
  关于”吃早餐的重要性和好处“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The importance and benefits of breakfast。以下是关于吃早餐的重要性和好处的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。  ...

  关于”吃早餐的重要性和好处“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The importance and benefits of breakfast。以下是关于吃早餐的重要性和好处的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

  In order to keep healthy, some agers ignore breakfast. They think that the less you eat, the better. This is totally wrong.

  Doctors said in the news that breakfast is very important to people's health. In the morning, people need energy. After a night's sleep, their stomach is empty.

  If they don't eat breakfast, people's bodies will eat less food for lunch and dinner, but not in the morning Meal. It is said that some people will get fat if they don't eat breakfast. Because of the unbalanced diet, the body takes in more food than they need, so in order to keep healthy, we should eat breakfast.



  Some students get up late and some like to stay in bed for a few more minutes. That's why many of them don't eat breakfast. It's very harmful to their health in the morning.

  Students usually have four classes a long time before lunch. If they don't eat breakfast, they may feel hungry. They can't hear the teacher's careful study.

  People who don't eat breakfast think very slowly. In addition, agers need extra energy in their growth, so it is very important for students to have a good breakfast.



  A: Hey, guys, how's it going? I think these days are terrible, and I have a bad stomach: you must not have breakfast every morning. B: actually, I'm too busy to finish breakfast. I'm wasting my time trying to eat breakfast.

  A: if you don't eat breakfast, you feel weak, and you don't have enough energy to finish your work. That's why you feel so bad these days Cake B: OK, I'll take care of it after that, thank you.


  A: 嘿,伙计们,最近怎么样我觉得这些天很糟糕,我的胃也很难受:你一定没有每天早上吃完早餐b:实际上我太忙了,没时间吃完早餐我想吃早餐是在浪费时间A:如果你不吃早餐,你会感到虚弱,那你就没有足够的精力来完成你的工作这就是为什么你这几天感觉如此糟糕B:好吧,那以后我焚顾好的,谢谢。

  标签: 刺激 足球 新学期

  • 发表于 2023-05-26 21:49
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