
- How old are you?- How old do you think?- I don’t know- I’m 30 years old.- How long you been workin’ here for?- Forever and a day.--你多大了?(居然问女生年龄?!请自行原地**)--...

20230119044454715157225.jpg- How old are you?- How old do you think?- I don’t know- I’m 30 years old.- How long you been workin’ here for?- Forever and a day.--你多大了?(居然问女生年龄?!请自行原地**)--你觉着呢?--我不知道--我30岁了--你在这里工作多久呢?--永远2外国人很喜欢用类似的夸张手法来表达情绪比如:I've been waiting for you forever. 我都等死你了。I've lived here forever and a day.我在这生活很久了。也会用一些数字来体现夸张比如I have tens of shoes. 我有很多鞋子。This little boy has hundres of toys.这个小男孩有很多玩具。Tipsforever and a day与forever意思都为永远但是forever and a day的程度更深些永远的永远forever and a day与forever and ever 用法相同,程度类似We always stay with you,forever and ever! 无论未来的路怎样,我们会一直陪在你身旁!3跟读We waited forever and a day to find out who won the contest. 我们等了好久,是要看一看究竟是谁胜了好啦,这是今天Bo姐带给你们的内容Got it?你学到了么?希望你学的开心,下期见咯Best wishes for you, thank you♥

  • 发表于 2023-01-23 22:03
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