



清晨,当你准备起床时,轻轻触动“起床”模式,床帘慢慢收起,舒缓的音乐缓缓奏起,厕 所的灯光自动点亮,水温加热到合适的温度,厨房小机器人早已为你备好了早餐,开启美好 的一天。而这些,只需要一个面板就可以轻松操控家中所有的电器。那些在科幻片中充满着 舒适与惬意的生活场景,随着科技的发展与进步,已经逐渐走入了人们的日常生活中。

In the morning, when you are ready to get up, gently press the "wake up" mode, the bed curtain is slowly withdrawn, soothing music is played, the toilet light is automatically on, the water temperature is heated to the right temperature,the little kitchen robot already has breakfast ready for you to start your day. And these, just need a panel can easily control all the appliances in the home. With the development and progress of science and technology, those scenes full of comfortable and agreeable life have gradually entered People's Daily life.



The origin of the *** art home


The name of *** art home first appeared in the United States, and there have been many cases. Until 1984, the American Architectural Council set up a special interest group called "Smart Home", which took technology and home design as the design concept to lay the foundation for the development of *** art home. Bill Gates's mansion is the most famous *** art home, he envisioned using "silicon and software architecture" to build the house, using the then top technology perfectly into his mansion, thus opened the prelude to the construction of *** art home in the world.


What is Smart Home?


Smart home is not a *** art home appliance, but an ideal residential environment. It is based on the family residence as a platform, through wiring technology, network communication technology, audio and video technology, *** art home - security technology and other intelligent technology, the *** art home appliances, the system integration, software and hardware in one, to achieve a full range of comprehensive management, so that you experience a comfortable, efficient, diverse living environment.


The three core technologies of *** art home



By separating the strong current from the weak current, the system is not susceptible to interference and maintains a stable state. There are one or more wireless access points in the system to receive wireless signals uniformly, and then tran *** it control signals through the previously arranged signal bus.



Compared with the bus technology, wireless technology does not need to rewire, through the point-to-point RF principle, to achieve the control of residential appliances and lighting, easy installation, and detachable function, can adapt to different environmental requirements.




The wiring is relatively simple. It usually has one or more wireless access points with direct access to the strong current, and tran *** its the control signal through the AC strong current as the carrier. The control and management of household appliances and lights can be realized by using the existing power line tran *** ission control signal.


The advantages of *** art home

  • 发表于 2023-06-25 14:18
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