godaddy 帐户被盗 域名被盗 邮箱被改 pin被改 找回全过程 最新教程
Dire Sir:
Account information may have been changed by a thief , I have enough evidence to prove that I am the original account holder. If the original account holder is not me, Can my E-mail receive information? I received e-mail the information to be changed, I did not confirm. I contact you, then it was too late. You think about it, once stolen accounts, mailboxes, pin, password, account holder's information, which can thief change in not confirmed in the case, then how I will get my account? but have enough evidence to prove that I am the original account holder in my E-mail .
Because it is “asked someone to buy in Chinese shopping mall - "Taobao.", my Account Owner may be written iIs written in other people, or in China, first name and last name written in different positions, I want to know why you say that I am not the host of the account. please tell me more information. in order to I can provide sufficient evidence .
Please check the following information in detail more importantly, there are e-mail attachments.
Godaddy Account ID: (客户编号)
Sign-up email: 你注册时的电子邮件地址
Sign-up password: 密码
Account First Name: 你的名字
Account Last Name: 姓氏
Address: 你的居住地址
Call-IN PIN: 注册时填写的是多少
The follow domain is in my account: