
英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言之一,学好英语对我们来说非常重要。下面是一篇关于英语学习的日记,记录了我每天的学习经历和感受。 1. 今天是我开始专心学习英语的第一天。早上,我按照计划...


1. 今天是我开始专心学习英语的第一天。早上,我按照计划安排了一小时的英语听力练习。我到了一些有趣的英语电台节目,通过聆听来提高我的英语听力水平。这对我来说是一个挑战,因为我不太习惯听外语。不过,我坚持下来,感觉收获满满。

2. 下午,我决定对我的英语发音进行改进。我找到了一些英语发音的教学视频,并跟着视频中的老师一起练习。我发现,通过模仿专业老师的发音,我的发音得到了很大的改善。我还练习了一些常见的口语短语,希望能在日常生活中更自信地运用英语。

3. 傍晚时分,我打开了一本英语小说。我一直听说阅读是提高英语水平的最佳途径,所以我决定每天至少读半小时的英语书籍。尽管我在阅读过程中遇到了一些生词,但通过上下文的理解,我能大致理解故事的内容。这让我很开心,我决定继续坚持下去。

4. 晚餐后,我继续进行英语写作练习。我写了一封给我的朋友的电子邮件,描述了我的一天学习英语的经历和感受。写作过程中,我尽量用一些我学到的新单词和句型,来提升我的写作水平。我会让我的朋友检查我的文章,并提供一些建议和改进意见。

5. 晚上,我参加了一次线上的英语角活动。在活动中,我和其他学习英语的人一起进行口语交流。我们讨论了一些热门话题,并分享了自己的看法和经历。这次活动不仅提高了我的口语表达能力,还认识了一些志同道合的朋友。这让我更加坚定了学好英语的决心。


English is one of the most widely used languages in the world, and learning it well is very important for us. The following is a diary about English learning, which records my daily learning experiences and feelings.

Today is my first day focusing on learning English. In the morning, I arranged an hour of English listening practice according to the plan. I went to some interesting English radio programs to improve my English listening skills through listening. This is a challenge for me because I am not accustomed to listening to foreign languages. However, I persevered and felt full of gains.

In the afternoon, I decided to improve my English pronunciation. I found some teaching videos of English pronunciation and practiced with the teachers in the videos. I have found that by imitating the pronunciation of professional teachers, my pronunciation has greatly improved. I also practiced some common oral phrases, hoping to use English more confidently in daily life.

In the evening, I opened an English novel. I have always heard that reading is the best way to improve my English proficiency, so I have decided to read at least half an hour of English books every day. Although I encountered some new words during the reading process, through understanding the context, I was able to roughly understand the content of the story. This made me very happy, and I decided to continue to persevere.

After dinner, I continued to practice English writing. I wrote an email to my friend describing my experience and feelings of learning English one day. During the writing process, I try to use some new words and sentence structures I have learned to improve my writing skills. I will have my friends review my article and provide some suggestions and improvement suggestions.

In the evening, I participated in an online English corner activity. During the activity, I had oral communication with other English learners. We discussed some popular topics and shared our opinions and experiences. This activity not only improved my oral expression skills, but also made some like-minded friends. This has strengthened my determination to learn English well.

Summary: Through today's day of learning, I deeply realize that English learning is a task that requires long-term persistence. Although I have encountered some difficulties, I believe that as long as I keep working hard and patient, I can gradually improve my English proficiency. I will continue to work hard and hope to one day be able to communicate fluently with people from all over the world in English.

  • 发表于 2023-10-15 17:37
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