现在,各类办公软件已经成为我们工作学习中不可缺少的工具。找工作求职的时候,熟悉办公软件的运用也是最基本的要求之一。一提到“Word”,很多人的第一反应都是“文档”。而说到“Excel”,大多数人都只知道它的意思是“表格”。大写的“Word”和“Excel”是专有名词,但是如果小写,这两个单词的本义都很丰富。excel 擅长,善于;突出如果有人跟你说“you excel me”,千万不要一头雾水以为对方是在说“你表格我”,其实是在夸你!“excel”的英文释义是“to be extremely good at something”,它作为动词的意思是“擅长,善于;突出”。Rebecca always excelled in languages at school.丽贝卡上学时学语言一直是出类拔萃的。所以,这个“you excel me”真正的意思是“你比我厉害”。excel yourself 比平常做得好;超水平发挥The Chinese team have excelled themselves this year to reach the finals.中国队今年超水平发挥,打进了决赛。word 词;字;单词Your essay should be no more than two thousand words long.你的论文不应超过2000词。It's sometimes difficult to find exactly the right word to express what you want to say.有时很难找到恰当的词来表达你想说的意思。Tips:如果想说以某个字母开头的单词,可以写成“字母-word”。通常是**或令人难堪的词,只说出该词的第一个字母来指代。So how's the diet going - or would you rather I didn't mention the d-word?节食进行得怎么样——也许你不愿意让我提那个以D开头的词。word 简短的交谈,谈话The manager wants a word.经**谈一谈。Could you have a quiet word with Mike (= gently explain to him) about the problem?或许你可以和气地向迈克解释一下这件事。words 争吵,口角Both competitors had words (= argued) after the match.两名参赛者在比赛后发生了争吵。have/exchange words 简短交谈We exchanged a few words as we were coming out of the meeting.我们走出会议室时匆匆交谈了几句。如果我们想要夸奖别人,还有以下几种说法。steel trap 脑袋灵光Well, he's a well-learned man. He's a mind like a steel trap(本义:捕兽夹), you know?他是个很有教养的人,你知道吗?他的脑子特别灵光。have a lot on the ball 很能干I'm sure she can do a good job in the business. She has a lot on the ball.我认为她肯定能做好这份工作。她很能干。Great job!很棒!干得漂亮!You're doing well.你做的很不错。Keep up the good work!**良好的表现!如果有人对你说“quite good”,可不一定是在夸你。对方可能有以下几种意思,一定要注意具体的语境和说话人的语气。相当好;还行吧,有点失望(心口不一)The quality of this cloth is fine, but the colour is not quite right; the cloth is quite good except for the colour. 这块布**挺好,就是颜色差点儿。They're obviously feeling quite good about themselves as a result. 对于这样一个结果,他们显然自我感觉良好。not bad 不错;挺好的虽然看上去是“一般般,不咋地”的意思,但“not bad”的意思是“不错;挺好的”。She had her own company by 25 - not bad going ! 她25岁时就有了自己的**—干得不错!最后,再和大家说一个不能直接望文生义的表达:I'm good。有时候,“I'm good”可以表示一种委婉拒绝。如果有人问你要不要吃什么或者喝什么,不需要的时候就可以说“I'm good”。- Would you like a cup of green tea?- I'm good. Thanks.- 要喝杯绿茶吗?- 不了,谢谢。如果是工作学习中,“I'm good”可以表示“没有问题”。- Any questions?- No, I'm good.- 有问题吗?- 没有问题。今天要说的就是这么多了,感谢您的阅读。 excel表格you(you excel me别翻译成你表格我)