


Normally, sexes are only used in animals, and unconciously something like sexual organs and hormones would be mentioned to distinguish and self-inclinate. We can not say that definition is wrong, but is biased. The world as a whole is in time and space. So we need to understand the meaing of sex relevant to the world. Sexes exist all through the world, not only created when the world steps into age of life.

稳定态与游离态Steady state and Free state


Everything is the carrier of energy created in circulation. According to some features in common, I classify the carriers into two groups, carriers in steady state and in free state. Carriers include stars, plants, atoms which have one feature of relative static state and planets, animals, electrons, which of relative motion.

氧化过程Oxidation process


We should know a concept of oxidation. In chemistry textbooks, oxidation is defined that oxygen must be participated in chemical reation. Then oxygen is substituted for chalcogen. The oxidation process is that the elements from Hydrogen and Helium to redioactivity below in periodic table of elements are created in turn. It is also regarded to cosmic process by which elements from light to heavy is created one by one.

性别与流通sex and energy circulation







In the order of the energy circulation, I dicompose food trains into five steps as follows:




④soil⇢(plant⇢herbivore⇢carnivore⇢secondary carnivore)⇢soil;


We should pay attention to the train above, and take notice of the following five options. First, the nutritions in all trains are circulated , starting from soil and ending to soil. Second, every train is added a point from ② option., such as herbivore in ②, carvivore in ③, second carnivore in ④. We should think about how the added point to be created. Third, the nutritions circulatiion has fixed direction, which I have marked them out. Fouth, brackets marked out for classification of living carriers. Fifth, we should think about weather the soil has sex or not.

性别与载体Sex and Carrier


From chemical viewpoint, plant dacay to soil is the oxidation, so is the metablism of herbivore, carnivore and secondary carnivore. The process from start to end of the food train is oxidation. as it is written above, plants are belonged to steady carriers and animals free carriers. The order for creating carriers must be oxcidation process from steady carriers to free ones. Stars creat planets, which means planets are oxcidated from stars. So are plants from animals ,electrons from atoms. Sex is attached to carrier. When stars coincides with sex, which shows bisexuality, in fact, they are androgynous. When planets coincides with sex, which are monosexual, in fact, they are gender separated. Planets have genders like animals. Hermaphrodite flowers in one plant is the evidence of two sexes in one body. But there are some plants blooming monogamously, it might be caused of unbalanced hormone or gland. Plants are evoluted after the conbination of positive and negative ions of CHONPS. Nucleus with positive ions are created without electrons at first, which is steady carriers with two sexes in one. Then they creat electrons with negative ions by oxidation. Nucleus are composed of protons, which is monosexual, and neutrons, which is androgynous. The soil , which has sexes in it , is sanded from stones that can be expressed in molecular formula. When the soil dissolve into water, some inorganic matter changes to free state ions which make the soil acidic or alkaline where it is possible to create proteins for living things. The living things are created inevitably, not in the condition of crater or thunder, and naturally in the evoluation process of planets, attatchments or carriers of them.

性别与生殖Sex and reproduction


Sexes indwelling in carriers have some features, not only about primitive plants and animals but advanced ones, searched by pricision machines or eyesight. Cells, tissues and organs relavant to sexes must be in carriers. Basic unit for sexes evolves into reproduction organs which are created from nothing to something. Ovary in female platyhelminth is the only sex organ but not oviduct. And advanced animals have oviduct which seprated from ureter, then uterus and vagina. Spermarium in male platyhelminth is the only sex organ. Then spermaduct, testis and penis are created. Sexes has a feature of continuation by reproducing carriers, which is drived by energy circulation. There are two ways for continuation, one is by food train, the other reproduction.

性别结论 Conclusion for sex


Sexes are innate, existing in steady carriers as stars, plants and atoms and also in free carriers as planets, animals and electrons, without exception. But sexes must be in energy circulation, indwelling in carriers not only steady but free ones. The most scientific way to tell the origin of the carrier is by sexes. Stars create planets, plants create animals , that is the truth.

  • 发表于 2022-12-07 14:25
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