
R 1. range n. 批;组;范围 v. 排列;涉及 (1) It came ____________the range of my vision.该物体进入了我的视野。 【答案】within (2) —What is the cost of the MP4 here? —Well,...



1. range n. 批;组;范围 v. 排列;涉及

(1) It came ____________the range of my vision.该物体进入了我的视野。


(2) —What is the cost of the MP4 here?

—Well, the prices ______ from $100 to $500.

A. increase B. range C. reach D. different

【答案】答案B解析:下句意为:价格在100美元到500美元之间。range from … to…“在……和……之间变化”,符合题意。

(3) The exchange program between the UK and China may affect various schools ______ from kindergarten to high school.

A. spreading B. locating C. ranging D. including

【答案】答案C解析:考查固定短语range from…to…。

2. recognize v. 认出;承认

(1) The place has changed beyond ____________(recognize).


(2) —Oh, it’s you. I _______ you.

—I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses.

A. didn’t recognize B. hadn’t recognized

C. haven’t recognized D. don’t recognize


(3) The famous film star wore dark glasses sot that no one would ______ him.

A. reach B. recognize C. realize D. know


3. recommend v.建议;劝告;推荐;介绍

(1) I recommend _________ (go) by subway.

(2) I recommend the book _______ all my students.我向我所有的学生推荐这本书。

【答案】(1) going (2)to

(3) The doctor recommended that you ______ swim after eating a large meal.

A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

【答案】答案 D解析:recommend后的从句中用虚拟语气,即(should) do。

(4) I recommend ______ an English-Chinese dictionary, which is of great help to your studies.

A. buying B. bought C. to buy D. be bought

【答案】答案 A解析:recommend后跟动名词作宾语。

4. recover v. 痊愈;康复;找回;重新获得

(1) She soon recovered ___________(she) and went on with his lecture.

(2) He was fired last month and he’s still recovering _______ the shock.他上个月被解雇了,但他还没有从这次打击中恢复过来。

【答案】(1) herself (2)from

(3) Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharplyin the morning but _____ slightly in the afternoon.

A. recovered B. restored C. regained D. retained


(4) The police _____ the stolen jewelry and returned it to the owner.

A. searched B. hunted C. invented D. recovered

【答案】答案 D解析:警察找回了被偷的珠宝并归还物主。recover“找回”,符合题意。

5. reflect v. 映照,反射;仔细思考

(1) She could see her face ___________ (reflect) in the water.

(2) She sat ____________(reflect) on how much had changed since she had bought the farm.

(3) After long _____________ (reflect) we decided to buy that house.

【答案】(1)reflected (2) reflecting (3)reflection

(4) The likely reactions of the market need to be ______ before we act.

A. considered on B. based on C. relied on D. reflected on

【答案】答案D解析:句意:在我们采取行动前要仔细考虑市场上可能出现的反应。reflect on / upon 意为“细虑;沉思”,符合句意。

(5) Sean’s strong love for his country is _____ in his recently published poems.

A. relieved B. reflected C. responded D. recovered


6. regret v. 遗憾;后悔 n. 遗憾;后悔

(1) He told me __________ regret that he could not come to the party.他很抱歉地对我说他不能来参加这个聚会了。


(2) How I regretted ______ hard at school, ______ led to the failure in my career!

A. not to study; which B. not having studied; that

C. not having studied; which D. not to study; that

【答案】答案 C解析:regret doing / having done“后悔做了某事”;which可以引导非限制性定语从句, that不可。

(3) —You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

—Well, now I regret ______ that.

A. to do B. to be doing C. to have been done D. having done

【答案】答案 D解析:根据下句意思:现在我后悔那样做了。表达“后悔做某事”用regret doing / having done。

7. relevant a. 重要的;有关的;相关的

(1) What you said is __________ (无关的) to the matter in hand.


(2) The secretary should have all the _____ documents ready before the meeting begins.

A. concerning B. respecting C. relevant D. regarding

【答案】答案 C解析:句意:秘书应该在会议开始之前就把与会议有关的所有文件准备好。relevant“有关的”,符合题意。

(3) He failed to supply the facts relevant _____ the case in question.

A. for B. with C. to D. of

【答案】答案 C解析:句意:他无法提供与在审案件有关的事实。relevant后接介词to,意为“与……有关”。

8. remark n. 评论;意见 v. 评论;谈论

(1) People often remark _________ how alike John and Malcolm look.人们经常谈论约翰和马尔科姆长得多么像。


(2) —How do you know about the meeting?

—The chairperson made the ______ that it was a success.

A. remark B. meaning C. difference D. signal

【答案】答案 A解析:make the remark “(对……)作评论”。

(3) “This is quite delicious,” she remarked ______ her host.

A. at B. for C. to D. in

【答案】答案 C解析:remark to sb.意为“对某人说”。

9. remind v. 提醒,使想起

(1) She reminds me _________ giving the classroom a good cleaning.


(2) In our childhood, we were often _____ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped

【答案】答案 B解析:考查sb. be reminded to do sth.“某人被提醒做某事”。demand“命令”;allow“允许”;hope“希望”,三者与句意不符。

(3) —Call me at 9:00. I can’t afford to miss such a conference.

—Don’t worry, sir. You’ll surely be ______.

A. reminded B. warned C. informed D. remembered


10. remove v. 移走;去掉;去除;脱去

(1) Three children ______________________ (remove) from school.

【答案】were removed

(2) I am going to do all I can to _____ the unpleasant impression you have of me.

A. solve B. form C. remove D. move


(3) What do you advise for ______ ink from my clothes?

A. removing B. moving C. getting D. bringing

【答案】答案 A解析:句子意为“采用何种方法除去衣服上的墨迹”,remove sth. from someplace意为“从某地清除某物”。

11. replace v. 更换;替换;代替

(1) It’s not a good idea to miss meals and replace them _________ snacks.不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。

(2) He has replaced Mr. Brown __________ President.他取代布朗先生当了董事长。

【答案】(1) with (2)as

(3) John is not here today. Who can _____ him in the game?

A. replace B. take the place C. instead of D. in place of

【答案】答案 A解析:replace sb. = take the place of sb.“代替某人”。

(4) They tried to _____ hard plastics for metals in manufacturing machine parts.

A. replace B. substitute C. take the place of D. give way to

【答案】答案 B解析:substitute A for B = replace B with A用A来代替B;Atakes the place of B A代替B。give way to“让路,让步”。

12. represent v. 代表;表示;象征;描绘

(1) He is a people’s ______________(represent).

(2) He represented himself ____________an expert.他自称专家。

【答案】(1) representative (2)to be / as an expert

(3) The thirteen stars on the American flag ______ the thirteen colonies that announced independence.

A. show B. sign C. represent D. explain

【答案】答案 C解析:句意:美国国旗上的十三颗星代表十三个宣布独立的州。represent“代表”,符合题意。

(4) I couldn’t present myself, but I sent my ______ to the meeting.

A. delegate B. specimen C. representative D. representation


13. request v. 要求;请求 n. 要求;请求

(1) He was there _______________________(应……的请求) his manager.

【答案】at the request of

(2) We should consider the students’ request _____ the school library provide more books on popular science.

A. that B. when C. which D. where

【答案】答案 A解析:考查名词性从句。根据句意可知,空格处是同位语从句的引导词,解释中心词request,且在句子中不充当成分,故用that。

(3) I’m sorry that I cannot accept your _______ to attend your birthday party, Linda, because I’m ______ to answer all the customers’ letters tonight by my boss.

A. requirement; required B. demand; requested

C. request; suggested D. request; required

【答案】答案 D解析:第一个空格表示邀请或请求,用request,requirement“要求物,必需品”;demand“要求”,故排除A、B两项;C项中的suggest不能用于此结构。

14. resist v. 抵制;抗拒;反抗

(1) I couldn’t resist ___________(tell) him the secret.


(2) His girlfriend couldn’t resist _____ him about his family background.

A. to ask B. asking C. ask D. about asking

【答案】答案 B解析:resist后可接动名词作宾语,不接不定式。

(3) I didn’t mean _____ anything, but those apples looked so good I couldn’t resist _____ one.

A. to eat; trying B. to eat; to try C. eating; to cry D. eating; trying

【答案】答案 A解析:mean to do表示“打算做……”;mean doing表示“意味着……”;resist doing…“忍住做……”。

15. respect v. & n. 敬重;敬佩;尊重

(1) Give my ____________(respect) to your parents.


(2) The neighbors do not consider his quite _____ as most evenings he awakens them with his drunken singing.

A. respectful B. respected C. respectable D. respective


(3) He was _____ selfless man that everybody ______ him.

A. so a; respectable B. a such; respect C. such a; respects D. such a; respected

【答案】答案 D解析:句意:他是一个无私的人,大家都很尊敬他。such a selfless man = so selfless a man;第二空需要填入一个过去式的动词。

16. reward v. 报答;奖赏 n. 奖赏;回报;酬金

(1) He received a medal _________________(为奖赏) his bravery.

【答案】in reward for

(2) It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to ______.

A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. results

【答案】答案 A解析:句意:小孩子喜欢做事是因为这样会带来奖励。在此句中,这种奖励既可能是物质上的也可能是精神上的,所以选A。award“奖品;奖金”;prize“奖项”;result“结果”。

(3) Many friends sent me e-mails to _____ me on the birth of my son.

A. celebrate B. reward C. express D. congratulate

【答案】答案 D解析:句意:许多朋友给我发邮件祝贺我儿子的出生。congratulate sb. on…“祝贺某人……”。

17. reach v. 到达;伸手触 n. 伸手(脚)可及的距离

(1) The village is __________ easy reach of the railway.这村庄离铁路很近。

(2) The flower was ___________ my reach.这朵花我摘不到。

【答案】(1) within (2)out of / beyond

(3) Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within the ______ of little children.

A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance

【答案】答案 B解析:within the reach of“够得着”,题意。

(4) —What do you think of the TV play “The Meteor Garden”?

—I take no interest in it. One of the reasons is that such a life is out of our ______.

A. mind B. reach C. sight D. point

【答案】答案 B解析:“如此生活是我们不可能达到的”。out of one’s mind意为be crazy “发狂;发疯”;out of mind“心不在焉”;out of sight“看不见”,均与句意不符。

18. reject v. 拒绝,否决;抛弃

(1) The ________(reject) of the peace plan raises the threat of a more general war.


(2) I’ve so many _____ that I’ve stopped offering to help her.

A. opinions B. rejections C. treatments D. falls

【答案】答案 B解析:句意:我被拒绝多次,所以不再对她提供帮助。rejection“拒绝”,符合题意。

(3) The soldiers were put in prison because they _____ to obey orders.

A. refused B. rejected C. denied D. objected

【答案】答案 A解析:refuse to do sth.“拒绝做……”;reject “拒不接受,不采纳”,后面直接跟名词或代词作宾语,不跟不定式;deny“否认”,不跟不定式;object(后跟介词to)“反对”。

19. remain v. 依然;仍然;逗留;留下

(1) It remains ____________(see) whether she’ll be fit enough to play in the finals.

【答案】to be seen

(2) I’m afraid we’ll have to work extra hours for there are still some problems ______.

A. remaining to settle B. remaining to be settled

C. remained to talk about D. to remain to discuss

【答案】答案 B解析:remain是不及物动词,和problems之间是主动关系,故不用过去分词形式作定语,settle和problems之间为被动关系,故答案为B。

(3) The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _______.

A. 20 dollars remained B. remaining 20 dollars

C. remained 20 dollars D. 20 dollars to remain

【答案】答案 B解析:remaining“剩下的”,为形容词。

20. require v. 需要;要求

(1) I can’t meet your ________________(require).

(2) This wall requires ________________(require).

【答案】(1) requirement (2)requiring / to be required

(3) _______ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.

A. What is required B. What requires C. It is required D. It requires

【答案】答案 C解析:It is required中的it为形式主语,代替真正的主语即后面的that从句。如选A项,则在that前加上is。

(4) Those gymnastics movements require ______.

A. to improve B. improving C. being improved D. improved

【答案】答案 B解析:require doing = require to be done。

21. reserve v. 贮存;保留;预订 n.储备;贮藏

(1) Keep a few pounds ____________ (备用) to cover unexpected costs.

【答案】in reserve

(2) When he tried to make a _____, he found that the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention.

A. complaint B. claim C. reservation D. decision

【答案】答案 C解析:句意:当他试图预订房间时,发现那个旅店因为有一个会议已经客满了。reservation“预订”,与题意吻合。

(3) These seats are ______ for special guests.

A. preserved B. reserved C. reversed D. occupied

【答案】答案 B解析:reserve储备或预定为将来特殊情况使用,如reserve a seat (room)“预订一个席位(房间)”,此时与order 相同。preserve强调“收藏,保存”,其目的是使之完好无损、质量不变。

22. risk n. 危险;风险 v. 冒险

(1) Tom risked ___________ (lose) his job to help you out of the trouble.


(2) Tom rescued the child at the _____ of his own life.

A. danger B. expense C. risk D. cost

【答案】答案 C解析:句意:汤姆冒着生命危险救了那个孩子。at the risk of“冒着……的危险”,为固定短语。

(3) We don’t want to risk ______ involved in a civil war.

A. beome B. to become C. becomes D. becoming

【答案】答案 D解析:句意:我们不想冒卷入内战的危险。risk后跟动词时,要用动词的-ing形式。

23. rescue v. 营救;拯救 n. 营救;救援

(1) When Yushu Earthquake took place, a lot of soldiers were quickly sent there _______ (rescue) the victims. Some local people ___________(rescue) from the ruins. Meanwhile, more and more rescue workers also ________________(来救他们).

【答案】to rescue ; were rescued ; came to their rescue

(2) All the visitors were _______ from the burning hostel and the two injured were ______ by doctors from a nearby hospital.

A. saved; rescued B. rescuing; saved C. rescued; saved D. saving; saved

【答案】答案 C解析:rescue意为“营救,救援”,指从危险中迅速有效地援救、抢救,一般指人,也指抢救东西不致毁坏。save意为“拯救、救出”,是普通用语,指使受害者或物摆脱危险,使其保存或生存下来。

(3) She had despaired of ever ______ alive.

A. rescuing B. being rescued C. to rescue D. rescued

【答案】答案 B解析:句意:她那时对获救生还已经绝望了。介词of后跟动名词,且句子的主语和rescue之间为被动关系,故用动名词的被动式。

24. resign v. 辞职

(1) She resigned ________ the committee. = She resigned ______ a member of the committee.她辞去了委员会的职务。

(2)You must resign ___________ (you) to waiting a bit longer.你们得耐心地多等一会作。

(3) His father will hand in his __________(resign).

【答案】(1) from ; as (2) yourself (3)resignation

(4) The manager refused to comment on the news that he had planned to ______.

A. dismiss B. resign C. remove D. disagree

【答案】答案 B解析:句意:经理拒绝就他计划辞职的消息发表评论。resign“辞职”,符合句意。

(5) Mr. Smith eventually _____ his position as Chief executive.

A. retired B. retreated C. withdrew D. resigned

【答案】答案 D解析:resign one’s position“辞去职位”。

25. respond v. 回答;回应;作出反应

(1) You can rely on him to respond _________ a challenge你可以信赖他,他懂得应付挑战。

(2) In ________ (respond) to the features above, the following measures have been taken in system design.

【答案】(1) to (2) response

(3) The disease failed to _____ to the new drugs the doctor applied.

A. respond B. correspond C. reply D. reflect

【答案】答案 A解析:respond to“起反应;回答,响应”correspond to“相当于,与……相对应”;reply to“回答,对……作出回答”;reflect“反射,反映”。

(4) A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is ____ conditions or events.

A. in response to B. in favor of C. in contrast to D. in excess of

【答案】答案 A解析:句意:大部分人类活动,特别是与周围环境有关的活动,是对各种情况或事件的反应。in response to“反应;响应”,符合题意。

26. responsible a. 应承担责任的;负责任的

(1) Carelessness was responsible _______ the accident.粗心是造成这次事故的原因。

(2) We need to take ________________(responsible) for looking after our own health...

【答案】(1) for (2)responsibility

(3) It does not alter the fact that he was the man _____ for the death of the little girl.

A. accounting B. guilty C. responsible D. obliged

【答案】答案 C解析:句意:这改变不了他对这个小女孩的死负有责任这一事实。responsible for为固定搭配,意为“对……负责”。

(4) Tourism has also been greatly ______ the rapid development of some developing nations.

A. lain in B. consisted in C. responsible for D. accounted for

【答案】答案 C解析:be responsible for意为“对……负责,形成……的主要原因”。题意为:旅游业对于一些发展中国家的迅速发展也起了重要作用。

27. record n. 记录;最好成绩 v. 记录

(1) She ________ (保持) the world indoor 800 metres record.

(2) Try to ________ (记录) a record of everything you eat this week.

【答案】(1) holds (2)keep

(3) The performance was recorded ______ at the Hollywood Bowl.

A. live B. alive C. living D. lives

【答案】答案 A解析:句意:这次表演已在好莱坞露天音乐剧场做了实况录制。live意为“实况的,现场的”,修饰动词record。

(4) Tom has _____ the record of the 1000-meter race since 2008.

A. kept B. held C. broke D. set

【答案】答案 B解析:句意:自2008年以来汤姆一直保持1000米长跑的纪录。Hold a record意为“保持纪录”。keep a record意为“(把……)记录下来”

28. relax v. 放松;放宽

(1) First prize is three days of _______________ (relax) in a top health spa.


(2) It was a _____ evening with friends.

A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxation

【答案】答案 C解析:那是一个和朋友在一起的轻松的夜晚。relaxing“轻松的”;relaxed“感到轻松的”。

(3) Fishing is her favourite ______.

A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxation

【答案】答案 D解析:句意:钓鱼是他是喜欢的消遣活动。relaxation意思是“休闲活动;娱乐活动”,符合题意。

29. reduce v. 减少;缩小

(1) She reduced her weight ______ 6 kilos ______ 50 kilos.她把体重减轻了6公斤 / 减轻到50公斤。

(2) He _____ almost ___________ a skeleton.他瘦得几乎变成了一个骨头架子。

【答案】(1) by ; to (2)is ; reduced to

(3) His life in the big city was hard and finally he was reduced _____ in the street.

A. to wander B. to have wandered C. to wandering D. wandering

【答案】答案 C解析:be reduced to …“沦落为……”,其中to为介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。

(4) The government calls on the public to go to work by bicycle instead of by car in order to _____ air pollution.

A. warn B. endanger C. stop D. reduce

【答案】答案 D解析:政府呼吁公众骑自行车而不是坐车上班以减轻空气污染。reduce air pollution“减轻污染”。

30. rise v. 上升;起床;起立;升起;增长 n. 增加;提高;增强

(1) The novel’s success ________________(引起) a number of sequels.

(2) With great effort, he _________________________(站起来).

【答案】(1) gave rise to (2)rose to his feet

(3) In summer, the temperature sometimes ______ as high as 390C.

A. rises B. rising C. raising D. raises

【答案】答案 A解析:温度上升到多少“度”应用rise;as high as 390C.在句中作状语。

(4) The sun _____ in the east and ______ in the west.

A. raises; falls B. goes up; drops C. sets; rises D. rises; sets

【答案】答案 D解析:句意:太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。“太阳升起”用rise。

31. rob v. 抢劫;掠夺

(1) He has been robbed ________ his dignity.他已失去了尊严。


(2) The robber robbed _____.

A. him of his gold ring B. his gold ring

C. his gold ring from him D. him his good ring

【答案】答案 A解析:考查固定短语rob sb. / sp. of sth.,“抢了某人(某地)的……”。

(3) The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday.

A. robbed B. to have been robbed C. being robbed D. having been robbed

【答案】答案 B解析:sb. / sth. be reported后跟动词不定式,且不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前,故用不定式的完成式形式。

32. ruin v. 毁坏;破坏 n.毁坏;破产;废墟

(1) Years of fighting has left Iraq _______ (ruin).

(2) The ________ (ruin) of ancient Rome were dug out.

【答案】(1) ruined (2)ruins

(3) It rained for two weeks on end, completely _____ our holiday.

A. ruined B. to ruin C. ruining D. was ruined

【答案】答案 C解析:句意:大雨连续不停地下了两周,完全毁了我们的假期。Ruining现在分词作状语,表结果。

(4) His broken leg means the _____ of all his hopes of becoming a famous athlete.

A. miss B. ruin C. loss D. death

【答案】答案 B解析:句意:他的腿断了意味着他想成为一名著名的运动员的所有希望破灭了。ruin“破灭,毁灭”,符合题意。

33refer to查阅;谈到;参考;有关;运用(于)

(1)When I said someone was foolish,I wasn’t __________ (refer) to you.

(2) If you want to know its exact meaning,you can look it up in your _________ (refer) book.

【答案】(1) referring (2)referrence

(3)There are so many new words in this article that I can’t get along without the dictionary.

A.sticking to B.referring to

C.looking up D.consulting to

【答案】答案 B

解析 句意为:在这篇文章中有那么多新单词以致于不查阅字典我不能读它。refer to查阅,符合句意。

(4)I suggest that the person put into prison.

A.refer to

B.referred to be

C.referring to should be

D.referred to was

【答案】答案 B

解析 referred to相当于定语从句who was referred to,且主句中的谓语动词为suggest (建议),故从句中应用(should) do结构。故选B项。

34.the reason why...is that...……的原因是……

(1)The reason _______ I like surfing the Internet is ______ I can get much information.

(2) The reason _______ he explained at the meeting was _______ he didn’t catch the first bus.

【答案】(1) why ; that (2) that ; that

(3)Is this the reason at the meeting for the carelessness in the work?

A.he explained B.what he explained

C.how he explained D.why he explained

【答案】答案 A

解析 he explained作the reason的定语,其前省略了关系代词that或which。

(4)The reason she didn’t get the job was her English was not very good.

A.which;that B.why;that

C.why;because D.that;because

【答案】答案 B

解析 第一空为定语从句,从句中缺少状语,故用why或that;第二空为表语从句,用that,该句为The reason why...is/was that...句型。

35run out vi.(供应品等)用完,耗尽;使(某人)跑得精疲力尽;(协议,文件等)失效,过期

(1)My money has been __________________(用完),so I have to return home.

(2)A: The petrol is running out.

B: We _________________________the petrol.

【答案】(1) run out of/used up (2)B: are running out of

(3)—I’m still working on my project.

—Oh,you’ll miss the deadline.Time is .

A.running out B.going out

C.giving out D.losing out

【答案】答案 A

解析 run out(时间、金钱等的)耗尽;give out意为“精疲力竭”,由句意可知A项正确。

(4)I you a valuable present for your birthday, but I all my money.

A.would like to give;ran out of

B.would like to have given;ran out of

C.would like to give;was run out of

D.would like to give;ran out

【答案】答案 B

解析 分析句子知第一空是在过去虚拟条件“如果我的钱没有花完”下,得出的结论,故用完成时;第二空需填一个及物动词短语的主动形式,故B项正确。

36rely on依靠;依赖

(1)You may rely on it that they will support you.

I rely on her _______________ (pay) back the money.

【答案】to pay / paying

(2)Now we often hear some women complain that men aren’t .

A.to rely on B.to be relied on

C.relied D.to be relied

【答案】答案 B

解析 此处为be to rely on的被动形式,句意为:现在我们时常听到一些妇女抱怨男人靠不住。

(3)However,scientists are delighted by the discovery,because the engineers were all very educated people and scientists feel they can what they described.

A.rely on B.deal with

C.write down D.pass on

【答案】答案 A

解析 此处指“科学家感觉他们能够依赖工程师们所描述的”;rely on依赖,信任。

37rise to one’s feet站起身来

(1) He tried ___________ to his feet (挣扎着站起来),but in vain.

(2) The cost of living is ______ the rise. 生活费用在上涨。

【答案】(1) to struggle (2)on

(3)Exhausted as he was,he to his feet as soon as he heard his name was called.

A.rose B.stood

C.got up D.stood up

【答案】答案 A

解析 rise to one’s feet站起来,固定搭配。

(4)The number of students in this school by 5% every year.

A.arises B.arouses

C.rises D.raises

【答案】答案 C

解析 rise by增长了,习惯用法。句意为:这个学校学生的数目每年增长5%。

38regardless of不管;不顾

(1)They decorated the house _______________(不管) cost.

【答案】regardless of

(2) what his parents think,he is leaving home for a new job in Shenzhen.

A.Instead of B.In terms of

C.Lack of D.Regardless of

【答案】答案 D

解析 句意为:不管父母怎样想,他将离家到深圳去寻找一份新工作。regardless of不管,不顾。

(3) the weather,the athletic meeting will be held on time.

A.In contrast with B.In relation to

C.On behalf of D.Regardless of

【答案】答案 D

解析 句意为:不管天气如何,运动会将准时召开。由句意可知选D项。

39result in导致,致使

(1)A:The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.

B: The death of two passengers resulted ________ the accident.


(2) the car accident,Jackson couldn’t work any longer.

A.As a result B.As a result of

C.As the result D.As result of

【答案】答案 B

解析 as a result of...作为……的结果。

(3)It’s learned from the Public Security Ministry that in 2007,327,209 road accidents occurred, 81,649 deaths.

A.resulted in B.resulting in

C.resulted from D.resulting from

【答案】答案 B

解析 现在分词短语作状语,意为“致使81 649人死亡”。

40run after追,追赶;追求

(1)If you any problems at school,you should turn to your teacher for help.

A.run into B.run after

C.run over D.run away

【答案】答案 A

解析 句意为:如果你在学校遇到任何问题,你应该向你的老师求助。run into碰上,遇到;run after追赶;run over撞倒并碾过;run away逃走,突然离开。

(2)—We our money,so I’m afraid we’ll have to end our trip next week.

—What a pity!

A.are running out B.have run out

C.are running out of D.have run out of

【答案】答案 C

解析 由next week可知是将要花完。故用进行时表将来。

41rather than宁愿……而不愿……;而不是……;与其……倒不如……(连接平行结构)

(1)I think it’s Tom,rather than you,who _______ (be) to blame.

(2) I prefer to go there on foot rather than ________ (take) a bus.

(3) He was busy writing a letter rather than _________ (read) the newspaper.

【答案】(1) is (2) take (3)reading

(4)If you let pressure benefit upset you,much more can be accomplished than you thought.

A.more than B.rather than

C.other than D.less than

【答案】答案 B

解析 句意为:如果你让压力使你受益而不是使你不安……。rather than而不是


(5)—Do you feel like there or shall we take a bus?

—I’d like to walk,but since there is no time left,I’d rather we a taxi. (2010·永嘉模拟)

A.to walk;take B.walking;took

C.to walk;took D.walking;take

【答案】答案 B

解析 feel like doing sth.为固定用法;would rather (that)...从句中用虚拟语气,对现在的假设用一般过去时,故选B项。


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