
污水处理英语词汇 A A/A/O法 anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process(厌氧-缺氧-好氧法) A-A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A-O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processA-O 脱氮工艺 A-O ni...





anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process(厌氧-缺氧-好氧法)

A-A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A-O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processA-O

脱氮工艺 A-O nitrogen removal processA-O

除磷工艺 A-O phosphorus removal process

AB法 Adsorption Biodegradation process(吸附生物降解法)

总a放射线 Total a radioactivity

氨氮 ammonia-nitrogen

氨基酸 amino acid

氨化反应 Nitragen

铵盐 ammonium salt

A/O法(厌氧-好氧法) anaerobic-oxic process

奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟 Orbal oxidation ditch


巴登福脱氮除磷工艺 Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process

白水(漂洗废水) white water(bleaching water)

板框压滤 plate pressure filtration

离心机 centrifugal machine

半渗透膜 semi-permeable membrane

棒状杆菌属 corynebacterium

薄膜式淋水填料 film packing

饱和常数(Ks) saturation constant

暴雨公式 storm flow formula

暴雨径流 storm runoff

溢流井 overflow well

苯 benzene

苯胺 aniline

总B放射性 Total B radioactivity

泵型叶**气器 paddle impeller aerator

泵站 pumping station

BMTS型一体化氧化沟 BMTS intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch

闭路循环 closed loop

表面冲洗 surface washing

表面负荷 surface load

表面过滤 surface filtration

表面活性剂 surfactant

表面活性物质 surface active additive agent

表面曝气 surface aeration

表面曝气器 surface aerator

表面淹灌 surface flood irrigation

表面冲洗装置 surface washing facility

丙烯酸 acrylic acid

丙烯腈 acrylonitrile

病毒 virus

病原菌(致病菌) pathogen

病原微生物 pathogen microorgani**

BOD-污泥负荷 BOD-sludge load

补充水 make-up water

布朗运动 Brownian movement


财务评价 financial evaluation

配水系统 distribution system

侧渠型一体化氧化沟 integrated oxidation ditch with side ditch

产氢气乙酸菌 Rydrogenes and acetic aid genes

产甲烷细菌 methanogenes

产率系数 yield coefficient

常规给水处理工艺 conventional water treatment processes

敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculating cooling water system

超高纯水 ultra-high-purify water

超过滤 ultrafiltration

超过滤膜法 ultrafiltration membrane process

沉淀 precipitation, sedimentation

沉淀池 sedimentation tank

沉砂池 grit chamber

城市废水 municipal wastewater

城市废水处理 municipal wastewater treatment

澄清 clalification

可**** sustainable development

充满度 degree of fullness

重现期 exceedion interval, period of recurrence

抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower

臭氧发生器 ozone generator

臭氧法 ozonation process

臭氧消毒 ozone disinfection

初次(级)沉淀池 primary clarifier, primary sedimentation tank

除水器 drift eliminator

除铁除锰 iron and manganese removal

除盐水(脱盐水) desalted water,demineralized water

除渣 desilication, silica removal

除藻 algal removal

除氟 algal fluorine

穿透曲线 penetration curve

活性污泥法 activated sludge process

生物脱氮工艺 biological nitrogen removal process

船型一体化氧化沟 Boat Type in intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditch

纯(富)氧曝气法 pure-oxygen aeration process

磁凝聚 magnetic coagulation

磁盘法 magnetic disk process

磁过滤法 magnetic fierration process

萃取 extraction

萃取剂 extractant


达西定律 Darcy’s law

大肠菌群 Coliform-group bacteria

大气泡曝气装置 large bubble aerator

代谢 metaboli**

带式过滤 belt press filtration]

单级**消化池 single-stage conventional digester

单螺旋式曝气装置 single spiral aerator

氮 nitrogen

氮循环 nitrogen cycle

蛋白质 protein

倒虹管 inverted siphon

低放射性废物 low-level radio active waste

制浆废水 kraft mill wastewater

敌百虫 dipterex

敌敌畏 dichlorvos

涤纶纤维 polyester fiber

地表漫流系统 overland flow system(OF)

地表水 surface water

地面(表)水****** environmental quality standard for surface water

地下滤场 underground filtration field

地下渗漏 underground percolation

地下渗滤系统 subsurface infiltration system

地下水 groundwater

人工湿地系统 artificial(constructed) wetland

再生水回流地下水质** water quality standard for recharging parified wastewaterwater into groundwater aquifer

地下水位 underground water level

淀粉生产废水 starch producing wastewater

点滴-薄膜式淋水填料 splash-film packing

点滴式淋水填料 splash packing

点污染源 point pollufion source

电动电位 electromotance potential

电镀废水 electroplating wastewater

电极 electrode

电解法 electrolytical process

电流密度 eletronic density

电渗析 electrodialysis

电渗析器 electrodialyzer

电晕放电 brush discharge

动态年成本 dynamic annual cost

动植物油 oil and grease

对硫磷 parathion

多层床 multibed

多环芳烃 polycyclic hydracarban

多氯联苯 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)


二次(级)沉淀池 secondary clarifier, secondary sedimentation tank

二级处理 secondary tratament


乏燃料 spent fuel

反冲洗 black washing

反渗透(逆渗透) reverse o**osis

反渗透法 reverse o**osis process

反渗透膜 reverse o**osis membrane

反硝化,脱氮 denitrification

防止腐蚀 corrosion prevention

纺丝 spining

纺织废水 textile wastewater

放射性半衰期 radioactive half-life

放射性废水处理 radioactive wastewater treatment

放射性**物 radioactive effluent

非点源污染(面源污染) non-point source pollution

非离子氨 non-ionic ammonia

废水处理 wastewater treatment

废水中和 neutralization of wastewaters

分离 separation

分流制 separate system

分流排水系统 separated sewer system

酚 phenol

焚烧 incineration

风吹损失 windage loss

风筒式冷却塔 chimmey cooling tower

封闭循环系统 closed recirculation system

氟化物 fluoride

辐射流沉淀池 radial flow sedimentation tank

浮盖式消化池 floating-cover digester

气浮 flotation

福斯特利帕除磷工艺 Phostrip phosphorus removal process

福列德克斯脱氮除磷工艺 Phoredox nitrogen and phosphorus removal process

腐蚀 corrosion

富营养化 eutrophication

富营养化湖泊、水库 eutrophic lake,eutrophic reservoir


r射线 gamma rays

甘蔗废水 sugarcane wastewater

干化 drying

干化床 drying bed

冷却塔 cooling tower

钢铁工业废水 iron and steel mill wastewater

高纯水 ultrapure water

高放废物 high-level radio active wastes

高分子电解质 polymolecular electrolye

高分子絮凝剂 polymolecular floc

高负荷活性污泥法 high-loading activated sludge method

高负荷生物滤池 high loading biological filter

高炉煤气洗涤水 wastewater produced from scrubbing blast furnace top gas

高锰酸盐指数 potassium permanganate index

高速消化池 high-rate digester

高梯度磁分离器(HGMS) high grade magnegic separator

高浊度水 high turbidity water

格栅 bar screen

隔板反应池 baffle reaction tank

隔板式混合槽 baffle mixer

隔油池 oil separator

镉 cadmium

铬 chromium

给水泵站 water pumping station

给水处理 water treatment

给水**系统 water supply system

工业水处理与循环系统 industrial water treatment and recirculation system

工业废水 industrial wastewater汞 mercury

鼓风曝气 blast aeration

鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechanical cooling tower

固定螺旋式曝气装置 fixed spiral aerator

景观、娱乐水体 landscape and recreation waterbody

管道接口 conduit joint

给水配水系统 water supply piping distribution system

**平差 balancing netwok

罐头生产废水 Cannery wastewater

硅藻土 cilicious mar


海水淡化 demineralization of sea water

含酚废水 phenol contained wastewater

含水量 moisture content

含盐量 saline capacity

含油废水 oily wastewater

旱流污水量(DWF) dry-weather flow

好氧生物处理 aerobic biological treatment

好氧塘 aerobic pond

好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization

合成洗涤剂 synthetic detergent

合成纤维 synthetic fiber

合成纤维废水 synthetic fiber wastewater

合成橡胶 synthetic rubber

合流城市废水 combined municipal wastewater

合流制排水系统 combined sewer system

水体功能分类 waterbody function classification

核能工厂 nuclear power station

核燃料循环 nuclear fuel cycle

核素 nuclide

冶金工业废水 metallurgical industry wastewater

黑液 black liquor

黑液除硅 sillica-elimination from black liquid

虹吸滤池 siphon filter

化学处理 chemical treatment

化学工业 chemical industry

化学吸附 chemical adsorption

化学纤维 chemical fiber

化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand (COD)

环状管网系统 grid pipe network system

缓蚀 corrosion inhibition

缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor

磺化煤 sulfonated coal

挥发酚 volatile phenol

回流比 recycle ratio

回流污泥率 return sludge ratio

汇水面积 catchment area, collection area

混合 mixing

混合床 miced bed

混合液挥发性悬浮固体 mixed liquor volatile suspended solids(MLVSS)

混合液悬浮固体 mixed liquor suspended solids(MLSS)

混凝 coagulation

混凝沉淀 coagulation-sedimentation

混凝剂 coagulant

浑浊度 tubidity

活化产物 activation products

硅酸钠 sodium silicate

活性剂 activator

活性染料 active dye

活性炭 activated carbon

活性炭的再生 re-generation of activated carbon

活性炭吸附 active carbon adsorption

活性污泥 activated sludge

活性污泥法 activated sludge process

活性污泥负荷 activated sludge loading

活性污泥驯化 acclimation of activated sludge


机械反应池 mechanical reactor

机械剪切曝气装置 mechanical shearing aerator

机械搅拌 mechanical mixing

机械搅拌澄清池 accelerator

机械曝气 mechanical aeration

机械通风冷却塔 mechanical draft cooling tower

机械脱水 mechanical dewatering

极化现象 polarization

级配 granular composition

集水池 collection well

集中处理(合并处理) joint treatment

计算机 computer

计算机辅助设计 computer aid design

加速过滤器 accelo-filter

加压气化 pressure-gasification

甲基对硫磷 parathion methyl

甲醛 formaldehyde

甲烷 methane

甲烷发酵 methane fermentation

甲烷气体 methane gas

间歇式活性污泥系统 sequencing batch reactor activated sludge system(SBR)

蒹性塘 facultative pond

检查井 manhole

减压薄膜蒸发法 decreasing pressure and thin-film evaporation process

碱法制浆 soda pulping process

浆粕 pulp

降雨历时 duration of rainfall

降雨量,降水 precipitation

浇洒道路用水 street flushing water

焦化废水 coking wastewater

交替工作式氧化沟 alternative operating oxidation ditch

交替运行的生物滤池 alternative operating trickling filter

胶体 colloid

阶段曝气 step aeration

**池 contact chamber

**氧化法 contact oxidation process

结垢 scale

节水 water saving

锦纶纤维 polyamide fibe

r腈纶纤维 acrylic fiber

精制塘(深度处理塘) polishing pond

经济效益 economic benefit

径流系数 runoff coefficent

静态年成本 static annuity cost

景观娱乐用水水质** water quality standard for landscape and recreation area

酒精工业 alcohol distilery

就地处理系统(小型处理) on-site treatment systems (**all scale facilities)

聚丙烯酰胺 polyacrylamide

聚丙烯酰胺水** polyacrylamide hydrolysis product

聚合 polymerize

聚合度 polymerizing degree

聚合氯化铝 polyaluminum chloride

均衡池(塘) equalizalion tank(basin,lagoon)


卡罗塞式氧化沟 Corrousel oxidation ditch

K型叶轮曝气机 K type impeller aerator

凯式氮 kjeldahl nitrogen

空气驱动式生物转盘 aero biological disks

孔隙率 porosity

快滤池 rapid filter

快速渗滤系统 rapid infiltration system(RI)

矿井 shaft(mine)

矿区 mining area

矿区** mining area environment

矿山废水 minery wasterwater

矿山酸性废水 acid mine wastewater

扩散板 diffusion plate

扩散管 diffusion tube

扩散盘(罩) diffusion disc(cover)


乐果 dimethoate

冷凝 condensation

冷凝水 condensate wate

r冷却 cooling

冷却池 cooling pond

冷却塔 cooling tower

冷却塔配水系统 cooling tower distribution system

冷却循环水 circulated cooling water冷轧 cold steel -rolling

离心泵 centrifugal pump

离心 centrifugation force

离心机 centrifugal machine

离心脱水 centrifugal dewatering

离心作用 centrifugation

离子交换 ion exchange

离子交换剂 ion exchanger

离子交换膜 ion exchange membrane

离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin

粒径 grain size

砾石承托层 gravel support

炼钢厂废水 steel-making process wastewater

炼铁 iron-**elting

炼铁(高炉)废水 blast furnace wastewater

炼油厂废水 refinery processing waserwater

淋滤 leaching

淋水密度 water drenching density

淋水面积 water drenching aera

淋水填料 packing

磷 phosphorus

磷酸盐 phosphate

生物流化床 Biological fluidized bed

硫化物 sulphide

硫化物沉淀法 precipitation with sulphide

硫酸铵 ammonium sulfate

硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate

硫酸铝 aluminum sulfate

硫酸镁 magnesium sulfate

硫酸铁 ferric sulfate

硫酸亚铁 ferrous sulfate

硫酸盐 sulfate

硫循环 sulphur cycle

铝酸钠 sodium aluminate

滤层 filter layer

滤池冲洗水量 filter washing water consumption

滤池配水系统 filter underdrain system

滤池运行周期 filter cycle time

滤床 filter bed

滤料 filtering medium

滤速 filtration rate

滤液 filtrate

氯 chlorine

氯-氨法 chlorine-ammonia process

氯化,加氯处理 chlorination

氯化物 Chlorides

螺旋桨式快速搅拌机 propeller-type high speed agitator


马拉硫磷 malathion

脉冲澄清池 pulsator

慢滤池 slowfilter

慢速渗滤系统 slow rate infiltration system (SR)

煤气 coal gas

煤气厂 gas work

煤气发生器 coal gas generator

煤气发生站 gas generation station

煤气净化 coal gas purification

煤炭 coal

锰 manganse

米门公式 Michaelis - Menten equation

莫诺德公式 Monod equation

密闭式循环冷却水系统 closed recirculating cooling water system

密集多喷嘴曝气装置 compact multinozzle aerator

面污染源 non-point pollution source

**性** sensitivity analysis

膜分离装置 membrane seperator

膜选择性 membrane selectivity

膜污染 membrane foulting

膜中毒 membrane poisoning


难生物降解有机物 nonbiodegradable organies

尼龙 nylon

逆流漂洗 counter-current washing

逆流式冷却塔 counterflow cooling tower

逆流再生 counter-current regeneration

粘胶 rayon

酿酒废水 winery wastewater

酿造与发酵工业废水 brewery and fermentation industrial wastewater

凝聚 coagulation

凝聚剂 coagulant

牛奶生产废水 dairy wastewater

浓缩 concentration

浓缩倍数 cycle of concentration

浓缩池 thickening tank

浓缩污泥 concentrated sludge

农田灌溉水质** standards for irrigation water quality

农用污泥中污染物控制** contaminants control standard for sludge farming

农药 pesticide

农药厂废水 pesticide plant wastewater


排泥系统 sludge - discharge system

排水量 discharge

排水管 drain pipe

排水口 outlet

排水系统 sewer system

排污 blowdown

泡沫分离 foam phase separation

配水** distribution system ,pipe system

喷灌 spray irrigation

喷水池 spray pond

皮革 leather

啤酒废水 brewery wastewater

啤酒废水处理 brewery wastewater treatment

漂白 bleaching

平板式膜 plate membrane

平板式叶轮曝气器 plate impellar aerator

平衡吸附容量 equilibrium adsorption capacity

平流式沉砂池 horizontal flow grlt removal tank

平流式沉淀池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank

普通生物滤池 biological filter,trickling filter

曝气 aeration

曝气沉砂池 aeration grit chamber

曝气池 aeration tank

曝气栅 aeration boom

曝气设备 aeration equipment

曝气时间 aeration time

曝气装置,曝气机 aerator

居民生活垃圾 Household Waste

庫底平整線 bottom flatting line of the site

庫區填埋邊線 landfill side line of the site

庫容 Storage capacity

垃圾 Waste ,Solid Waste

垃圾壩 waste dam

垃圾殘渣 residue

垃圾槽 waste chute

垃圾層 waste layer

垃圾產量 Waste output

垃圾堆肥場 waste composting field

垃圾堆體 waste pile

垃圾副壩 secondary waste dam

垃圾揀選場 Waste Sorting Site

垃圾氣化 waste gasification

垃圾收集車 waste collector

垃圾桶 garbage ,rubbish barrel

垃圾箱 garbage container

垃圾壓實系統 waste compactor system

垃圾衍生燃料 Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)

垃圾衍生燃料 waste derived fuel

垃圾轉運車 waste tran**er truck

垃圾轉運站 waste tran**er station

垃圾裝卸坡 waste loading ramp

離心脫水機 centrifugal dewaterer

鈉基膨潤土 sodium bentonite

農業廢棄物 Agricultural Waste

濃縮池 thickening tank

排放 discharge

排泥閥 sludge valve

排水口 Drain Outlet

膨潤土 bentonite

熱解 Pyrolysis

溶解氧測定儀(DO計) dissolved oxygen meter(DO meter)


砂水分離機 grit-water splitter

商業垃圾 Commercial Waste

上橫沖填埋場 Shanghengchong Landfill Site

上清液 supernatant liquor

設備選型 Type selection of equipment

滲濾液(垃圾滲濾液) leachate

滲濾液處理 leachate treatment

滲濾液處理站 Leachate Treatment Station

滲濾液收集及導排氣系統平面圖 Plan of Leachate Collection and Guiding and Exhaust System

滲濾液收集盲溝 blind drain for leachate collection

生活垃圾 Domestic waste

生活垃圾焚燒污染控制標准 Standard for Pollution Control on the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration

剩余污泥 excess sludge

剩余污泥泵 excess sludge pump

輸渣機 clinker conveyer

豎向石籠 vertical stone cage

雙層防滲結構 double-liner system水位 water level


提升泵站 lift pumping station填埋(垃圾) Landfill

填埋場 Landfill site

填埋場封場 seal of landfill site

填埋場總體布置圖 General Layout of Landfill Site

填埋場縱斷面示意圖 Sketch Map of Landfill Site Vertical Section

填埋庫區 Landfill Area

填埋庫區平面布置圖 Plane Layout of Landfill Area 1:1000

填埋氣 Landfill gas砼 concrete

圖例 legend

土工合成材料粘土墊層 Geosynthetics Clay Liner (GCL)

土工膜 geomembrane

脫水機 dewaterer

脫水機房 dewatering house

衛生填埋 sanitary landfill


渦流沉砂池(旋流沉砂池) vortex grit tank

污泥泵房 sludge pumping room

污泥處理 sludge treatment

污泥處理流程示意圖 Flow Chart of Sewage Treatment Process

污泥管線 sludge pipeline

污泥濃度計(MLSS計) sludge concentration meter(MLSS meter)

污泥濃縮及脫水機房 Sludge Thickening & Dewatering House

污泥脫水車間 sludge dewatering workshop

污水泵 sewage pump

污水處理 sewage treatment

污水處理厂 Wastewater Treatment Plant

污水處理流程示意圖 Sewage Treatment Process Sketch Map

污水管線 sewage pipeline

污水水面 wastewater surface

無線傳輸 wireless tran**ission


吸水井 suction well

消毒池 disinfecting tank

新聯村熊家窯 Xiongjiayao, Xinliancun

序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) Sequence Batch Reactor

選型 Type selection


壓縮式垃圾車 waste compactors

厭氧、缺氧、好氧 Anaerobic, Anoxic, Aerobic Underwater Blender

厭氧堆肥 anaerobic composting

厭氧發酵 methane fermentation; anaerobic fermentation

厭氧流化床反應器 anaerobic fluidized bed

厭氧流化床反應器 anaerobic fluidized bed

氧化溝 oxidation ditch

氧化溝 oxidation ditch

葉輪曝氣機 impeller aerator

一級發酵(初級發酵) primary fermentation

醫院垃圾 Hospital Waste

營養土層 nutritious soil layer

預留垃圾綜合利用生產用地 Reserved Waste Comprehensive Utility and Production Land


再生 reclamation

柵渣 sediment

粘土層 clay layer

支盲溝 blind sub-drain

至垃圾填埋場 to the waste landfill site

終期覆土 terminal earth covering

主盲溝 main blind drain

自控系統 autonomous system

自然土層 natural soil layer

  • 发表于 2022-11-20 21:33
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