国务院办公厅日前印发《“十四五”文物保护和科技创新规划》。规划提出,到2025年,文物保护水平全面提升,文物科技创新能力实现跃升。The General Office of the State Council has released a plan for the preservation of cultural relics and related technological innovation during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025). China pledges to comprehensively improve its level of cultural relic preservation and attain a substantial increase in its technological innovation capability in the field by 2025, according to the document.
【重要讲话】要保护好、传承好、利用好中华优秀传统文化,以利于更好坚定文化自信、凝聚民族精神。Efforts should be made to properly protect, develop and utilize fine traditional Chinese culture, in a bid to build stronger cultural confidence and foster the national spirit.——2021年8月24日,习近平考察承德避暑山庄时强调
文物承载灿烂文明,传承历史文化,维系民族精神,是老祖宗留给我们的宝贵遗产。保护文物功在当代、利在千秋。Cultural relics impart the brilliance of China's civilization, culture and legacy, and they bond Chinese people together with the strong ethos they embody. They are a valuable legacy from our ancestors and the protection will benefit future generations.——2016年4月,习近平对文物工作作出重要指示
文物保护利用protection and utilization of cultural relics
文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources
考古能力建设 archaeological capacity building