



中华人民共和国成立70周年 the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC

10月1日,庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会、阅兵式、群众游行在北京天安门广场隆重举行。China put on a grand celebration, followed by a military parade and mass pageantry at Tian'anmen Square on Oct 1, the National Day, to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC).







The founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) completely changed China's miserable fate of being poor and weak and being bullied and humiliated in over 100 years since the advent of modern times. The Chinese nation has since then embarked on the path of realizing national rejuvenation.



China's yesterday had been inscribed in human history while China's today is being created in the hands of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, China will surely have an even brighter future.


假日消费 holiday spending

Tourists' spending during the holiday reached nearly 650 billion yuan, an increase of 8.47 percent from the previous year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said.文化和旅游部表示,假期期间的游客消费达到近6500亿元,比去年增加8.47%。

The Ministry of Commerce said that the combined sales of the retail and catering industries nationwide reached 1.52 trillion yuan during the holiday, up 8.5 percent year-on-year.商务部表示,全国零售和餐饮企业实现销售额1.52万亿元,比去年同期增长8.5%。



Tourists from more than 500 cities booked travel products including package tour, independent tour, customized tour and local sightseeing in 100 countries and regions.携程数据显示,有来自500多个城市的旅游者通过该平台预订跟团游、自由行、定制旅游、当地玩乐等产品;涉及100个国家和地区。


Senior citizens are fully embracing e-commerce. Those aged over 50 are buying more, especially products usually purchased by the younger generations.老年人全面接受电子商务。50岁以上消费者购物更多,而且买的都是年轻一代经常购买的产品。


"Red tourism," or revolutionary-themed tourism, has become a highlight. About 78.84 percent of tourists participated in activities celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to statistics from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. About 66.4 percent visited culture and history-themed tourist sites红色旅游成为假日一大亮点。文化和旅游部的数据显示,约78.84%的游客参与了中华人民共和国成立70周年相关的庆祝活动。约66.4%的游客参观了文化旅游主题景点。

世园会闭幕 the Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition ends

The Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition hosted nearly 3,300 activities and attracted 9.34 million visitors from home and abroad during its 162-day run. It has brought together exhibitors from 110 countries and international organizations, as well as more than 120 unofficial exhibitors, for indoor displays and outdoor gardening.在为期162天的展览期间,北京世园会举办了近3300场活动,吸引了934万国内外游客,共有110个国家和国际组织、120余个非官方参展者参与室内展览以及室外园艺展示。



Around 8,000 gardening plants and 820 vegetable, fruit and herb species were displayed at the event.世园会荟萃国内外园艺精品8000多种,集中展示了820多种蔬菜、果树、中草药。


Nearly 1,000 pots of fine orchids were exhibited at the exhibition. The flowers were sent by 48 competitors from dozens of provinces, regions and municipalities at home as well as Japan, the Republic of Korea and other countries, according to the expo's coordination bureau.近千盆精品兰花在世园会期间展出。据世园会协调局介绍,兰花竞赛的48位参赛选手来自国内多个省、区、直辖市以及日本、韩国等多个国家。


More than 3,200 cultural events showcasing the culture and ecology of participating countries were also held during the expo, including concerts, dances, operas and displays of intangible cultural heritages.整个展期共举办了3200多场精彩纷呈的文化活动,展示参展国家的文化及生态文明,活动包括音乐会、舞蹈、歌剧、非物质文化遗产展示等。

Passionate African dances, exquisite Thai fruit carvings, fascinating Turkish paintings and authentic French baguette baking offered exotic experiences and were widely adored by visitors.热情的非洲舞蹈、精致的泰国水果雕刻、迷人的土耳其绘画以及地道的法棍面包烘焙奉上异国体验,受到游客热捧。


The expo, themed "Live Green, Live Better," has promoted the idea of green development among the public over the past several months. Yanqing, the site of the expo, is a good example of pursuing green development.过去几个月间,以“绿色生活,美丽家园”为主题的北京世园会向公众宣传了绿色发展理念,而世园会的举办地延庆就是追求绿色发展的一个好例证。

With a forest coverage of nearly 60 percent, one can barely believe that Yanqing once suffered from desertification when its forest cover rate was less than 7 percent in the early 1950s.延庆现在的森林覆盖率近60%,不敢相信上世纪50年代初期,延庆沙漠化情况严重,森林覆盖率还不到7%。


After the expo, the park will serve as an education center to display achievements in ecological civilization and convey the importance of nature, plants and environmental protection to the next generation.世园会闭幕以后,园区将作为生态文明教育基地,展示相关成果并向下一代传递珍视自然、植物以及环保的理念。

The park, as a legacy of the expo, will also be used to support the upcoming Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Yanqing will host several Winter Olympics events, including Alpine skiing, bobsled, skeleton and luge.此外,园区也将为2022年北京冬奥会服务。延庆将承办冬奥会高山滑雪、雪车、无舵雪车以及雪橇等项目的比赛。

在线旅游经营服务 online travel services



The regulation would ban online travel agencies from offering unreasonably cheap tour packages or using big-data analysis to price tour products to the disadvantage of existing customers.暂行规定禁止在线旅游经营者提供不合理低价团或者利用大数据“杀熟”。

所谓的“大数据杀熟”指在线旅游经营者利用大数据等技术手段,针对不同消费特征的旅游者,对同一产品或服务在相同条件下设置差异化的价格(varied prices for same tour product or service based on different consumers)。

违反该条规定的,由市场监督管理部门责令限期改正,没收违法所得(confiscate illegal gains),可以并处五万元以上二十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处二十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。

Agencies should also publicize the process of reserving tour packages and travel services to users to make the process more transparent.在线旅游经营者应当建立透明、公开的旅游产品及服务预订渠道。


针对一些平台“删除、隐匿差评”等问题,《暂行规定》还规定,平台经营者应当保障旅游者的正当评价权,不得非法删除、屏蔽旅游者对平台服务及其平台内经营者的产品和服务的评价(agencies should not delete or block consumers' comments on tour products and services),不得误导、引诱、替代或强制旅游者做出评价。


平台经营者未能对在线旅游平台内经营者、旅游辅助服务者资质进行审核(fail to examine and verify qualifications of tour service and support providers),或未能对旅游者尽到安全保障义务(fail to guarantee consumers' safety),造成旅游者损害的,依法承担相应责任。


高铁时间表 timetable for high-speed rail link

Twelve provinces and autonomous regions have set a timetable to connect all their cities with high-speed rail after East China's Fujian province became the first to achieve that in September, Economic View reported.据中新经纬报道,继福建省在今年9月成为全国首个市市通高铁的省份之后,另有12个省区市市通高铁时间表也相继出炉。



As the high-speed rail network improves, tourism services revolving around high-speed rail booms.随着国内高铁网络日益完善,围绕高铁的一站式旅游服务也繁荣起来。


Boom这个词可以用作动词或名词,均表示“繁荣、快速发展、激增”等意思,我们比较熟悉的表达有economic boom(经济繁荣)、baby boom(婴儿潮,即出生率激增)等,用作动词的时候一般可以直接表达为the economy is booming。此外,boom也可以表示“发出隆隆声”,比如,Thunder boomed like battlefield cannons.(轰隆隆的雷声宛如战场上的炮声。

During the past National Day holiday, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Zhangjiajie, Guilin, Huangshan, Zhangye, Lanzhou and Qingdao were the top 10 hottest destinations where travelers arrived by high-speed rail, according to a report by online travel agency


The high-speed railway handled 8.51 million passengers per day on average during the holiday, up 11.9 percent year-on-year, data from China State Railway Group Co Ltd shows.中国国家铁路集团有限公司称,国庆假期,高铁日均发送旅客达到851万人次,同比增长11.9%。

High-speed rail has sped up the process of China's urbanization and industrialization, and will help form an economic belt along the high-speed railway, Ding Ningning, a researcher with the Development Research Center of the State Council, said in a previous interview.


朋友圈改定位 change location shared in WeChat Moments

According to media reports, users can change the location shared in WeChat Moments with the help of a service available on some e-commerce platforms for as low as couple of yuan to dozens of yuan.据媒体报道,用户可以在一些电商平台花几元或者几十元来修改朋友圈分享的定位信息。

An investigation by Beijing Youth Daily found that the service is still available on e-commerce platforms, but sellers have to be authorized to remotely log in the buyer's WeChat account to change the GPS location with a plug-in.《北京青年报》调查发现,此类服务在电商平台有售,但是买家需要授权让卖家远程登录其微信账号,然后用插件修改定位信息。


这里的plug-in指a piece of software that can be added to a computer system to give extra features or functions(可添加入计算机系统以实现额外功能的软件),即“插件”。网络游戏中用来作弊的“外挂程序”则叫做tag-on service,指专门针对一个或多个网络游戏,通过改变网络游戏软件的部分程序制作而成的作弊程序(cheating program)。



单次代发一般只需10元、20元,需要用户自己先编辑好朋友圈内容,并设置为“仅自己可见”,告诉卖家需要的地理位置,卖家会提供一个二维码(QR code),用户扫描后将允许卖家远程登录自己的微信账号(remotely log in the buyer's WeChat account),并修改定位发布朋友圈。

软件无限次操作则需要用户购买外挂软件(plug-in software),一般在100元左右。用户下载APP,按照卖家发来的教程操作,即可无限次修改朋友圈定位。

此外,用户还可以购买一款像充电头一样的硬件设备(hardware device),插在手机上就能直接改变手机自身的位置,进而可以修改手机上任何软件的定位。

WeChat staff said that using plug-in software poses privacy and property security risks. Internet security experts also warned consumers not to buy this service, given the potential safety risks.


After gaining authorization through remote login, one can obtain the user's personal information and even implant trojans or viruses to the system, causing privacy leaks and loss of money, said an expert.一位专家表示,获得远程登录授权之后,对方可获取用户的个人信息,甚至在手机系统中植入木马或病毒,导致隐私泄露及财务损失。

WeChat's public relations team said on Thursday the technical department has launched a probe into the issue. WeChat was not aware of the existence of the fake location service and have been cracking down on the use of plug-ins, the team said. As of the first half of 2019, WeChat has banned about one million accounts using plug-ins temporarily or permanently.10月10日,微信公关回应,并不知道有此类服务售卖,一直在打击外挂行为,截止今年上半年已对百万违规账号进行临时或永久封禁处理,技术部已介入调查。

10月12日,微信表示,就媒体报道的外挂软件售卖信息,正在与淘宝沟通,要求下架相关违规服务(have such services removed from the platform),同时再次提醒用户不要使用此类外挂服务,以免带来隐私、财产安全等多种风险。

国家公务员考试 national civil servant exam

China plans to recruit about 24,000 civil servants to work for 86 central agencies and 23 institutions directly attached to them in the 2020 civil servant intake, the State Administration of Civil Service said Monday.国家公务员局10月14日表示,本次国考共计划招录2.4万人,涉及中央和国家机关86个单位、23个直属机构。


这里的intake表示某个机构或者某地在特定时间段“新招收或者新纳入的人”,比如,this year's intake of students(今年招的学生),annual intake of immigrants(每年接收的移民)等。此外,intake也可以表示 (食物、饮料、空气等的)摄取量,吸入量,比如,daily salt intake(每天的盐摄入量), intake of alcohol(饮酒量)等。


The recruitment, the first after the country's civil servant law was revised, offers more vacancies than about 14,500 last year.这是新修订的公务员法实施后第一次中央机关及其直属机构公务员招考,招录规模较上年的1.45万余人大幅增加。


首先突出政治要求,将政治素质(political integrity)考查贯穿始终。


The majority of the positions in Party and government agencies above the provincial level will require two years of grassroots work experience, according to the administration.公告显示,中央机关及其省级直属机构主要招录具有2年以上基层工作经历的人员。

More than 2,700 vacancies will be open only to those working in some primary-level projects, as well as veterans who have college degrees and served for a minimum of five years.有2700余个计划定向招录服务基层项目人员,以及在军队服役5年(含)以上的高校毕业生退役士兵。


Candidates will be evaluated based on their overall performance in the written tests, a physical examination and an internship.根据考试成绩、体检结果和考察情况等,择优确定拟录用人员。

北京垃圾分类 garbage sorting rules in Beijing


Individuals in Beijing who refuse to sort their garbage will be subject to a fine of 200 yuan, according to a new draft amendment to the city's current regulations on domestic waste management.《北京市生活垃圾管理条例修正案(草案送审稿)》规定,拒绝分类投放垃圾的个人将面临200元罚款。


Be subject to是一个常用的短语,表示“受...影响、支配;容易...;遭受...”等意思,比如:Clothing purchases over $200 are subject to tax.(购买200美元以上的衣服要交税。)I'd rather not live in an area that is subject to flooding.(我可不想住在容易发洪水的地方。)

Companies and organizations could be fined from 10,000 to 50,000 yuan if they refuse to follow the new regulations, according to the draft.


北京生活垃圾采取了“四分法”,共分为厨余垃圾(餐厨垃圾 kitchen waste)、可回收物(recyclables)、有害垃圾(hazardous waste)、其他垃圾(other waste)。


The regulation also proposes a fine from 1,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan for restaurants, food delivery companies, and hotels that continue to provide disposable cutlery or single-use toiletries when consumers have not explicitly requested them.条例草案还规定,餐饮服务者、餐饮配送服务提供者以及旅馆经营单位主动向消费者提供一次性餐具或者一次性日用品的,或将面临1000到5000元的罚款。

Express delivery firms that operate in Beijing should use electronic waybills and green packaging materials such as recyclable boxes or bags and eco-friendly tape.快递企业在本市开展经营活动的,应当使用电子运单和环保箱(袋)、环保胶带等环保包装。


Government departments and institutions will also need to promote a paperless work environment and not use disposable cups in their offices, said the draft.草案提出,党政机关、事业单位应当推行无纸化办公,不使用一次性杯子。

Any violations of garbage sorting regulations committed by individuals will be recorded in public credit information system.个人未将生活垃圾分别投放至相应收集容器的相关违法行为还将纳入公共信用信息管理。

大气污染治理 prevention and control of air pollution



The number of days with severe pollution should fall by 6 percent from Oct 1 to March 31, and the average density of PM2.5--fine, breathable particles with diameters 2.5 micrometers or smaller--should drop by 4 percent compared with the same period last year, according to the plan.方案明确,今年10月1日到明年3月31日,重度及以上污染天数同比减少6%,区域PM2.5(直径小于等于2.5微米的可吸入颗粒物)平均浓度同比下降4%。

2020年是打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划的目标年、关键年(a crucial year for China to win the battle for blue skies),2019-2020年秋冬季攻坚成效直接影响2020年目标的实现。



The plan sets a deadline to close down some outdated production facilities and suspend some highly polluted industry capacities in Tianjin as well as Hebei, Shanxi and Shandong provinces by the end of this year.2019年12月底前,天津、河北、山西及山东要淘汰一批老旧生产设备,关停部分高污染工业产能。

In Shanxi, for example, 1.75 million metric tons of steel capacity will be reduced, and outdated facilities that could produce 10 million tons of coke will also be shut down.比如,山西省压减钢铁产能175万吨,关停淘汰焦炭产能1000万吨。


By the end of this month, local authorities and enterprises in those regions are expected to have drafted a specific plan, setting a clear target and timeline to improve production quality and enhance pollutant emission standards to meet pollution control standards.2019年10月底前,制定综合整治方案,统一时间表,提出具体治理任务,提高污染物排放标准,提升产业发展质量和环保治理水平。


According to the plan, pollutant discharging licenses for construction material and furniture enterprises should be released by December.2019年12月底前,完成人造板、家具等行业排污许可证核发工作。


Steel manufacturers in Hebei are required to achieve an extra-low emission transformation of 100 million tons by the end of the year, while the target in Shanxi over the same time frame is 15 million tons.2019年12月底前,河北省完成钢铁行业超低排放改造1亿吨,山西省完成1500万吨。


The plan also called for efforts to accelerate adjustment of the energy structure by effectively pushing clean heating and controlling coal consumption.有效推进清洁取暖,控制煤炭消耗,加快调整能源结构。

食品安全 food safety


The national food safety campaign applies the "most rigorous standards" and requires the "strictest" supervision over the food sector and the "harshest" penalties and accountability for violations.此次全国食品安全专项行动落实“最严谨的标准、最严格的监管、最严厉的处罚、最严肃的问责”。


Food security强调的是确保人们都能得到维持健康生活所需要的粮食,主要跟粮食的供应和人们获取的渠道有关,我们称为“粮食安全”;而food safety强调的是确保人们吃进嘴里的食物在生产、存储和销售等环节都符合卫生健康标准,即“食品安全”。


发生在校园及其周边、餐饮聚集区、种养殖生产基地、农村和城乡接合部、物流中心等区域的案件(cases in and around schools, food markets, planting and breeding production bases, urban-rural junction areas and logistics centers);

呈现规模化、组织化、链条化的案件(cases that are committed by organizations);

涉及婴幼儿食品和药品的案件(cases involving medicines, food for infants and children);

利用网络、电商平台、社交媒体、电视购物栏目等实施的案件(cases involving the Internet, e-commerce platforms, social media and TV shopping programs);

人民群众反映强烈、社会影响恶劣、舆论高度关注的案件(cases that draw wide attention and have bad social influences)等。

专项行动将落实“处罚到人”,对违法犯罪企业及其法定代表人(legal person)、实际控制人(actual controller)、主要负责人(person in charge)等直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员进行追责,实行从业禁止(prohibition of employment in the industry for a certain period of time)、终身禁业(lifelong employment ban in the industry)。

世界互联网大会 World Internet Conference


The achievements, selected by a group of 39 experts from around the world, cover artificial intelligence, 5G, cloud computing, digital manufacturing, industrial internet and other internet-related fields.此次发布的科技成果是由来自全球的39位专家组成员评选出来的,涵盖了人工智能、5G、云计算、数字制造业、工业互联网以及其他互联网相关的领域。

“世界互联网领先科技成果发布活动”旨在展现全球互联网领域最新科技成果,弘扬互联网技术创新、绿色、包容和共享理念(innovative, green, inclusive and shared perception),彰显互联网领域从业者的非凡贡献,搭建全方位的创新交流平台。

这15项成果包括:鲲鹏920处理器(Huawei's Kunpeng 920 processor)、面向通用人工智能的异构融合天机芯片(hybrid Tianjic architecture towards artificial general intelligence)、统一自然语言预训练模型与机器阅读理解(machine reading comprehension)、特斯拉完全自动驾驶芯片(Tesla's full self-driving chip)、飞桨深度学习平台(deep learning platform Paddle Paddle)、智慧企业的AI创新与深入应用(in-depth application of AI in intelligent enterprises)等。


These achievements have given or will give a strong impetus to human life, scientific and technological progress, economic development and social transformation.这些成果已经或将要为人类生活、科技进步、经济发展、社会变革赋予强大动力。

The internet turns 50 years old in 2019. The development of the internet has pushed human society into the intelligent era of comprehensive perception, reliable transmission, intelligent processing and accurate decision-making. Foreseeing these changes is the purpose for the release of the world’s leading internet scientific and technological achievements. It also enables internet users to continuously explore their own potential and build confidence and strength to face a more exciting and challenging future, Wu added.今年是互联网发明50周年。互联网发展推动人类社会进入了全面认知、可靠传输、智能处理、精准决策的智能时代。发布世界互联网领先科技成果的目的就是预见这些变化,同时也让互联网用户继续开发自身潜力,树立信心、构建实力来面对一个更加激动人心又充满挑战的未来。


2019年10月20日至22日,第六届世界互联网大会在浙江省桐乡市乌镇举行。大会主题为“智能互联 开放合作——携手共建网络空间命运共同体(Intelligent Interconnection for Openness and Cooperation: Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace)”。本次大会将聚集“科学与技术”、“产业与经济”、“人文与社会”、“合作与治理”四大重点板块,共设20个分论坛(20 sub-forums),秉持开放、平等、互信、共赢的理念,邀请全球互联网领军人物及重量级嘉宾共同探讨与回应当前国际社会对5G、人工智能、物联网等新技术、新业态发展的深度关切。

未成年人保护法 Minors Protection Law


In a new chapter named "Internet Protection", legislators began by giving a nod to minors' proper internet use. The 11-clause chapter lays out duties for governments, schools, parents and digital service providers as to their responsibilities in navigating youngsters through cyberspace.新增设的“网络保护”专章明确,国家保护未成年人合理使用网络的权利。这一章共11条,规定了政府、学校、家长以及数字服务供应商在引导青少年使用网络的责任。


Minor这个词用法很多,可以用作动词、名词和形容词。在法律上,minor指未满18岁的人,即“未成年人”。在学校里,minor可以指“辅修(课程)”或者“辅修生”,与major(专业)相对,比如,I'm minoring in computer science./Computer science is my minor.(我辅修计算机科学。)用作形容词的时候,minor也是与major相对的,表示“次要的、轻微的、小的”,比如,She played a number of minor roles in films.(她在电影里扮演过一些小角色。)

草案规定,学校、社区、图书馆、文化馆、青少年宫等场所为未成年人提供的公益性互联网上网服务设施,应当安装未成年人上网保护软件(install software to protect minors from harmful information)。

国家鼓励和支持有利于未成年人健康成长的网络内容的创作与传播,鼓励和支持专门以未成年人为服务对象、适合未成年人身心发展特点的网络技术、设备、产品、服务的研发、生产和使用(develope technologies, devices and services tailored to children's needs)。

Service providers were ordered to offer designs that will allow parents or other guardians to monitor children's time and money spent on online platforms and stop them from internet addiction.网络产品和服务提供者应当设置相应的时间管理、消费管理等功能,为父母或者其他监护人预防和干预未成年人沉迷网络提供便利。

The chapter forbids threats, insults and attacks of minors in written, visual or audio forms and empowered parents and other guardians to demand service providers to remove such content.草案规定,任何组织或者个人不得通过网络以文字、图片、音视频等形式侮辱、诽谤、威胁未成年人,受害未成年人的父母或者其他监护人可以要求网络信息服务提供者及时采取删除、屏蔽等措施,停止侵害。

巴黎奥运会徽 emblem for Paris 2024 Olympics



Paris 2024 has unveiled new shared Olympic and Paralympic Games emblem following an innovative launch ceremony, which saw over 700 runners led by Olympic and Paralympic medallists run different routes around the center of Paris and Saint-Seine-Denis, forming the outline of the new Paris 2024 emblem.巴黎2024年奥运会组委会举办了一个充满创意的发布仪式,700名跑者在奥运会及残奥会获奖运动员的带领下分别从巴黎市中心和塞纳-圣但尼省出发,按照不同的路线跑动,各条路线最后形成巴黎2024年奥运会会徽的图样。

The new design brings together three iconic symbols connected to sport, the Games and France - the gold medal, the Olympic and Paralympic flames, and Marianne.会徽设计将三个与体育相关的象征符号结合在一起,分别是:奥运金牌、奥运之火和法兰西共和国象征——玛丽亚娜女神。


The medal, a symbol of sport. In adopting the shape and the color of the most precious form of sporting recognition of them all, the emblem expresses one of sport's core values: striving for excellence.金牌是体育运动的象征。会徽采用体育运动领域认可度最高的奖牌颜色和形状,体现了体育的核心价值:追求卓越。

The flame, an icon of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Handed over from Games to Games, the flame links nations and generations.


And Marianne, the image of France. She encapsulates the generosity, boldness and creativity that inspires the Paris 2024 Games. Her face is also a nod to history and female athletes, who were first allowed to compete in the Olympics at the 1900 Games in Paris.


巴黎2024年奥运会和残奥会将使用同样的标志作为会徽(the emblem will be the same for the Olympic and Paralympic Games),这在历史上还是第一次,体现了巴黎奥组委希望用同样理念和标准举办奥运会和残奥会的决心。

第三代杂交水稻 the third generation hybrid rice

由“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平团队研发的第三代杂交水稻10月21日至22日首次公开测产(the first public yield monitoring)。



The final yield of the tested variety, G3-1S/P19, came to 1,046.3 kg per mu (about 667 square meters), based on two plots of land in Qingzhu Village under the city of Hengyang in central China's Hunan province.本次测产的两个田块位于湖南省衡阳市下属的清竹村,新组合G3-1S/亲19的测产结果为平均亩产1046.3公斤。

Experts agreed that the rice has a stout stem, fertilizer tolerance, lodging resistance, large spike and more grains.专家测产组认为,这次测产的组合表现出茎秆粗壮、耐肥抗倒、穗大粒多等特点。


Yield这个词可以用作名词和动词,表示“产量、收益”或者“屈服、投降、退让”等意思,比如:yield to someone/something(屈服于某人或某事),yield to impulse(一时冲动),yield to pressure(屈服于压力);yield a profit(获得收益),lucrative yield(丰厚的收益),average annual yield(平均年产量)等。


Unlike the previous two generations that required a large amount of water and fertilizers as well as demanding growing conditions and technological support, the third-generation hybrid rice is easier to be cultivated by ordinary farmers.前两代杂交水稻需要大量的水和肥料,同时对生长环境和技术支持要求较高,第三代杂交水稻栽种更简便,普通农民就可以种植。

One of the most important characteristics of the third-generation hybrid rice is that it has a shorter growing period. Some previous high-yielding hybrid rice varieties in China took 160 to even 180 days from sowing to harvesting, while the figure was shortened to around 125 days for the new variety.第三代杂交水稻最突出的一个特点是生长周期缩短。此前的高产量杂交水稻从种植到收割需要160天,甚至180天,而第三代的生长周期缩短到月125天。


A shorter growth period can reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, thus reducing cost and improving production efficiency.生长周期缩短可以减少农药和化肥的使用,由此降低了成本,提升了生产效益。


China now feeds around 20 percent of the world's population with less than 9 percent of the world's arable land.中国现在用全球不到9%的耕地养活全世界约20%的人口。

Yuan, who developed the world's first hybrid rice in the 1970s, has set multiple world records in hybrid rice yields in previous years, making great contributions to the food security of China and the world.袁隆平在上世纪70年代研发出全世界第一个杂交水稻品种,过去几年间,他研发的杂交水稻产量多次创造世界纪录,为中国和全世界的粮食安全作出了巨大贡献。



The third-generation hybrid rice has the comprehensive strength to promote a greener and more sustainable development of China's rice production with higher quality and yield.第三代杂交水稻的综合优势,可以推动我国的水稻生产向更加优质、高产、绿色和可持续方向发展。

无锡桥梁坍塌 collapse of an overpass in Wuxi

The collapse of an overpass in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, which killed three and injured two, was caused by heavily-overloaded vehicles, according to the transport authority.交通管理部门表示,导致3人死亡、2人受伤的江苏省无锡市桥面坍塌事故是由车辆严重超载导致的。


这里的overpass指修建在道路、铁路等上方的通行道路,我们一般称为“高架桥”或“跨桥”,在英式英语中被称为flyover;而我们常见的bridge则多指架设在河流、山谷等自然障碍物的两侧,使其得以通行的道路,即“桥梁”。大城市里常见的各种高架桥及道路组合而成的“立交桥”则叫做stack interchange或者butterfly junction。



The bridge was constructed in 2005 and passed the acceptance check in 2007. The main body of the bridge is complete without any breakage or transverse cracks, and its design meets relevant standards.该桥于2005年5月开工建设,2007年11月通过竣工验收。该桥梁体完整,未见折断,未见跨中和墩顶严重横向开裂现象,设计符合设计期相关规范要求。

A preliminary investigation suggests that an overweight semitrailer passing over the bridge caused the overpass to tip to one side. The investigation of the accident is ongoing.该事故原因初步分析为半挂牵引车严重超载导致桥梁发生侧翻,具体情况仍在继续调查中。

下一步,交通运输部(the Ministry of Transport)将会同有关部门深刻剖析事故原因,及时进行事故警示,改进安全管理措施(improve safety management),加强重点领域、重点环节安全监管,确保同类事故悲剧不再重演(make sure that tragedy like this won't happen again)。

塑料书皮 plastic book cover


According to the regulation, the Ministry of Education has asked all primary and middle schools, as well as all administrative departments under its jurisdiction, to ensure that students will not be required to protect their books with plastic covers, in an effort to achieve what the ministry is calling a “zero plastic back-to-school season.”通知要求,中小学校和各级教育行政部门不得强制学生使用塑料书皮,努力实现“无塑开学季”。

通知称,使用塑料容易造成白色污染,有些不合格的塑料书皮含有甲醛(formaldehyde)和苯(benzene),对于儿童的神经系统和体格发育有影响(cause harm to children's nervous systems and physical development)。

各级教育行政部门和中小学校要在相关学科教学、课内课外活动以及学校管理各个环节中充分体现勤俭节约(practice frugality)、绿色低碳消费(green and low-carbon consumption),使学生切实增强生态环境意识(increase their awareness of ecological conservation)、提高生态环境保护能力。

It said market regulators should double efforts to identify substandard plastic products sold on campus and punish the producers.通知要求,市场监管部门要对销售进入校园的不合格塑料产品加大查处力度。

地铁新规 new rules for subway riders



The Ministry of Transport introduced a new regulation last week that bars passengers nationwide, with exceptions for infants and people with certain medical conditions, from eating or drinking in subway cars.交通运输部上周发布了一项新规,在全国范围内禁止乘客在地铁车厢内进食,婴儿及病人除外。

The policy is scheduled to take effect on April 1 along with a raft of new conduct rules that will forbid subway riders from playing music or videos on speakers, lying down or stepping on seats, the ministry said.交通运输部表示,该办法将于2020年4月1日起施行,明确了一系列新的行为规范,比如:禁止在地铁车厢内听音乐或看视频时外放声音、躺卧或踩踏座席等。

除了上述规定外,办法还明确了以下乘客行为规范:不得骑行平衡车、电动车(不包括残疾人助力车)、自行车(riding scooter, electricmobile or bicycle),使用滑板、溜冰鞋(using skateboard or roller skates);不得随地吐痰(spitting)、便溺(relieving oneself)、乱吐口香糖(spitting chewing gum),乱扔果皮、纸屑等废弃物(littering)等。

办法同时明确,乘客不得在地铁内推销产品或从事营销活动(marketing activities),乞讨(begging)、卖艺(busking)及歌舞表演(singing and dancing),大声喧哗、吵闹(talking loudly or shouting)等。

China's rail transit system has developed rapidly in recent years, with 35 cities in 24 provinces having built subways as of the end of 2018. The combined length of subway lines reached 5,295 kilometers last year, with the number of subway trips standing at about 21.28 billion in 2018.近年来,我国城市轨道交通快速发展。截至2018年底,我国内地共有24个省份的35个城市开通运营轨道交通,运营里程5295公里,2018年城市轨道交通客运量约212.8亿人次。

区块链技术应用 application of blockchain technology

中共中央政治局10月24日下午就区块链技术发展现状和趋势进行第十八次集体学习。中共中央总书记习近平在主持学习时强调,区块链技术的集成应用在新的技术革新和产业变革中起着重要作用,要加快推动区块链技术和产业创新发展。Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has underscored the important role of blockchain technology in the new round of technological innovation and industrial transformation, urging more efforts to quicken development in the sector. Xi made the remarks Thursday while presiding over a group study session of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau on the development and trend of blockchain technology.







Coordinated key-task tackling should be advanced and breakthroughs in key technologies should be accelerated to provide safe and controllable technological support for blockchain development and its application. Research on the standardization of blockchain should be stepped up to increase China's influence and rule-making power in the global arena.


第二届中国国际进口博览会 the second China International Import Expo (CIIE)

President Xi Jinping will deliver a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) on November 5 in Shanghai, Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Bingnan announced Tuesday.商务部副部长王炳南表示,国家主席习近平将于11月5日出席在上海举办的第二届中国国际进口博览会开幕式并发表主旨演讲。

王炳南指出,在各有关方面的共同努力下,目前第二届中国国际进口博览会国家展(country exhibitions)、企业展(business exhibitions)和第二届虹桥国际经济论坛(the second Hongqiao International Economic Forum)各项筹备工作已基本就绪。



Covering a total area of 30,000 square meters, the country exhibitions will host 64 countries (including China) and three international organizations, with uniquely designed pavilions to showcase the countries' development achievements, business environment and special industries.国家展总展览面积3万平方米,集中展示各国发展成就、营商环境和特色产业。各国家馆的形象设计独具本国特色,共有64个国家(含中国)、3个国际组织参展。

The 15 guest countries of honor are Cambodia, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, India, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Peru, Russia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Zambia.15个主宾国(按英文字母排序)分别是柬埔寨、捷克、法国、希腊、印度、意大利、牙买加、约旦、哈萨克斯坦、马来西亚、秘鲁、俄罗斯、泰国、乌兹别克斯坦和赞比亚。


Covering 330,000 square meters, the business exhibitions have attracted more than 3,000 companies from over 150 countries and regions.企业展总展览面积33万平方米,来自150多个国家和地区的3000多家企业签约参展。


The second Hongqiao International Economic Forum, under the theme of "Opening-up and Innovation for Win-win Cooperation," will include five parallel sessions and is expected to attract over 4,000 delegates.第二届虹桥国际经济论坛主题为“开放创新、合作共赢”,包括5场分论坛,预计将有4000多名代表参会。

The scale of the second CIIE is larger than the first one, with the total exhibition area rising to 360,000 square meters from 300,000 square meters last year.第二届进博会的规模比第一届更大。首届展览总面积30万平方米,今年达到36万平方米。

Although the area for business exhibitions has been expanded twice, there are still companies failing to get a place.其中企业展的面积两次扩大,仍然“一展难求”。


中国国际进口博览会,是迄今为止世界上第一个以进口为主题的国家级展会,是国际贸易发展史上一大创举。举办中国国际进口博览会,是中国着眼于推动新一轮高水平对外开放作出的重大决策,是中国主动向世界开放市场的重大举措。这体现了中国支持多边贸易体制、推动发展自由贸易的一贯立场,是中国推动建设开放型世界经济、支持经济全球化的实际行动。The CIIE is the world’s first import expo held at the national level, an innovation in the history of global trade. It is an important decision made by China to pursue a new round of high-level opening-up, and is China’s major initiative to still widen market access to the rest of the world. It demonstrates China’s consistent position of supporting the multilateral trading system and promoting free trade. It is a concrete action by China to advance an open world economy and support economic globalization.

学生减负 cut workloads for kids



Fourteen departments in Zhe­jiang recently introduced the guideline which contains 33 detailed measures aimed at schools, after-school training institutions, parents and education authorities to help reduce students' academic burden.该方案由浙江14个部门联合起草,针对学校、课外培训机构、家长及教育管理部门列出33项具体举措,帮助学生减负。

The guideline allows primary school students to leave their homework unfinished after 9 pm, and middle school students at 10 pm, with parents' approval.方案明确,在家长同意的情况下,小学生晚9点、初中生晚10点后可以不做作业。

While no parents want to see their children yawning while overwhelmed with homework, many worry that if schools reduce homework assignments, make tests easier and downgrade the importance of scores, it is the parents who must provide their children with more extracurricular learning to help them stand out from their peers. This is because the all-important national college entrance examination, or gaokao, is not going away anytime soon.虽说没有家长愿意看到自己的孩子熬夜赶作业,但是很多家长也担心,如果学校减少作业,降低考试难度以及分数的重要性,家长就得通过课外补习来帮助孩子在竞争中脱颖而出。因为最重要的高考在短期内是不可能取消的。

5G商用 commercialization of 5G services

China officially kicked off commercialization of 5G services on Thursday, with the nation's big three telecom operators rolling out their 5G data plans.10月31日,我国正式启动5G商用,三大电信运营商推出各自的5G套餐。

By the end of this year, more than 130,000 5G base stations will enter into service to support the network, marking one of the world's largest 5G deployments.到今年年底,将有13万个5G基站投入运营对5G网络提供支持,成为世界上最大规模的5G设备部署。


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


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