




Do you like sport? I like it very much! Sometimes I like to do some sports with my friends. You should do the sport more, because it is very good for your healthy! On your free time, how about running?I always do it! Why don't you play basketball with your friends? It's very interesting! I think so. And why don't you play some games, it can relax to you!

Would you like to do some sports and play some games with me? Welcome to you!

That's all. Thank you!





My Favourite Color

My favourite color is green,we can see the color everywhere:tree leaves are green,grass is green and so on。Green is also a healthy color,during our lives,we seeing this color more often is good for our eyes,and why we don't called those natural food like "Red Food","Blue Food" or "Purple Food"? So you can understand how impotant it is。Green means life,hope ,youth and so on。That's my favourite color:Green,I hope more and more people will like green like me。  





Our School我的学校

  Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li Bingke, from class four O five. Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”.

  My dear friends, welcome to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports there. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are there. So the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. It is so wonderful. Our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers’ arms to welcome us. We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. It is clean and bright. We like to study in it. The computer room is on the fifth floor. We can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. What a lot of fun! We can have lunch in the canteen near Defang Teaching Building.

  In our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons. We study hard and listen to teachers carefully. After class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.

  Our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind. We all love them. Dear friends, do you like them?

  That's all. Thanks!

  早上好,我亲爱的老师和朋友们!我的名字是李Bingke ,来自一流的四个ö 5 。今天,我很高兴到这里来。我的主题是“我们的学校” 。





What is friendship? It is not food that we eat when we are starved, but it can help fill up our empty mind when we feel lonesome. It is not clothes to wear when we are frozen, but it is able to keep a stream of warmth welling up our heart. It is not a book that we read, but it provides guidance to our life. Friendship is untouchable but it exists and touches people’s heart. It is something wonderful.


Friendship is about solicitude. When we get ill in bed, our friends will put aside what they are doing and come immediately to us. They will sit by our bed so that they can get what we need at the moment promptly.


Friendship is about encouragement. When we fail and find ourselves hopeless and helpless,friends will be there ,accompanying us, bracing us up and seeing it through with us.


Friendship is about consolation. When we weep in grief, our friends will be around us, hearkening to our bitter experience and trying their level best to make us feel better.


Nevertheless, it is superficial to perceive friendship as gaining benefits from others. Friendship is more than that. We can’t merely receive. We ought to repay as well because friendship is reciprocal.


Friendship is about tolerance. We can’t expect our friends to be flawless because no one is perfect. We should be magnanimous enough to accept some of their shortcomings, which they endeavor hard but fail to get rid of.


Friendship is about forgiveness. They shouldn’t be considered as bad friends even if they do something wrong to us. We are supposed to listen calmly and even-temperedly to their words as well as accept their sincere apology. A trifle is not supposed to injure a great friendship.


Friendship is about constant attention. Long time of neglect will upset our friends. If we let nature take its course without taking any action, friendship will eventually wither, like a flower which has been left without caring for too much time.


Now it won’t be so hard to realize that friendship is not as easy as it may seem. It is like the reservoir, which will dry up if one doesn’t constantly pipe water into it. It is like the glass, which is fragile and needs careful attention. It is sometimes difficult to handle.


To conclude, friendship is a mutual spiritual assist. We get supported and helped while at the same time support and help our friends.


慷慨激昂的1分钟英语演讲稿带翻译 急急急急!!!!!!!!!!

1.No sooner had the witer vacation begun than I returned to my native town. Of course I

must make good use of it;.In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines. In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river. At night I watched television with my family. hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed.

寒假刚一开始,我就回故乡了。自然我须好好利用它。 早晨我复习功课并阅读报纸或杂志。下午我和朋友打球,或去河中钓鱼。晚上我就和家人看看电视。墙上的钟刚敲十下,我就去睡觉了。

2.I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!



in the modern times i think studying english is useful for us of all

as we all know,in the modern times ,english is a kind of language which is wide

so i think it is very important for us to study english well

and as the development of our country,we have to talk with foreigners in english,so i think it is essential to study english well. from now on ,i will study english hard



Understanding is a virtue of human beings.It allows us to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine and can bridge the gap of human relationships.Understanding,which can be considered as patience and as a kind of selfrestrained behavior,is needed in every part of our lives.Understanding can also be regarded as a good behavior.It refers to a good way in which we sincerely and genuinely show politeness,kindness,friendship and respect to people.It is very important for our relationships with others because we are often judged by our manners,which shows our education,our cultural quality and our inner qualities.

With understanding,we can warm each other's hearts and win friendships,and this can be sometimes even more powerful than gun barrels.So,in our daily life,we should always follow the golden rule:Do,as you would like to have done to you.

英语演讲稿四分钟 带翻译

Dear leaders, teachers, dear students: Hello everyone, today my topic is "faith, beyond the self". Helen Keller had such a vivid image of the words: "when a person felt the urge to fly, he would never be content to crawl on the floor." is the ideal, it is a kind of belief, she accepted the challenge of life, created the miracle of life. She is deaf, weak woman in one actually graduated from the Harvard University, and all of life force running calls, built up a charity for the benefit of persons with disabilities, was selected for the twentieth Century ten American Idol. Ideal and faith like burning fire so that she was out of the darkness, out of the dead, ideals and beliefs as the great wings, help her flew up into the sky. In a sense, people are not living in the material world, and Live in the spirit world, live in the ideal and faith. For human life, to survive, as long as a bowl of rice, a cup of water on it; but to be wonderful, she has spirit, we should have lofty ideals and firm beliefs, ideals and beliefs so that poor people become a millionaire, so dark, people see the light, make people see a glimmer of hope, make the dream a reality. Let me tell you a story: the vast desert, an expedition in the difficult trek. The head of the scorching sun baked, the explorers sweat like rain. The mouth parched and tongue scorched. Unfortunately, they have no water. Water is the survival of their faith, faith, like a flat frame, a lost soul, invariably look to the captain. It can do the captain took a kettle from the waist, hands up, firmly shook, shouted in surprise:" Oh, I have a pot of water! But before crossing the desert, no drink. "The heavy kettle from the players hands in order to pass, the original kind of desperate face has also revealed a strong expression, we must get out of the desert belief support they staggered forward step by step. Move. Looked at the bottle, they pursed his chapped lips, suddenly add strength. Finally, they escaped out of the vast expanse of the desert, we cried when a long time staring at that to support their belief in the kettle. Captain carefully unscrew the bottle cap, slowly out of the sand is a continuously his sincere. Said:" as long as the heart has the firm faith, dry sand can sometimes become cool springs. "Black leader Martin Ruud Kim famously said:" in this world, no one can make you down. If your own beliefs Still standing. "Yes, even in the most difficult time, also don't put out the faith the hearts of the torch. The students, no matter what your current results, no matter how you now, as long as the firm faith, beyond the self, you will have a direction, you will have a goal you have, the power of life, you will have a hope of success.

尊敬的领导,老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好,今天我演讲的题目是《坚定信念,超越自我》. 海伦 凯勒有这样一句非常形象而生动的话:"当一个人感觉到有高飞的冲动时,他将再也不会满足于在地上爬."正是有了远大的理想,正是有一种信念,她接受了生命的挑战,创造了生命的奇迹.她,盲聋哑集于一身的弱女子竟然毕业于哈佛大学,并用生命的全部力量奔走呼告,建起了一家家慈善机构,为残疾人造福,被评选为20世纪美国十大英雄偶像.理想和信念像熊熊燃烧的烈火使她才走出黑暗,走出死寂,理想和信念像巨大的羽翼,帮助她飞上云天. 从某种意义上说,人不是活在物质世界里,而是活在精神世界里,活在理想与信念之中.对于人的生命而言,要存活,只要一碗饭,一杯水就可以了;但是要想活得精彩,就要有精神,就要有远大的理想和坚定的信念.理想信念使贫困的人变成富翁,使黑暗中的人看见光明,使绝境中的人看到希望,使梦想变成现实. 下面我给大家讲一个故事: 浩瀚的沙漠中,一支探险队在艰难地跋涉.头顶骄阳似火,烤得探险队员们口干舌燥,挥汗如雨.最糟糕的是,他们没有水了.水就是他们赖以生存的信念,信念破灭了,一个个像塌了架,丢了魂,不约而同地将目光投向队长.这可怎么办 队长从腰间取出一个水壶,两手举起来,用力晃了晃,惊喜地喊道:"哦,我这里还有一壶水!但穿越沙漠前,谁也不能喝."沉甸甸的水壶从队员们的手中依次传递,原来那种濒临绝望的脸上又显露出坚定的神色,一定要走出沙漠的信念支撑他们踉跄着,一步一步地向前挪动.看着那水壶,他们抿抿干裂的嘴唇,陡然增添了力量. 终于,他们死里逃生,走出茫茫无垠的沙漠,大家喜极而泣之时,久久凝视着那个给了他们信念支撑的水壶. 队长小心翼翼地拧开水壶盖,缓缓流出的却是一缕缕沙子.他诚挚地说:"只要心里有坚定的信念,干枯的沙子有时也可以变成清冽的泉水." 黑人领袖马丁 路德金有句名言:"这个世界上,没有人能够使你倒下.如果你自己的信念还站立着的话."是的,即使在最困难的时候,也不要熄灭心中信念的火把. 同学们,不管你现在的成绩怎么样,不管你现在的基础怎么样,只要坚定信念,超越自我,你就有了努力的方向,你就有了奋斗的目标,你就有了生活的动力,你就有了成功的希望.


Keep Your Direction 坚持你的方向

What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal.

On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.

Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life.

You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time.







Three Good Friends   

One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.   



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