






Different people have different reasons.


I came to China because the Chinese government agreed to support my research and gave me the opportunity to build a team to seek solutions to health problems with genomics. I tried again and again to engage in scientific research through the funding process and venture capital channels in the United States, but failed.


Scientific research grants are very important, and there are many potential rules for applying. If you are not part of a relevant scientific research group or one of their followers ("club"), you will not get the grants. Moreover, if you are too young, inexperienced, but full of crazy ideas, venture capital funds will not be interested. They are all looking for the next Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, but do not care about sound business plans.


Therefore, I came to China, where I could almost immediately raise funds from venture capital for the first time. One year later, the Chinese government agreed to support me, my team and my project. Now, my achievements have been recognized by the industry.


China is a land of opportunity for talented scientists. They are investing a lot of money to develop a wide range of technologies, including biotechnology. One focus of the education system is STEM graduates. Therefore, China is an obvious choice for me.



I could have found a job in the United States and got a high salary, although I did well, especially according to Chinese standards, I would earn more in the United States. However, here, I am supported to pursue my career and passion, and this is a good opportunity to experience culture and contact different people.


The largest group of American expatriates in China is teachers. In China, teachers are a highly respected profession, with high salaries and many fringe benefits. Some of them came here because of their experience, most of them because they found that they lacked the salary and respect in the United States.




I think this question is almost applicable to anyone who has never experienced life outside the Western Hemisphere. This kind of life experience is interesting, awe inspiring, and a wonderful epitome of your life in all aspects. But when you dig deeply, there are too many things to understand, because the perspective and thinking process of Chinese people are different from many other cultures.


I will introduce some reasons why I want to move to China, especially some American compatriots.


餐饮文化/ Catering culture

We eat very differently from the Chinese. Although many Americans feel comfortable eating alone, Chinese people attach great importance to taking meal time as a collective activity. Americans usually order a meal by themselves, while Chinese people order a lot of dishes and soup. The atmosphere of the table is very warm! When you live here, the interpersonal relationship will bring you closer to each other, make you have a sense of gain, and learn to give. This is a good experience, and I think everyone should have the opportunity to participate in it in his life.



China is also a paradise for gourmets. Have you heard of the food district in China? According to the geographical location, Chinese food is usually divided into eight regional cuisines. They are Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejiang. These styles are different from each other due to such factors as resources, climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle. Each of them revolves around a certain taste. Some people dream of visiting each region just to compare the taste of different dishes.


古代史/ Ancient history

One of the most impressive features of China is its 5000 year history. The history of the United States as we know it cannot even compare with that of a dynasty. It is absolutely fascinating to try to understand the length of time of a country. The earliest known written records of Chinese history can be traced back to 1250 BC.


机遇/ opportunity

China is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, so there are many opportunities to make a living. It has a huge impact on trade and tourism. By 2030, the middle class in China will account for more than one third of the population, and consumer spending will reach the current level of the EU.


More and more enterprises are turning to bilingual employees to fill technical, scientific, marketing, advertising and real estate positions. Therefore, if you know or are learning Chinese, your future will be full of possibilities.


Do you realize that Chinese is one of the most commonly used languages in business, especially in China? The number of foreigners who can successfully start business in China has increased significantly. Even ESL (English teacher) working in China can get a good salary.


生活方式/life style

People like to go out and enjoy the night, which is perfect for night owls and people who hate the sun. They like to stay indoors most of the day and go out for a walk at night. For example, Beijing is really a city that never sleeps. Every hour there are food vendors, chatting and chatting, and many lives continue after sunset.


In addition, China is as convenient as anywhere on earth. There are apps that allow you to order food, ride a car, ride a bike or anything you want or need in an instant.


In the first tier cities in China, people's pace of life is faster, and the staff ride motorcycles to shuttle in the traffic, so as to serve you as soon as possible.


自然景观/ natural landscape

When you think of China, you may immediately associate the scene of bullet trains flying in overpopulated cities, which are composed of tall buildings and temples scattered on the urban landscape. But China's natural landscape also makes it one of the most beautiful countries. The vast land here is characterized by rich mountains, deep caves and endless grasslands, which makes people feel the soul and spirit.



Basically, as an American, you will want to visit China. Your perspective will be opened, the door will be opened, and your taste and appreciation of things you once took for granted will also be opened. All of these will enable you to grow emotionally and spiritually. It's worth it. I suggest you start planning your trip now.




My opinion is: this is a personal decision, which determines why you will or will not. Some Americans who have never lived abroad may not consider it because of cultural differences. Some people who have come into contact with China find that changes in all aspects after coming to China are too great to adapt, so they have to return to the United States. However, many people think it is good. About one million foreigners live in China, and 100000 are Americans. From ESL teachers to business people, they have adapted to China and found it very good.


In 2011, I came to China with an American company, and I stayed for about six to nine months. After the project, we all returned to the United States, but a few days later, I was asked to return to China. In 2014, the American company went bankrupt when cooperating with Apple. So I'm looking for a job. A Chinese company offered me a job. I wanted to stay, so I accepted the job. Why did I make this choice?


First of all, I really like the people here. I have traveled all over Asia and found that the Chinese are very warm and caring people. People have an energy and motivation to succeed.


Second, I have always been interested in Asian culture. So I can easily adapt to the life here.


Third, I like everything I see in China. The rapid improvement of infrastructure and living standards. I want to see this happen. Literally, it is impressive that cities have developed from open land.


In spite of the noise and people, it is still quiet here. I just feel more relaxed here. You can say that this is because it is safe. This is part of it. I can go anywhere without anyone who makes you nervous. I don't have to stare at a group of children to see if they will try something. I can walk around, completely immersed in thinking. don't worry. When I returned to a city like Boston or San Francisco, the tension returned.



I'm from New Hampshire and I never liked cities. But in China, I love city life. Everything is very convenient. Life is beautiful and simple.


Although I work in a Chinese company, I also teach part-time. The children I work with are really amazing. I respect them very much. They respect others, work hard, and have fun working with them. They attach importance to education and devote themselves to education. So do many adults I meet here. They seem to be lifelong learners. This is what I want to be, so I hope it will have an impact on me.


Life in China is not always positive, but for me, the positive aspects outweigh the negative ones. I can understand why many Westerners can't stand living in China for a long time, but for me, this is a good place.




First of all, I have traveled many times in my life. I come from the United States, but I live in Japan. I spent a lot of time in South Korea and Israel. I also visited Europe, the Philippines, Malaysia and Scotland.


I have always liked Asian culture, of which China is a part, but China is undoubtedly a standout. I find it very attractive. China is safe and stable. Thanks to this, I have seen China's rapid growth in recent years. It's really interesting to see a country's progress and growth. I did see the construction of the city and the realization of huge infrastructure projects in a few years. With the growth of wealth, I am observing the changes in social behavior. It fascinates me.


China is also a place where life is convenient. It's easy everywhere. I don't need a car. What I need is easy to get quickly, and the cost of living is very low.


All these are one of the reasons why I live in China. But mainly the people. People in many countries like to blow their own trumpet, but they are not. They are kind, considerate and hardworking people, and have no external and obvious judgment attitude. In other words, they don't care what religion I am. They did not treat me badly because I was an American, and they held me responsible for the actions of the American government. They are educated and know the difference. It is also a society that attaches great importance to education and achievements. At least the people I met were lifelong learners. Driven to learn new things.


  • 发表于 2022-09-24 10:46
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