leverage on(这才是你跟赌王女儿真正的差距)

导读 澳门“赌王”何鸿燊之女、信德集团行政主席兼董事总经理,这样的头衔让何超琼的一举一动都被无限放大。 而在她眼里,她与别人的不同是,一次又一次地不被理解。 20年后的今天,何超琼站上...


澳门“赌王”何鸿燊之女、信德集团行政主席兼董事总经理,这样的头衔让何超琼的一举一动都被无限放大。 而在她眼里,她与别人的不同是,一次又一次地不被理解。

20年后的今天,何超琼站上了第九期“新时代大讲堂”的舞台,与大家分享她与大湾区的故事和自己不被理解的秘密。 也许你和何超琼的差距就是,她有能力看到你看不到的需求,又有能力抓住这些发展机遇。

何超琼 “新时代大讲堂”英文主旨演讲




I'm standing in front of you and talking about my past experiences, and sharing my story with Macao and the Greater Bay Area with you.


So my story started in 1994.

那时澳门在为1999年的回归做准备,澳门民众也在迎接澳门国际机场的落成通航。 澳门要成为特别行政区,深知建设自身国际游客接待能力的重要性,以及与中国内地联系的重要性。

At that point, Macao, of course, was already preparing toward its handover in 1999. And Macao residents were looking forward to the opening of the Macao International Airport.

Macao was becoming a Special Administrative Region (SAR), and understood the importance of building for itself the capability of welcoming international travelers, as well as, of course, linking back to the Chinese mainland.


I was so lucky to have been designated as the corporate representative to represent our company's interests in the Macao International Airport, as well as in its first airline in Macao.


△信德集团行政主席兼董事总经理、美高梅中国控股有限公司主席何超琼发表演讲。 (中国日报记者 邓永安/摄)


这张照片上讲了什么? 你能看到一架飞机连通到大海上、到渡轮上。 这也是我当时最先开展的工作之一。

So this picture, what's this all about? You see an airplane linking to the sea, or the ferry. That's one of my first assignments as well.

1995年,我被任命为信德集团总经理。 我的第一项任务就是重整渡轮业务。 我们也是在那时与国旅共同投资合作。

In 1995, I became the general manager of Shun Tak Holdings. And my first assignment was to restructure also our own ferry business, and then that was the creation of a new joint venture with China Travel.


It was one of the earliest, in fact, probably, the first-ever joint venture between Hong Kong and a Macao company with a SOE, state-owned-enterprise, China Travel.

一开始我们是竞争对手,在某种程度上是敌人。 但我们通过合作而不是竞争,化解了敌对关系。 我们的目标其实是一致的,如何让这一片区域成为一体,而不是各自为政 、互相竞争。

In the beginning, we were competitors. We actually were enemies in a way. But then we resolved it by creating a collaborative activity, rather than to compete. We all have one common objective, how to create, so that this region would come together, rather than to go about, basically competing with each other.


机场建成后,我们就开始想,澳门有了机场; 而一个面积是这个100倍的机场就在香港赤鱲角。 能把两个机场连起来吗?

Then, we started thinking, well, now we have the airport in Macao, we also have, of course, an airport that was almost 100 times the size of Macao, in Hong Kong, Chep Lak Kok. Was there a way to link the two?

有没有一种方法,就像渡轮的例子一样,能够做到这一点? 事实上,正如我们现在所看到的,有了港珠澳大桥,两个机场之间只有15公里的路。

Was there a way, like in the example of the ferries, to do this? In fact, distance-wise, you all know by now, because with the bridge, we are practically only 15 km away between the two airports.



How do we make best use and create synergies, rather than, again, duplication, you know, in resources?

我说,要不把两个机场连起来吧! 大家都看着我问,为什么?

I said, why don't we connect the two airports? Everybody looked and said, why?


Well, you know, because maybe there would be people who would come internationally to Hong Kong, but then also would like to travel to Macao and other parts of China, via the ferries.

真的吗? 真的啊! 为什么不呢?

Really? Yes. Really, you know. Why not?

这些人来到现在的香港特别行政区,应该会充分利用香港的位置。 除此之外,还有连通各地的交通基础设施。

Because these people, when they come to Hong Kong now, as an SAR, they also would like to utilize Hong Kong. Beyond that, the geographic transportation infrastructure.


2000年,我们的澳门塔开放了。 从南湾驶过时可以看到何鸿燊送给祖国的礼物,同时希望回归仪式能在那里举行。

In year 2000, we actually opened the Macao Tower, which, you will see, driving across the harbor, Dr. Stanley Ho, to our motherland, and was hoping that the actual handing over ceremony was going to be conducted there.

不过当时澳门塔的建设工作有点复杂,工期拖延了,没赶上1999年的回归。 2000年建成开放了。 那时大家看到澳门塔都说,这能做什么呢? 我说,当然不能再开一家赌场。

But then, of course, the construction work was a little bit more complicated, there was delay, so finally we missed the 1999 date 20 years ago. Instead, though, it opened in 2000. And, again, everybody looked at it and said, so what do we now want to do with it? So I said, we definitely do not want to put in another casino.


We want to make sure that Macao now embarks on a new journey. And we need to be visualizing with a long view.


With the perspective, how does Macao become a player in this region?


So even before the Greater Bay Area, we started thinking, so what is it?




之所以产生这个想法是因为意识到了, 澳门需要邻居,不然就只是一个孤立的景点,经济永远不可能成规模。

We came up with the idea of simply driven from the mere fact that Macao needs its neighbors. Otherwise, just as a standalone destination, there's never going to be enough to create for ourselves the economy of scale.


We understand that. So we need to work even harder than Hong Kong, for instance, to make sure that we work with Guangdong, we work with our neighboring ports and cities.


澳门塔是MICE理念诞生的地方。 MICE即是会议、奖励旅游、大型企业会议、展览。

So, at the Macao Tower, it was the first place we created with the notion and concept of MICE ——Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions.

非常非常早期,这是一个首创的概念。 当时大家都觉得谁会来澳门开会啊?

Again, very very early on, a pioneering concept that people were saying, who would come to Macao for meetings?

现在,我们就在澳门开会。 感谢大家证明了这样是行得通的。

We are here now in Macao for meetings, so thank you very much for proving that this works.


八年前,我提出了“艺术空间“的构想。大家再一次,再一次有点困惑...... 我们为什么需要艺术?

Eight years ago, again, under my auspice, I created the notion of an art space. People were, a little bit, perplexed. Why do we need art, you know?


Aren't we a place that people only know of, about just the entertainment, just, maybe the gaming attraction? So, yes.


But art is going to be there for a longer time, simply because again, we need to find common ground to bring us closer with the Greater Bay Area.


We share a lot of these cultural identities, all of us, we Cantonese, all of us sharing on our, what we call, the Cantonese, or even tracing back in history, Lingnan Culture.


So my job has been now focusing more on exploring how do we make art and cultural development to become part of our now new future, and how do we utilizing that to link with our neighbors within the Greater Bay Area.



So in the future, we are going to work on what we call 'Tourism+' concept. We need to not just focus on Macao's own development, but the development of the whole Greater Bay Area,and create a tourism hub, that we can pool our resources together in the future and sell our products together.


Only then can long-range travelers decide to come and spend not just a day or two, but rather, hopefully, you know, a few days of their holidays' time, and to explore the whole of the Guangdong province.


I'll give you an example. Just two weeks ago, every year now in this property, we host a Lion Dance Championship.


The Lion Dance is actually one of the cultural aspects of the Lingnan Culture. And through that, it can also be a means of bringing together the whole of the Greater Bay Area, especially instilling in the youth, our young people, a sense of belonging.


We will work with Shenzhen, for instance, on building Macao as what we call, a smart city. We will work with Guangzhou, for instance, to leverage on their tourism figures, which is obviously very substantial, to help and also, make sure that we both are able to capture more of international travelers.And we can also, obviously, work with Hong Kong, which is, of course, the major cosmopolitan, and the leader in trends and fashion.



编导 孟哲 葛天琳

编辑 王瑜

文稿校对 钟馨

现场录制 孟哲 王韦翰

包装设计 田驰

统筹 王瑜

制片人 张霄

审核 何娜

监制 柯荣谊

出品人 曲莹璞 王浩


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