. 他哥哥成为了一名医生,但他仍然是个农民。(后接名词)

We shall remain in touch with him. 我们将与他保持联系。(后接介词短语)

8. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. 皇帝注意到那些落到开水里的叶子煮出了一种令人愉快的香味。


(1) 用作名词

① 用作可数名词时,一般情况下意为“公告;通知”。

There is a meeting notice on the board. 布告板上有个会议通知。

② 用作不可数名词,此时多指“警告;预先通知;注意;察觉”。

They have received notice of high temperature. 他们已经接到了高温的预警通知。

③ 相关短语

take notice of sth. 意为“注意;关注”。

Needn’t take notice of what I say. 不用在意我说什么。

Put up a notice 意为“张贴通知”。

Don’t put a notice on the wall. 不要往墙上贴通知。

(2) 用作动词

① 作“注意;注意到”的意思时,多直接接宾语、宾语从句、不定式或分词。

Sorry, I didn’t notice you. 对不起,我没有注意到你。

② 作“通知;提及”的意思时,多用于被动语态。

His story was noticed in a magazine. 他的故事被一本杂志所提及。

9. I don’t like eating chocolate. It tastes too sweet. 我不喜欢吃巧克力,它尝起来太甜。


The fish tasted good. 这鱼尝起来鲜美。

The milk tastes strange. 这牛奶尝起来味道有点怪。

The dish tastes delicious. 这道菜味道鲜美。

10. Knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous. 撞人和摔倒会很危险。

(1) knock用作不及物动词,意为“敲,击,相撞”。

Someone is knocking at the door. 有人在敲门。

Slow down at the street corner so that you won’t knock into other cars. 在街道拐角处要减速,免得与别的车相撞。

We hurried to the classroom and knocked into each other at the door. 我们匆匆向教室跑去,在门口撞了架。

(2) fall down意为“跌倒,摔倒,从……掉下来”。

The boy was careless. He hit a tree and fell down from his bike. 那个男孩很粗心,他撞上了一棵树,从自行车上摔了下来。

Be careful, or you’ll fall down. 当心,不然你会摔下来的。





被动语态由“助动词be 及物动词的过去分词”构成,而且助动词be有时态和人称的变化。常见的被动语态形式详见下表:





am/is/are 及物动词的过去分词

This kind of car is made in china.


was/were 及物动词的过去分词

The trees were planted last year.


will/shall be 及物动词的过去分词

The child will be sent back to his parents next month.


have/has been 及物动词的过去分词

Your bag has been found.


am/is/are being 及物动词的过去分词

A big bridge is being built in my hometown.


had been 及物动词的过去分词

He told me that a lot of fish had been caught.


情态动词 be 及物动词的过去分词

Must the work be done before Friday?


1. 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时我们使用被动语态。

Letters are collected from this post-box at 7:30 every morning. (主要说明每天早晨7点半钟开邮筒收集信件,至于是谁来收集信件,没有必要说明。)

Color TVs are sold in that shop. (主要说明彩色电视机在那个商店出售,至于是谁售货,没有必要说明)

2. 需要强调的是动作的承受者,而不是执行者时,我们使用被动语态。

This kind of bike is not made in our factory. 我们工厂不生产这种自行车。

Football is played in most middle schools. 大多数中学都踢足球。


1. 主动语态的宾语变为被动结构的主语。

2. 主动结构的谓语动词由主动语态变为被动语态。

3. 主动结构的主语变为介词by的宾语,组成介词短语,放在被动结构中谓语动词之后。在动作的执行者无须说明或不必强调时,by短语可以省略。

a. Many people speak English.

① ② ③

English is spoken by many people.

b. We often use a recorder in our English class.→

A recorder is often used (by us) is our English class.


1. 在主动语态中,make, let, hear, see, watch, notice等词,其后跟省略to的动词不定式作宾补,在变为被动语态时,必须还原动词不定式符号to。

We heard her sing this song in the next room. 我们听到她在隔壁房间里唱这首歌。

→ She was heard to sing this song in the next room.

2. 带双宾语的动词give, send, teach, lend, pass等在变成被动语态时,可以有两种情况:如果用直接宾语作为被动语态的主语,这时,间接宾语前要加介词to;如果用间接宾语作主语,则不加to。

My father gave me a book as a present on my birthday. 我我爸爸在我生日时送我一本书作为礼物。

→ A book was given to me as a present on my birthday by my father.

→ I was given a book as a present on my birthday by my father.

3. 带双宾语的词buy, make, draw, sing等,如果用直接宾语作为被动语态的主语,这时,间接宾语前要加介词for,如果用间接宾语作主语,则不加for。

He bought me a bag yesterday. 昨天他给我买了一个书包。

→ A bag was bought for me yesterday.

→ I was bought a bag yesterday.

4. 主动句中若有复合宾语(即宾语和宾语补足语),变为被动语态时,只有将复合宾语中的逻辑主语(即句子的宾语)变为被动句的主语,而宾语补足语不能作被动语态的主语。

We call him Xiao Wang. 我们叫他小王。

→ He is called Xiao Wang.

My parents ask me to work harder. 父母亲让我学习更努力些。

→ I am asked to work harder by my parents.

They find it hard to learn English well. 他们觉得学好英语很难。

→ It is found hard to learn English well.

5. 有些由“动词 介词”或“动词 副词”或“动词 名词 介词”构成的短语动词,如look after, talk about, laugh at, listen to, take care of, pay attention to等,在意义上相当于一个及物动词,变为被动语态时,要将整个短语动词视为一个整体,后面的介词或副词不能漏掉。

They take good care of the children. 他们好好照看这些孩子。

→ The children are taken good care of (by them).

6. 含特殊疑问词的主动句变为被动句时,仍将疑问词置于句首。若主句的疑问词是who时,变为被动句时要改为by whom置于句首(也可仍用who,而将by置于句末);主动句的疑问词是whom,则改为who,其余疑问句不变。

Who wrote the book?

→ Who was the book written by? / By whom was the book written?

Whom did you ask?

→ Who was asked by you?

What can we do?

→ What can be done by us?


1. 当宾语为反身代词或相互代词时不用被动语态。

I know myself. 我了解我自己。

The students help each other. 同学们互相帮助。

2. 不及物动词 / 短语(如die, happen, lie, belong to, take place等)不能用于被动语态。

Great changes have taken place in my hometown. 我家乡发生了巨大的变化。

3. 在need(需要),want(需要)等动词后,用动名词的主动式表示被动意义;若接动词不定式则用被动形式。

My hair needs cutting. / My hair needs to be cut. 我的头发需要剪一下。

4. 有些动词如sell, write, wash等被用作不及物动词来描述主语时,通常用主动形式来表示被动含义。句子的状语一般是表示效果或程度的副词,如well, easily, fast等。

This CD sells well. 这张光盘很畅销。

The cloth washes easily. 这种布料很好洗。

5. 由感官动词look, smell, sound, feel, taste等转化而来的连系动词后面直接接形容词,没有被动语态形式。

The music sounds beautiful. 这音乐听起来很优美。

The cake looks nice and tastes delicious. 这蛋糕看起来漂亮,吃起来味道也很鲜美。

6. 宾语为不定式或动名词时,通常没有被动语态。

I like to read English in the morning. 我喜欢早晨读英语。

Tom enjoys playing football. 汤姆喜欢踢足球。

●即学即练● 选择填空(均为中考题)。

( )1. -How clean and tidy your bedroom is!

-Thank you. It ________ every day. (绍兴)

A. cleans B. is cleaned C. was cleaned D. is cleaning

( )2. -Will you come to the dinner party?

-I won’t come unless Jenny ________. (安徽)

A. will be invited B. can be invited

C. invited D. is invited

( )3. The doctor looked over Peter carefully after he ______ to the hospital. (北京)

A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken

( )4. Oh, this is really a big shop. Do you know when it _____? (河北)

A. built B. was built

C. has built D. has been built

( )5.-Did Jack come to our party yesterday?

-No, he ______. (宁波)

A. wasn’t invited B. didn’t invite

C. isn’t invited D. hasn’t invited

( )6. A new bridge will ________ across the river. (武汉)

A. be building B. be built

C. build D. builds

( )7. Many more houses _______ for teachers since last year. (广州)

A. are building B. built

C. have built D. have been built

( )8. After the party, some of the students picked up all the rubbish that ________ on the floor of the hall. (呼和浩特)

A. has been dropped B. has been fallen

C. had been dropped D. had been fallen

( )9. I think high school student should _______ pocket money. (杭州)

A. be giving B. have given

C. give D. be given

( )10. A neighbor helped to keep our dog. It ______ while we were on holiday. (广州)

A. was taken care B. took care of

C. is taken care of D. was taken care of

Keys: 1~5 BDDBA 6~10 BDCDD


1. Safety glasses are used _______ protecting your eyes. (宁夏)

A. from B. by C. to D. for

解析:题意为“安全玻璃是用来保护你的眼睛的。”被用来……要用be used for…。选D。

2. -Sorry, Jane. I took your schoolbag by _______.

-It doesn’t matter. (盐城)

A. hand B. mistake C. bike D. heart


3. Oh, the milk ______ strange, do you think it’s OK to drink? (河北)

A. was tasted B. tasted

C. is tasting D. tastes


4. Most of rice in China _______ in the south. (贵阳)

A. are grown B. is grown

C. grow D. grows

解析:句意为“在中国,大部水稻在南方种植。主语most of rice是grow的承受者,故使用grow的被动语态形式。又因为rice为不可数名词,应用单数形式。选B。”

5. -These bananas look different and they are sweet.

- Right. They _______ here from Taiwan yesterday. (福州)

A. was brought B. were brought

C. bring D. are brought


6. We all know that Alexander Bell _______ (发明)the telephone. (译成英语)(宁波)



Section B 3a











Ⅰ. 单项选择。


( )1. This apple is so _______ that my teeth can’t stand it.

A. delicious B. salty C. crispy D. sour

( )2. She’s got the job she dreamt of, but more ______ than design.

A. in the accident B. in accident

C. by the accident D. by accident

( )3.— I’m awfully sorry, Jack. I’ve taken your sports shoes ______.

— That’s all right. After all, we are good friends.

A. by mistaken B. wrong C. on mistake D. by mistake

( )4. — Your city looks beautiful!

— Yes. Lots of trees and grass ______ last year.

A. are planted B. have planted

C. were planting D. were planted

( )5. To make our city more beautiful, we must remember that rubbish (垃圾)______ into the river.

A. needn’t be thrown B. mustn’t be thrown

C. can’t throw D. may not throw

( )6. If you want some more salt, just ______ some ______ them.

A. make; on B. leave; in C. keep; in D. sprinkle; on

( )7. English is widely used ______ travelers and business people all over the world.

A. for B. to C. as D. by

( )8. — What ______ is the most helpful invention?

— I think the most helpful invention is the computer.

A. you think B. I think C. you do think D. do you think

( )9. — What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?

— Chicken, I guess. How nice it ______!

A. looks B. smells C. sounds D. tastes

( )10. Students are often asked ______ loudly in the library. They must keep quiet whenever they come into the library to borrow books.

A. to speak B. not to speak C. no speaking D. to not speak

( )11. — What’s that thing with three legs?

— It’s a cup. It ______ for drinking in the old days.

A. uses B. used C. was used D. was using

( )12. — It is said that we are going to visit a museum of inventions.

— That sounds ______, and we can know ______ about many inventions.

A. good; good B. great; good C. well; good D. great; well

( )13. Sally is a good girl. When her mother is tired, she tries to be ______ and cooks dinner.

A. helps B. helpful C. helping D. useful

( )14. ______ the following pictures, please write a composition(作文).

A. Thanks to B. Because of C. According to D. Instead of

( )15. My uncle will come ______ next month and he will stay here for ______.

A. sometime; some time B. some time; sometime

C. sometimes; some time D. some time; some times

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

The computer is fast, and never makes a mistake, while people are too slow, and full of mistakes sometimes. That’s 1 people often say when 2 talk about computers. For over a quarter of a century, scientists have been 3 better and better computers. Now a computer can 4 a lot of 5 jobs wonderfully. It is ___6 used in factories, hospitals, post offices and airports. A computer can report, decide and control in almost 7 field. Many computer scientists are thinking of __8 the computer “think” like a man. With the help of a person, a computer can __9 pictures, write music, talk with people, play chess, recognize voices, translate languages and so on. Perhaps computers will 10 really think and feel. Do you think the people will be afraid 11 they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the people? No, people will 12 better use of the computers __13 . Man is 14 the master of the computer. The computer works only 15 the help of man. It cannot take the place of man.

( ) 1. A. that B. what C. how D. why

( ) 2. A. we B. they C. you D. people

( ) 3. A. loving B. taking C. making D. thinking

( ) 4. A. have B. get C. do D. offer

( ) 5. A. everyday B. every day C. each day D. some day

( ) 6. A. widely B. heavily C. hardly D. deeply

( ) 7. A. either B. all C. both D. every

( ) 8. A. producing B. ordering C. making D. building

( ) 9. A. take B. look C. draw D. put

( ) 10. A. one day B. a day C. any day D. the other day

( ) 11. A. when B. that C. how D. while

( ) 12. A. chose B. get C. take D. make

( ) 13. A. in the past B. at present

C. in future D. after a while

( ) 14. A. often B. never C. always D. sometimes

( ) 15. A. with B. under C. by D. for




Braille is not a language, but it can be used by the blind at read, write, do math and even write music.

Louis Braille, a Frenchman who became blind after a childhood accident, developed Braille in the 1820s. While attending an activity for the blind in Paris, Louis Braille learned that French soldiers used a special code that could be read without a light to send messages at night. Louis Braille was just 11 years old then, but he spent almost nine years using this code to create something that the blind could use to read with their fingers. Louis Braille’s system is still used today.

Braille includes letters, symbols(符号) for numbers, musical notes and other things. To read Braille, people should move their index fingers(食指) from left to right along the symbols on each line of page. Experienced readers can read Braille books as quickly as people who can see.

Braille can be written on paper, too. Today, Braille is even used in computer programs.

( ) 1. Braille is .

A. a French soldier B. a symbol for numbers

C. a musical note D. an invention for the blind to read or write

( ) 2. Louis Braille finished the Braille system at years old.

A. 9 B. 11 C. 20 D. 26

( ) 3. Braille includes all of them except .

A. letters B. math C. numbers D. musical notes

( ) 4. What does the underlined word “code” mean?

A. 密码 B. 形式 C. 手段 D. 技术

( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Louis Braille was blind when he was born.

B. It’s not possible to read musical notes in Braille.

C. The Braille system allows the blind people to do math.

D. Users of Braille cannot read books as fast as sighted readers.




Older house to rent in the city center. One bedroom and one kitchen. Near important stations. Buses pass back door.

$475/mo. Telephone: 3320178

(ENGLISH NEWS PAPER, March 19) English News Paper needs a foreign editor. He/She must have worked in China for over two years. British nationality is necessary. The salary(薪水) is $100,000 a year. The term is three years. In ten days this piece of ad will be available(有效的).

Telephone: 4875362 Address: No. 65 Hexing Road

Strongman Shopping Center

10, Strongman Road, Singapore 2234

WE’RE OPEN! Opening Hours: 10 am to 10 pm daily. Celebrate with us! Free balloons and nice door gifts for the first 1000 customers(顾客). Come and join us at the new Strongman Shopping Center. Discounts(折扣) of 20% at all shops.

Great shopping and eating that you’ve been waiting for.


Live Magic Show: 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Kids’ Fashion Show: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

( ) 6. Susan is looking for a house to rent. It doesn’t matter how old and how expensive it is. She’s going to study for her exams, so the house must be quiet. Susan doesn’t rent the house in the advertisement I because .

A. it’s too old B. it’s too expensive

C. it’s too small D. it’s too noisy

( ) 7. If a British editor has worked in China for three years and comes to English News Paper office to ask for the job in April, he will .

A. get the job B. not get the job

C. be a good editor D. be not useful

( ) 8. The opening hours of the Strongman Shopping Center is .

A. from 10 am to 10 pm B. from 10 am to 6 am

C. from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm D. from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

( ) 9. If you see a pair of shoes that costs $15 in the Strongman Shopping Center, you’ll pay at the discount.

A. $18 B. $15 C. $12 D. $3

( ) 10. If you’re one of the first 1000 people who visit the Strongman Shopping Center, you’ll get .

A. nothing B. only a balloon

C. only a nice door gift D. free balloons and nice door gifts



Do you like tea? Tea is becoming the most popular drink in the world. In China, when you visit someone, the host will bring you a cup of good tea to show welcome. When you go to a restaurant or some other places, tea will also be brought to you.

Americans love coffee, and they like tea, too. Not only the Chinese, but also many people around the world like tea. Do you know who first began to drink tea in the world?

The first people to drink tea were the Chinese because the Chinese had wild tea bush long ago all over the south of their country. They liked the taste, and found that drink could refresh them. People living in Europe first learned to grow and drink tea from a book in Italy in 1599. the writer wrote that tea was a wonderful medicine! Although people in Europe knew about tea in 1599, it was another fifty years before the first shop of tea from China reached Holland.

A few years later, tea was brought from China to Russia. People had to travel a long way over mountains and across deserts. The new drink reached England in 1657. it was sold at one of the coffee house. Only the very rich people had enough money to buy and drink it.

( ) 11. When you visit someone in China, the host usually to show welcome.

A. brings you a cup of tea B. serves you a cup of coffee

C. gives you a hug D. shows you around his house

( ) 12. is the country that the first shop of tea from China reached in history.

A. England B. Holland C. Italy D. Russia

( ) 13. How did the English get to know tea?

A. By reading a book. B. By watching TV.

C. By going to Italy. D. By going to China.

( ) 14. The Chinese liked tea because .

A. they had wild tea bush long ago

B. they thought it was cheaper than coffee

C. the loved its taste and it could refresh them

D. they thought it was better than coffee

( ) 15. After the tea reached England, only cold drink it.

A. the young B. the poor C. the rich D. the old

Ⅳ. 短文填空。


learn, question, problem, be, help, little, good, much, happy, teach, attitude, how

Have you ever had problems in your life that got in the way of your happiness? If so, you will find Being a Happy Teenager by Australian writer Andrew matthews (1) _______. In his book, Matthews tells us (2) ________ to have a happy life, and answers some common (3) __________ teenagers have.

The book says we should stop (4) _______ angry. The book also (5) ______ us some useful skills such as how to put what you have learnt into mental (心理的) pictures to make your memory better.

Success comes from a good (6) _______. Some schoolboys have problems such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us (7) ________ comes from thinking about things in a positive way. If you are tall, people notice you, and you can get a (8) ________ view at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes won’t take too (9) ________ room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’ most important lesson: You can (10) ______ to be happy!

Ⅴ. 情景交际。


Melissa: Look! This looks so interesting! There are dragons and frogs on it.

Li Lei: 1 __________.

Melissa: Really? When was it invented?

Li Lei: 2 _____________.

Melissa: What was it used for?

Li Lei: 3 _____________.

Melissa: Was it used for holding water?

Li Lei: No. It was used for testing earthquakes.

Melissa: 4 ________________.

Li Lei: Read this, and you’ll know the way it worked.

Melissa: 5 __________.

A. Really? But how?

B. How do you like it?

C. Wow, it’s really amazing!

D. Is it still used today?

E. Ah, it’s a great invention of ancient China.

F. It was invented in the Han Dynasty (汉朝).

G. Guess!

Ⅵ. 词汇运用。

A) 根据句意及首字母提示拼写单词。

1. Your mother is a very p______ person to live with.

2. They were carrying several b________ of fruit to the market.

3. This invention was invented in the eighties of the twentieth c________.

4. The area p________ over 50% of the country’s wheat (小麦) last year.

5. Today I n________ she wears a pair of shoes with adjustable heels.

B) 根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词。

6. Please keep the room clean. And don’t _________ (投;掷) the waste paper everywhere.

7. Look! They are running ________ (朝;向) each other.

8. As you know. China is a large and _______ (发展中的) country.

9. Can you tell me the four famous inventions in ________ (古代的;古老的) China?

10. Do you know the knife is made of ________ (金属)?

Ⅶ. 任务型阅读。

Thomas Edison was a great American inventor. He was born on February 11th in 1847 at Milan, Ohio and died on October 18, 1931. When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.

One day when he was five years old, his father saw him sitting on some eggs. He asked him why he was doing that. Tom did not answer. Instead, he asked his father. “Hens (母鸡) are able to have chicks. Why can’t I?”

Young Tom was at school for only three months. During those three months he asked a lot of questions. Most of the questions were not about his lessons. His teacher did not understand him. The boy had so many strange questions. The teacher could not answer all of them. So he wanted to send Tom away from school. He told Tom’s mother that Tom was not clever, and he asked her to take the boy out of school.

So Tom’s mother took him out of school, and taught him herself. She taught him to read and write, and she found him a very good student. He learnt very fast. Even before he was ten he became very interested in science. He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them. With the money he set up a chemical laboratory in the cellar (储藏室) of this home in 1857.

Tomas Edison was awarded 1,368 different patents (专利) during his lifetime.

His first patented invention was an electrical vote recorder in 1868.

1876~1877, invented the phonograph (唱机).

1891, invented and patented the motion picture camera.

1897, invented the first practical incandescent (白炽的) electric lamp.

1900~1910, invented and perfected the steel alkaline (碱性的) storage battery?


(A) Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Thomas Edison died at the age of sixty-five. ( )

2. Tom’s teacher didn’t like him because he didn’t study hard. ( )

3. Tom became interested in science before he was ten. ( )

(B) Answer the following questions.

4. How did Thomas build his science lab?


5. Do you think Thomas is clever or not? Why?


(C) Fill in the form according to the passage.


Tomas Edison

Year of Birth


Year of Death


Education Level (教育水平)


At the Age of Ten












Joseph Nicephore Niepce

taking photos


in the sixth century

Chinese people




George Grum


There are many great inventions in the world. Here is a short introduction.___________________________________________________________________



Ⅰ. 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 由句意可知应用被动语态形式;又由last year可排除A 项。 5. B 后半句意为“我们必须记住垃圾是禁止倒入河中的”,只有mustn’t有此意。 6. D 7. D 表示“英语被……广泛使用”要用“be widely used by...”。8. D do you think在此用作插入语。9. B 表示“气味闻起来……”要用系动词smell。10. B ask sb. to do sth. 的否定被动结构为sb. is asked not to do sth.。11. C 12. D know为实义动词,应用副词修饰。13. B 14. C 15.A

Ⅱ. 1~5 BBCCA 6~10 ADCCA 11~15 BDCCB

Ⅲ. 1~5 DCBAC 6~10 DBACD 11~15 ABACC

Ⅳ. 1. helpful 2. how 3. questions 4. bein 5. teaches 6. attitude

7. happiness 8. good 9. much 10. learn

Ⅴ. 1~5 EFGAC

Ⅵ. 1. pleasant 2.baskets 3. century 4. produced 5. notice

6. throw 7. towards 8. developing 9. ancient 10. metal

Ⅶ. 1~3 FFT

4. He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them. With the money he set up a chemical laboratory.

5. (Possible answer) Yes. Because he was awarded 1,368 different patents during his lifetime.

6. 1847 7. 1931 8. 3 / three months 9. built a lab

10. invented the phonograph

Ⅷ.One possible version:

There are many great inventions in the world. Here is a short introduction. For example, the camera was invented by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in 1827. It’s used for taking pictures. Abacus was invented in the sixth century. It was invented by Chinese people and used for counting. Chips were invented in 1853. They were invented by George Grum and were used for eating.


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