



When you are frustrated when others discouraged





Floods are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters in terms of human hardship and economic loss.


What to Do During a Flood WARNING


When a flood or flash flood WARNING is issued:


Be alert to signs of flooding. A WARNING means a flood is imminent or is happening in the area.


If you live in a flood-prone area or think you are at risk, evacuate (撤离) immediately. Move quickly to higher ground. Save yourself, not your belongings. The most important thing is your safety.


Follow the instructions and advice of local authorities. Local authorities are the most informed about affected areas. They will best be able to tell you areas to avoid.


If advised to evacuate, do so immediately. Move to a safe area before access is cut off by flood water. Evacuation is much simpler and safer before flood waters become too deep for vehicles to drive through.


Follow recommended evacuation routes. Shortcuts or alternate, nonrecommended routes may be blocked or damaged by flood waters.


Leave early enough to avoid being marooned by flooded roads. Delaying too long may allow all escape routes to become blocked.


Flood Safety


Stay out of areas subject to flooding. Dips (低洼处), low spots, canyons, washes, etc., can become filled with water.


If outdoors, climb to high ground and stay there. Move away from dangerous flood waters.


If you come upon a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around, and go another way. Never try to walk, swim, or drive through such swift water. Most flood fatalities (死亡) are caused by people attempting to drive through water, or people playing in high water. If it is moving swiftly, even water six inches deep can sweep you off your feet.


What to Do if You Are Driving During a Flood


Avoid already flooded areas, and areas subject to sudden flooding. Do not attempt to cross flowing streams. The depth of water is not always obvious. The roadbed may be washed out under the water, and you could be stranded (滞留) or trapped. Rapidly rising water may stall (使熄火) the engine, engulf (吞没) the vehicle and its occupants, and sweep them away. Look out for flooding at highway dips, bridges, and low areas. Two feet of water will carry away most automobiles.


If you are driving and come upon rapidly rising waters, turn around and find another route. Move to higher ground away from rivers, streams, creeks (小溪), and storm drains (下水道). If your route is blocked by flood waters or barricades (路障), find another route. Barricades are put up by local officials to protect people from unsafe roads. Driving around them can be a serious risk.


If your vehicle becomes surrounded by water or the engine stalls, and if you can safely get out, abandon your vehicle immediately and climb to higher ground. Many deaths have resulted from attempts to move stalled vehicles. When a vehicle stalls in the water, the water’s momentum (动量) is transferred to the car. The lateral (侧面的) force of a foot of water moving at 10 miles per hour is about 500 pounds on the average automobile. The greatest effect is buoyancy (浮力) — for every foot that water rises up the side of a car, it displaces 1,500 pounds of the car’s weight. So, two feet of water moving at 10 miles per hour will float virtually any car. Many persons have been swept away by flood waters upon leaving their vehicles, which are later found without much damage. Use caution when abandoning your vehicle, and look for an opportunity to move away quickly and safely to higher ground.


What to Do After a Flood or Flash Flood


Seek necessary medical care at the nearest hospital or clinic. Contaminated (受污染的) flood waters lead to a greater possibility of infection. Severe injuries will require medical attention.


Help a neighbor who may require special assistance — infants, elderly people, and people with disabilities. Elderly people and people with disabilities may require additional assistance. People who care for them or who have large families may need additional assistance in emergency situations.


Avoid disaster areas. Your presence might hamper (阻碍) rescue and other emergency operations, and put you at further risk from the residual (残留的) effects of floods, such as contaminated waters, crumbled (破碎的) roads, landslides, mudflows, and other hazards.


Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe to do so. Flood dangers do not end when the water begins to recede (逐渐退去); there may be flood-related hazards within your community, which you could hear about from local broadcasts.


Stay out of any building if flood waters remain around the building. Flood waters often undermine foundations, causing sinking, floors can crack or break and buildings can collapse.


Avoid entering ANY building (home, business, or other) before local officials have said it is safe to do so. Buildings may have hidden damage that makes them unsafe. Gas leaks or electric or waterline damage can create additional problems.


Report broken utility (公共事业) lines to the appropriate authorities. Reporting potential hazards will get the utilities turned off as quickly as possible, preventing further hazard and injury. Check with your utility company now about where broken lines should be reported.

Avoid *** oking inside buildings. Smoking in confined areas can cause fires.



  • 发表于 2023-06-17 12:23
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  • 分类:互联网

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