
1.在医院 May I see a specialist today? 今天有专家门诊吗? I want to make a registration for the surgical department.我想挂个外科。 相关词汇:internal 内科的 ,surgical 外科的,...



May I see a specialist today? 今天有专家门诊吗?

I want to make a registration for the surgical department.我想挂个外科。

相关词汇:internal 内科的 ,surgical 外科的,registration 挂号

What's the truoble? 怎么啦?

I feel sick.我感到恶心。

相关词汇:sick 恶心的 ,生病的,infirm 虚弱的,painful 痛苦的

I cough a great deal.我咳嗽得厉害。

相关词汇:cough 咳嗽,apoplectic 中风的,canker 溃疡,cold 感冒,伤风,fever 发烧,

flatulence 肠胃气胀,indigestion 消化不良,rash 皮疹,nettle rash 荨麻疹,sensitive 过敏

I feel a great pain here.我感觉这儿很痛。

My tooth is acting up.我的牙又疼了。

It's bleeding.**了。

I burned my finger.我烫到手指了。

相关词汇:burn 燃烧,烫伤,bleed 流血,**,acting up 犯病了,bandage 创可贴

I sprained my ankle.我的脚踝扭了。

I strained my waist.我闪到腰了。

相关词汇:ankle 脚踝,waist 腰,arm 臂,thigh **,**all leg 小腿,finger 手指,

Let me give you an examination.让我帮你检查一下。

Let me take your blood pressure.让我帮你量下血压。

Your blood pressure is stable.你的血压很稳定

Show me your tongue.让我看看你的舌头

相关词汇:examination 检查,blood pressure血压,tongue 舌头,hypertension 高血压,血压过高,hypotension 低血压,血压过低

You need an injection. 你需要打一针。

How long have you been like this?你这样子多久了?

When did it start?什么时候开始的?

相关词汇:flu 流感,physician 内科医生,surgon 外科医生,eye doctor 眼科医生,

dentist 牙医,symptom 症状,stomachache 胃痛 ,肚子痛,headache 头痛,dizzy 头晕

feel chilly 感觉发冷 chronical 慢性的,benign 良性的,tumour 肿瘤,肿块,

airborne 空气传播的,digestive 助消化的,specialist 专家医生,quack 庸医,

mosquito 蚊子,tendon 肌腱,suture (伤口)缝线,syrup 糖浆



Please fill the prescription for me. 请按药方帮我抓药。

Do you have a prescription for this?您有这种药的处方吗?

Please show me your prescription.请把你的药方给我看看.

相关词汇:prescription 药方,处方

Do you have any painkillers?你们有止疼药吗?

Do these painkillers have any side effects?这些止痛药有副作用吗?

By the way, what kind of medicine is good for a rash?


These drugs are used to reduce fever, but make you sleepy.


相关词汇:painkillers 止痛药,side effects 副作用,reduce fever 退烧

Follow the doctor's advice before taking the medicine


Forbidden for pregnant women. 孕妇禁止使用。

相关词汇:pregnant women 孕妇

药品词汇:penicillin 青霉素,aspirin 阿司匹林,antibiotic 抗生素,sedative 镇定剂,

sleep pill ** gargle 漱口水,eye drops 眼药水,nose drops 滴鼻剂 vaccinate 接种疫苗

  • 发表于 2022-12-01 13:49
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