
初中英语《What’sthe best movie theater? 》说课稿 Goodmorning/afternoon, everyone! I’m very glad to stand here to interpret mylesson. Today my topic is “What’s the best movie thea...

初中英语《What’sthe best movie theater? 》说课稿

Goodmorning/afternoon, everyone! I’m very glad to stand here to interpret mylesson. Today my topic is “What’s the best movie theater?”. I am going tointroduce my lesson from the following aspects: the analysis of teachingmaterial and students, teaching aims, teaching key points and difficult points,teaching and studying methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design.

I.Analysis of teaching material

Firstly,let’s focus on the analysis of teaching material.

Thislesson is form PEP Secondary English Book, the first semester of Grade 8, Unit4, Section A. The topic is the best movie theater. Because it is the first partof this unit, it’s very important for students’ further study. Through thislesson, students can know how to describe qualities of different movietheaters.

II.Analysis of students

Secondly,it is about the students. Our students are in Grade 8. They are active and interestedin new things.After learning English forseveralyears, they have some basicEnglish background knowledge, so Iwould attach importance to the communicationwith them, providing them more chances of using language.

III.Analysis of teaching aims

Based onthe New Curriculum Standard and the analysis of teaching material and students,I set the following teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Studentscan read new phrases such as comfortable seats, best sound, close to home, etcand use sentence patterns such as “What’s the best movie theater?” to makesentences correctly.

Ability aim:

Studentscan improve their reading and speaking abilities.

Emotional aim:

Studentscan express themselves in public bravely and cooperate with their classmates.

IV.Analysis of key and difficult points

Accordingto the aims of three-dimension, the key point of this lesson is:Students canget the main idea and detailed information of the listening material.

And thedifficult point is: Students can use new words and sentence patterns correctlyin their daily life and can have confidence in speaking English in public.

V.Analysis ofteaching and studying methods

Now, letme talk about teaching methods and study methods.When I deal with this lesson,I would use are Communication teaching method, Task based teaching method andAudio-lingual teaching method.

I willlead the students learn the knowledge by themselves, so the students would bethe real masters of the class. I would act just as a guide to bring theirability into full play.

VI.Analysisof teaching procedures

Next,let’s focus on the teaching procedures. I will finish the lesson in5steps.

Step 1 Warming up

Aftergreeting with the students, I will show some pictures about the movie theaterwith the help of the multimedia.

By doingthis,the atmosphere of the class will be warmed up and students will pay theirattention to the class.

Step 2 Pre-listening

I willwrite some new words and phrases on the blackboard such as comfortable seats,best sound, buy tickets quickly and close to home, and tell the students themeaning of these new words and phrases. I will ask students to read the newwords after me. Then ask students “what’s the best movie theater in your mind?”Let them talk about this question freely.

This stepcan clear off the obstacles and help students learn new content better.

Step 3 While-listening

I willplay the tape twice. For the first listening, students should find out the mainidea of the dialogue. When they finish listening, I will ask a student to tellus the answer and give him/her praise. Then they will listen to the tape againand answer the following questions:①What’s the quality of Movie World? ②What’s thequality of Town Cinema? ③What’s the quality of Screen City? Iwill choose some students to answer and also give them praise.

This stepcan help students get the main idea and basic information of the material.Students can understand listening material clearly.

Step 4 Post-listening

After listeningactivity, students has known the main content of the dialogue. Then I will letstudents to make new dialogues. One student asks “What’s the best movietheater?” and one student answers and gives reasons. Then change their roles.When they finish, I will choose some groups to perform their dialogues in frontof the class and give them praise.

This stepcan help students practice the new words, phrases and sentence structures theyhave learned in the class and strengthen their confidence to speak English.

Step 5 Summary and homework

I willask a student to be an assistant teacher to conclude what they have learnedtoday and adds some points he or she forgets. After class, students shouldwrite a short passage about their favorite movie theater with the newknowledge.This step can help students consolidate what they have learned today.

VII.Analysis of blackboard design

At lastis the blackboard design, this can help them master the rules and the keypoints. This also can help them make the notes.


That isall for my lecture, thanks for your listening.

初中英语《Water Talking(Reading part)》说课稿

Goodmorning/afternoon, everyone! I'm very glad to stand here to interpret mylesson. Today, my topic is Water Talking My lesson consists of the following aspects:

Ⅰ.Analysis of the teaching material

First ofall, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching material

The topicof this lesson is water talking, and the main idea of this lesson is cherishwater. After learning this lesson, students are able to understand theimportance of water. Meanwhile, their reading and speaking abilities would bedeveloped.

Ⅱ.Analysis of the students

Thesecond part is analysis of students

Theirthinking ability of the image is strong but they have low abstract thinking abilityand their attention can be scattered easily. And they are in the period oftransition from middle school study to the high school study. It means thatthey are in the period of transition from easiness to hardness.

Ⅲ.Analysis of the teaching aims

Accordingto the new curriculum standard, the teaching materials and the students’present situation. I set the aims as follows:

Knowledge aims:Students can master the key words and structures of this passage/Students canget the main idea of this passage through reading.

Ability aim: Studentscan improve their ability of skimming and scanning.

Emotional aim:students will learn to cherish water.

Ⅳ.Analysis of the key and difficult points

Based onthe above analysis of teaching material, background of students, and set up ofteaching aims, the key point is: students can get the main idea of this passageand understand the importance of cherishing water. The difficult point in thisclass is students can improve their sub skills of scanning and skimming.

Ⅴ.Analysis of teaching and study methods

Afterthose analysis, I will talk about the teaching and study methods. I’ll mainlyuse situational teaching method, task-based teaching method, communicativeapproach.

Ⅵ.Analysis of the teaching procedures

Next, I'lldescribe the most important parts of my teaching design—the teachingprocedures.

Step 1 Warming-up

Inlead-in stage, after greeting students, I will show students pictures with ppt.These pictures will show the sea, the river, and a drop of water. Then askstudents what they know about water, and let invite several students to answerthis question.

This partwill help the students know the topic of this lesson is water and feelinterested in it. Besides, it can also lead to the reading passage directly andeffectively.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Inpre-reading stage, there is only activity. It is predicting. I will show apicture about this reading passage and ask students to guess what’s thispassage mainly about. Then I will divide the students into two groups. One isgirls’ group, the other one is boys’ group. I will invite the leader of eachgroup to speak out their prediction. At the same time, I will write theirprediction on the blackboard. The purpose of this activity is to develop theirpredicting ability and help them have a better understanding of this passage

Step 3 While-reading

In thisstep, there are 2 activities.

They arefast reading and careful reading. As to fast reading, it includes skimming andscanning. In the skimming section, students will be required to read thepassage carefully and answer the following questions, the questions are:

(1)Whatis the main idea / purpose of the passage?

(2) Checkwhether their prediction is true.

Besides,I will let the students find the journey of the water and write it on theblackboard.

Throughthis activity, the students can acquire the basic information about thisinteresting passage which could arouse their curiosity to read more, and theirreading skill of scanning is practiced as well.

Incareful reading, students will be required to read this passage again to findout some specific information, the questions are:

(1) Wheredoes this drop of water come from?

(2) Whatdoes Daisy’s brother think of her?

(3)Whatdoes clean up mean?

Afterthat, students are supposed to do true or false.

True orFalse: when Daisy heard the voice the first time, her voice was faint.

When thedrop of water said it get cleaned up, Daisy felt happy.

Thelesson tells us to cherish water.

Daisy’sbrother doesn’t believe her sister is talking to water.

In thisactivity, students will comprehend the passage in detail and their readingability will be improved

Step 4 Post-reading

In thisstep, there are 2 activities, they are (1) retell the story (2) discuss whatcan you do to protect and cherish water.

This taskcan arouse students’ interest and involve the whole class, which can help themhave a better understanding of the words, phrases and target language they havelearnt in the previous steps. They can also build the awareness of cherishingwater. Besides, through group discussion, their critical thinking andautonomous learning ability can be developed.

Step 5 Summary and homework

I willask one student to act as an assistant teacher to conclude what we have learnedthis class. And then make a summary together

Thepurpose of this step is to let students recall what we learnt today, and deepentheir impression of key words and sentence structures.

Askstudents to search the internet to find the areas which are water-deficient areaand write a short passage to give some advice to government.

It couldconsolidate what they have learnt and improve their ability of use the newknowledge into real life.

Ⅶ.Analysis of the blackboard Design

The lastpart is the analysis of the blackboard design In this way, students can see thecontent we’ve learnt today clearly


That is all for my lecture, thanks for your listening.

初中英语《How often do you exercise?》说课稿

Goodmorning/afternoon, my dear judges. I’m No. X. It’s my great honor to be here toshare my teaching design with everyone. My topic is how often do you exercise?Listening and speaking part. My presentation consists of the analysis of thefollowing parts: the teaching material, students, teaching aims, key anddifficult points, teaching methods and aids, teaching procedures and theblackboard design.

1.Analysis of the teaching material

First,let’s talk about the analysis of the teaching material. This lesson is chosenfrom the first book of PEP English, Grade 8, Unit 2. It is a listening andspeaking lesson. After this lesson, students will know how to express how oftenthey do something and their favorite activity. What’s more, their confidenceand speaking ability will be improved.

2.Analysis of the students

Then, itcomes to the analysis of students. They are in Grade 8 and have learned Englishfor several years, therefore they have some basic knowledge about the sentencepattern. However, their speaking English are not so well. So teachers shouldcreate chances for them to practice their oral English as much as possible.

3.Analysis of the teaching aims

Accordingto the New Curriculum Standard for English, I set the following three aims:

Knowledge aims:

Studentscan master the usage of the sentence pattern “How often do you…?” and “What’syour favorite…?”

Studentscan thoroughly understand the meaning of once, twice, three times, etc.

Ability aims:

Studentscan use the sentence pattern “How often do you…?” and “What’s your favorite…?”in their conversation.

Studentscan improve their speaking ability by pair work and role play.

Emotional aims:

Studentswill know how to express how to express how often they do something and theirfavorite activity.

4.Analysis of the key and difficult points

Then letme talk about the key & difficult points: students can properly use thesentence pattern “How often do you…?” and “What’s your favorite…?” and thephrases such as twice a week, go to the movies, etc.

5.Analysis of teaching methods and teaching aids

As forthe teaching methods and teaching aids, I will mainly use communicativelanguage teaching method and task-based teaching method, as well as picturesand multimedia.

6.Analysis of the teaching procedures

Now, itcomes to the most important part: the analysis of the teaching procedures. Iwill finish this lesson in the following steps.

Step 1: warm-up.

In thispart, I will first say hello to everyone and then show some pictures, ask themquestions, ”Can you describe what is happening in the picture?” and lead in thetopic of today’s lesson---How often do you exercise?

Picturesare useful tools for attracting students’ attention and describing the newwords and phrases. By using pictures and asking questions, I can easily attractstudents’ attention and lead in the topic of this lesson.

Step 2: pre-listening.

In thispart, students will learn some new phrases: read English books, use theInternet, go to the movies.

Byshowing pictures and using the sentence pattern “How often do you…”with thesenew phrases, students can master the pronunciation and meaning of these newphrases, as well as the sentence pattern, thus create a better foundation forthe next step---while-listening.

Step 3: while-listening.

In thispart, students will listen to the tape for three times altogether. For thefirst time, it’s extensive-listening. Students will answer the question: Howoften do you exercise? By doing so, they can master the general topic of thistext. Then, it comes to the intensive-listening: after the second time, theywill do a match exercise. By doing so, their logical ability can bestrengthened. And for the third time, they will be asked to fill in the chart.By doing so, they can be more familiar with the new words and phrases.

Afterthese activities, students’ listening ability and their logical thinkingability will be improved.

Step 4: post-listening.

In thispart, students will do some pair work and role play to strengthen theirunderstanding of this listening material and their oral English.

Step 5: summary and homework.

In thispart, I will ask a student to help us summarize what we have learned today sothat students can grasp the main target of this lesson. Then I will leave thema task to deepen what we have learned today by making a new conversation withthe sentence pattern in this listening material. By doing so, students canmaster the usage of the sentence pattern.

7.Analysis of the blackboard Design


The lastpart of my teaching plan is the blackboard design. It is as follows:

It issimple but clear. Students can easily get the main points of this lesson.

That’sall for my presentation. Thank you.

初中英语Unit 3 Online tours写作课说课稿

Unit 3 Online tours Writing

说课,就是教师在总结自己教学实践经验的基础上,从教学理论的高度,依照教学大纲要求,结合教学内容、学生基本状况和现有教学条件等实际情况,对自己的备课思路、课堂教学设计进行系统阐述。说课具有提高教学效率的作用,说课的过程能使教师做到备课、授课思路清晰,步骤清晰,重点突出,方法得当。所以,写好一份说课稿,对于我们进行说课或者讲课都是至关重要的。以下是牛津版初二下学期unit 3 online tours写作课说课稿。

Good morning,dearjudges,i am number 7,I am very glad to stand here to interpret my lesson,today,my topic is online tours,it is the writing part .my lesson consists of severalaspects:the analysis of teaching material and students,teaching aims and so on.

Ⅰ Analysis of the teaching material

Firstly,thelesson i am going to talk about is from Oxford English book published by Yilingrade 8 unit 3,online tours .the writing part.this part is mainly to improvestudents’ writing skills by reviewing the sentence structure “it isa/an...country?” “it has always been famous for...”

II Analysis of students

And mystudents are in junior,they are generally interested in learning English,theyhave huge curiosity for English,but they are poor in making sentences logically,so during the lesson,i will pay more attention to their logic of theirpassages.

III Analysis of teaching aims

Accordingto the English curriculum standard, teaching material and students, I setfollowing teaching aims:

(1)Knowledge aim:

studentsare able to use the key sentence structure:it is a/an ...country.It has alwaysbeen famous for...

(2)Ability aims:

students’abilities of making sentences and describing things around ourselves can beimproved.

(3)Emotional aim:

studentsare willing to describe things they are familiar with in English.

IV Analysis of teaching key points and difficult points

Accordingto the teaching aims,the key points of the lesson is to let students grasp someuseful expressions it is a/an ...country.It has always been famous for.andStudents can describe a country in English by using these key sentencestructures.

Thedifficult point is that students’ essay can be logical and sentences they usedare fluent

V Analysis of teaching methods and learning methods

I’llmainly use “Task-based teaching method” I think in this way, students can havea clear idea what they will write and how to write.

I want mystudents to learn in a cooperative way. I will design a discussion , i think itis helpful for them to get more information about the country they willdescribe.

VI Analysis of teaching aids

In orderto catch students’ attention, I will prepare multi-media and pictures.

VII Analysis of teaching procedures

Step 1 Warm-up and Lead-in

Firstly,Iwill greet students and in the following step, i will show some pictures aboutdifferent countries in the world,and ask them which country the like most andwhy. Then let students discuss the question with their desk mates. After that,I will let students share their favorite countries and then ask students :youall did a good job,and i have a good friend,called Amy.so do you want to knowwhat is Amy’s favorite country?this question can lay a foundation for the nextstep of the new lesson.

Step2 pre-writing

In thisstep,i will let students read the model essay and get the main idea of the,passage and then let students discuss thees questions with theirpartners:which country is Amy’s favorite one.how about the country and why Amylike the country? Next,divide students into several groups of four people,andlet them collect information about the countries they will describe.such asbackground about the country,places to visit,best time to visit,weather and sono.

Step 3 :while-writing

I willask students to write a short passage about describing a country,they can writea composition based on the above discussion.while writing,i will ask them topay attention to the spelling,grammar,and the logic of sentences.

Step 4: post-writing

In thisstep,i mainly design two activities:peer editing and self editing.firstly,iwill let students exchange their articles with their desk mates and check foreach other. they can read the passage and pay attention to the grammar,spellingand punctuation of their writings.next,let students check their own passagescarefully and pay attention to the grammar,spelling and punctuation of theirwritings.

Step 5:summary and homework.

By theend of the class,i will invite one of students to review what expressions wehave learned today and others make a supplement together.

And afterthe lesson,the need to revise their compositions again and introduce thecountry they wrote to their parents.

Ⅷ Analysis of blackboard design:

This ismy blackboard design,it includes the title of this unit and some useful impressions.iwill put them on the middle of the black.so it is simple and clear for studentsto learn some useful expressions.

初中英语《Around the world in a day》说课稿

《Around the world in a day》


Goodmorning/afternoon, everyone! I'm very glad to stand here to interpret mylesson. Today, my topic is around the world in a day. My lesson consists ofseven aspects: he analysis of teaching material , students ,teaching aims, andso on.

Ⅰ.Analysis of the teaching material

Firstly,I’m going to talk about the analysis of the teaching material. This lesson isfrom the listening part of unit3 of grade 8 in YLNJ English book. And the maintopic of this lesson is around the world in a day. The author introduce herjourney in the World Park in America. By studying this unit, we will enablestudents to understand some words and some important and useful phrases. At thesame time, encourage students to speak English in class, which can helpstudents improve their listening and speaking skills.

Ⅱ.Analysis of the students

Secondly,I’d like to talk something about the students. My students are in junior 2.They are active, curious and interested in new things.After several years’study, they have mastered the basic English knowledge and skills. But in thisclass, But they are lack of self-control and self-confidence in English study.So in this class i will use different teaching method to draw their attentionto this class.

Ⅲ.Analysis of the teaching aims

Accordingto the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teachingmaterial and analyzing the rule of students’ growing of mind, I set thefollowing aims.

Knowledge aim: studentscould use the new phrase and words and after this class, they should have abasic idea of this whole passage.

Ability aim: throughanswering different tasks, students ability of skimming and scanning could beimproved.

Emotional aim:studentswill have more interest in learning English and can actively take part in differentclass activities.

Ⅳ.Analysis of the key and difficult points

Then, letme talk something about the key point and difficult point. The teaching keypoint is that Students can understand this passage and can use new words andphrases.and the teaching teaching difficult points is that Students can useEnglish in their daily life to talk about different culture.

Ⅴ.Analysis of teaching and study methods

Now, letme talk about teaching methods and study methods. I will mainly use task-basedteaching method. In my class, Various tasks will be used for the students tohelp them master the new words and the sentence structure. Besides, I will usesituational teaching method and Communicative Approach.

Ⅵ.Analysis of the teaching procedures

And nowit comes to the most important part of my presentation which is made up of fivesteps:warming up,pre-reading,while-reading,post-reading,summery and homework.

Step 1 Warming-up

In thewarming up stage,i will do free talk with students, ask them if they have everbeen to the World Park and have they heard about sth about the World Park.thiskind of free talk can help students to recall their memory of their trip or sthabout the world park,and the class atmosphere could be activated and studentscould be interested in learning this class.

Step 2 Pre-reading

In thisstage,i will introduce the background that Linda comes from the USA, and she isvisiting her cousin Kitty, she went to the World Park with the class1,grade8yesterday, and she wrote an Email to his parents.and then let students guesswhat will Linda see in the World Park, and how about her journey. In thisway,students could better prepared for what they will learn in this class andcan draw their attention to think about the author’s journey.

Step 3 While-reading

Studentsread this passage for the first time,and after reading,they should circle thewords and phrase that they don’t understand. Then translate these words andphrases in Chinese and then ask them to finish the exercise.through thisway,students can better get usage of the new words and phrases,at the sametime,they can better understand this passage.

Then askthem to read the passage as carefully as possible and then ask the followingquestions:

1.describethe whether the day they went to visit the park.

2.Whatdid they see in the World Park.

3.Whatdid Linda recommend her parents do.

Thenfinish the exercise B2. In this way,students can have deep understanding ofthis passage,at the same time,their reading skill could be developed.

Step 4 Post-reading

Givestudents 5minutes to do group work,encourage some students to be the tour guideto introduce some place of interest for the rest of the class. In thisway,students not only can have better mastery of new words,but also can improvetheir speaking skill,once they can speak English out,they will be more willingto learn English.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Askstudents to be my assistant to help me summarize what we have learnt in thisclass and after class they should finish the task B3 and B4. In thisway,students could be the true master of class to summarize and the homeworkcan help them to consolidate what they have learnt.

Ⅶ. Analysisof the blackboard Design

At last,let me talk about my blackboard design. Which consists of 2 parts , the firstpart is the topic ,the second part is clue of this passage. my blackboard islogical and neat and my students can clearly see what we have learned in thisclass.

Aroundthe world in a day




How togo:

The park:

That isall for my lecture, thanks for your listening.

以上就是英语说课稿《Around the world in a day》

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