dc power supply
1.Tested with a 6V DC Power supply in series between the ILS and the coils.
2.into dc power supply , exchange or ac dc , the output of solid export machinery or delay output.
3.But the general DC power supply regulated power supply can output all the way, is waste and inconvenient.
4.Hardware Design of a New Model High Frequency Switching DC Power Supply
5.On-line detecting of earth failure of low voltage DC power supply network
LED power supply LED电源供应 例句 依.We offer三-year limited warranty for all our LED power supply products. 我们的LED电源供应器均提供三年品质保固。
贰.Traditional LED lighting power supply with the program either low efficiency or performance is unstable. 传统LED照明电源采用的方案要么效率低,要么性能不稳定。
及物动词 vt.
Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables.
We supply power to the three nearby towns.
名词 n.
They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement.
We have new supplies of fur coats.
Our medical supplies are running short.
My father has cut off the supplies.
supply [sə'plai] n. 供给,补给;供应品 vt. 供给,提供;补充 vi. 供给;替代 [ 复数supplies 过去式supplied 过去分词supplied 现在分词supplying ] power supply 电源;电源供应器 supply chain 供应链;供给链;供需链 water supply 供水系统;水源 in short supply 供应不足;缺乏 supply and demand 供应与需求 supply system 供水系统;供应系统;包干制 supply chain management 供应连锁管理 on supply 做代课教师;做代理教师 short supply 供不应求 power supply system 供电系统;建筑供配电系统 money supply 货币供应量;货币供给 demand and supply 需求与供应 blood supply 血液供给 water supply system 给水系统,供水系统 switching power supply 开关电源;交换式电源供应 food supply 食物供给 electricity supply 供电;电力供应 energy supply 能源供应;电源;供能供电 gas supply 煤气供应;气体供应 air supply 气源;空气供给 n.供给,[经]补给;供应品 provision, furnishing vt.[经]供给,提供;补充 afford, tender, lend vi.[经]供给;替代 provide with, furnish with supply1 [sə'plai] vt.1. 供应,提供,供给(常与with连用):to supply someone with supper给某人提供晚饭 to supply communities with gas向社区供应煤气2. 向…提供(物资等),为…提供(或供应)(常与for, to连用):We can supply the best service for you.我们可为您提供最周到的服务。
to supply gas to communities向社区供应煤气3. 补充、填补;满足(某人需要或需求等):They also could supply your need of cheap goods.他们还能满足你买廉价货的需要。4. 弥补(缺陷、损失等):to supply losses in excess of thousands补上万元的亏损额5. 充任;代理,暂代(职位等):to supply one's post暂时代理某人的职务 to supply someone's business代办某人的业务 vi.暂代他人职务:Let me seek someone to supply when you having a holiday.你休假期间,我设法找个人来接替一下你的工作吧。
n.1. 供给,供应,提供;补给2. 供应物,贮备;存货3. 贮备量;数量;【经济学】供应量4. [常用复数]补给品;必需品;日常用品5. [用复数]【军事】 军需品 军需品的获取(或分发、保养等)6. [用复数]所提供的生活费用7. [用复数]拨给阅批的开支拨款8. (暂时)代理人;代课教师;代理牧师9. [废语]援军,援助部队10. [废语]援助,帮助 adj.1. 供给的,供应的;补给的2. 代理的,暂代的 同近义词:n.供给,[经]补给;供应品 provision, furnishing vt.[经]供给,提供;补充 afford, tender, lend vi.[经]供给;替代 provide with, furnish with 希望有帮助~。
dc power supply un.直流电源 直流电源供应器;直流稳压电源;直流供电 例句百 1.Tested with a 6V DC Power supply in series between the ILS and the coils. 测试与6v的直流电源系列之间救生和线圈。
2.into dc power supply , exchange or ac dc , the output of solid export machinery or delay output. 供电方式分度为直流,交流或交直流,输出方式为固内态输出或机械延时输出。 3.But the general DC power supply regulated power supply can output all the way, is waste and inconvenient. 但是一般的直流稳压电源只能输出一路稳压电源,很容浪费且不方便。
4.Hardware Design of a New Model High Frequency Switching DC Power。
A. 为了使 POWER SUPPLY 的寿命增长,建议选用多 30% 输出功率额定的机种,像昂鼎导轨式开关电源这种。 例如若系统需要一
个 100W 的电源,
则建议挑选大于 130W 输出功率额定的机种, 以此类推可有效提升 POWER SUPPLY 的寿命 B. 此外尚需考虑
POWER SUPPLY 的工作环境温度,及有无额外的辅助散热设备,在过高的 环温 POWER SUPPLY 需减额输出。
环温对输出功率的减额曲线请参照昂鼎网站。 C. 根据应用所需选择各项功能: ※保护功能 : 过电压保护 (OVP) 、
过温度保护 (OTP) 、过负载保护 (OLP) 等。 ※应用功能 : 信号功能 (POWER GOOD 、POWER FAIL) 、遥控功能、
遥测功能、并联功能。 ※特殊功能 : 功因矫正 (PFC) 、不断电 (UPS) D. 选择所需符合的安规及电磁兼容 (EMC) 认证。