





Chinese path of building strong armed forces / path of building a powerful military with Chinese characteristics


译文:We have strengthened military training and war preparedness, and undertaken major missions related to the protection of maritime rights, countering terrori**, maintaining stability, disaster rescue and relief, international peacekeeping, escort services in the Gulf of Aden, and humanitarian assistance. We have stepped up weapons and equipment development, and made major progress in enhancing military preparedness. The people’s armed forces have taken solid strides on the path of building a powerful military with Chinese characteristics. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)

2.中国特色****政策制度体系socialist military policy framework with Chinese characteristics


译文:To carry out the reform, we must follow the Thought on Sociali** with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, and observe the Party’s philosophy on strengthening the military for the new era, so as to ensure the Party’s absolute leadership over the military. The sole and fundamental criterion for judging the success of the reform is combat capability of the military, so we should keep our service personnel fully motivated. Through systematic planning, proactive design, innovative development, and overall reform, we can build a socialist military policy framework with Chinese characteristics. This framework will provide a strong guarantee for realizing the Party’s goal of building a strong military in the new era and making the Chinese military world-class armed forces. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)

3.**力量运用政策制度policy systems for using (deploying) our military forces


译文:We need to update the policy systems for using our military forces,so as to implement our national security strategies. The military must focus on how to fight and win when it is called on. To this end, we should reform the system for strategic military guidance, develop a system of laws and regulations for joint operations, and improve the system of combat readiness. Our policy systems for deploying our military forces must be based on joint operations and ensure both combat readiness in peacetime and prompt response in wartime, and this will enable our military to complete its mission for the new era. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)

4.**力量建设政策制度policy systems for strengthening the military


译文:We need to restructure the policy systems for strengthening the military. We should design a better institutional framework for the military human resources systems. This includes establishing a career-officer system, improving the system for ensuring the wellbeing of and social security for military personnel, and improving the military honor system. We should reform in a coordinated way our policy systems concerning military training, equipment development, logistics, research, national defense mobilization, and civil-military integration. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)

5.**管理政策制度policy systems for military management


译文:We need to advance reform of the policy systems for military management and create new strategic management systems. We should refine the defense expenditure system and ensure coordinated allocation of military resources. We should adopt military laws and regulations in an integrated way and enhance their codification. Our policy systems for military management must be precise, effective, comprehensive, procedure-based and mandatory, so as to improve the operations of our military and promote quality development of our armed forces. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)

6.“三位一体”新型**人才培养体系new system for training military personnel, which consists of military school education, field training, and professional military education


译文:We need to build a new system for training military personnel, which consists of military school education, field training, and professional military education,with a focus on training commanders for joint operations, new types of combat personnel, high-caliber personnel for technological innovation, and high-level strategic management. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on strengthening the Party, August 17, 2018)

7.联合作战指挥体系joint operations command system


译文:We should build a joint operations command system to improve our capacity in this regard. We should develop new combat forces and create new combat capabilities. We should enhance military training under combat conditions to enhance war preparedness. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on military work, January 4, 2019)

8.防御性的国防政策a national defense policy that is in nature defensive


译文:China will never pursue development at the expense of others’ interests, nor will China ever give up its own legitimate rights and interests. China pursues a national defense policy that is in nature defensive. China does not pose a threat to any other country. No matter what stage of development it reaches, China will never seek hegemony. (from the speech at the conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, December 18, 2018)

9.军民融合civil-military integration


译文:We should ensure that efforts to make our country prosperous and efforts to make our military strong go hand in hand. We will strengthen unified leadership, top-level design, reform, and innovation. We will speed up implementation of major projects, deepen reform of defense-related science, technology, and industry, achieve greater civil-military integration, and build integrated national strategies and strategic capabilities. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)


1. 严字当头、全面从严、一严到底

with the strictest discipline in all respects and at all times


译文:We must never falter in our efforts to improve Party conduct and combat corruption in the military, with the strictest discipline in all respects and at all times.

2. 培养有灵魂、有本事、有血性、有品德的新时代**军人,永葆**军队性质、宗旨、本色We will train the revolutionary officers and soldiers of a new era with faith, ability, courage, and integrity, and see that our forces forever preserve their nature, purpose, and character as the forces of the people.


译文:We will strengthen the Party in the military. We will launch activities under the theme of “passing on the traditions of revolution; stepping up to the task of making the military strong”. We will move forward with the development of the military honors system. We will train the revolutionary officers and soldiers of a new era with faith, ability, courage, and integrity, and see that our forces forever preserve their nature, purpose, and character as the forces of the people.

3. 要坚持用新时代中国特色**思想和新时代**的强军思想武装官兵,铸牢部队对**绝对忠诚的思想根基。

We must continue to educate our officers and soldiers with the Thought on Sociali** with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and our Party’s philosophy on strengthening the military for the new era, as a foundation for maintaining the military’s absolute loyalty to our Party.

4. 人才资源是强军兴军的宝贵战略资源。Human resources are a source of strategic wealth for strengthening and developing the armed forces.


  • 发表于 2022-11-30 16:06
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