由《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》**社 Neural Regeneration Research (NRR)、《中国组织工程研究》**社以及辽宁省细胞生物学学会联合主办的2022年度国际神经再生高峰论坛线上系列英文会议第一期“神经退行性疾病的新理论和新疗法”于3月11日晚,北京时间20:30-22:00成功举办,新一年度我们采用了新的合作**,期刊合作了多家直播平台,可以让观众不受人数限制参与会议并实时互动,会后数据证明这一尝试是非常成功的,直播数据显示:微信1562人次,微博3296人次,B站913人次,小鹅通834人次,总计在线观看6605人次,会议讨论专业深入,让与会专家大有裨益,会议在积极的讨论**中圆满结束。
此次“神经退行性疾病的新理论和新疗法”线上会议的两位演讲人分别为来自英国纽卡斯尔大学老龄研究所的Gabriele Saretzki教授,她做了题为“端粒酶激活剂**帕金森病小鼠模型的运动功能和 α-syn 病理”的精彩报告;来自法国国家健康与医学研究院的Thierry Léveillard教授,他的演讲题目是“阿尔茨海默病进展中的代谢**传导**”。
Gabriele Saretzki教授主要介绍了端粒酶激活剂治疗**了 α-synclein tg 小鼠模型的运动、平衡和步态以及可能机制:端粒酶激活蛋白质降解-自噬;Thierry Léveillard教授则主要介绍了基因治疗神经退行性疾病的相关前景以及投入临床试验的进展。会后讨论在李家立教授的主持下让人受益匪浅,大家共同探讨了端粒酶对线粒体功能的作用影响,以及目前药物治疗还存在的瓶颈及问题,也展望了临床试验的前景,启发大家一种药物研究是否也可以作用于其他类似疾病及疾病模型,旧药新用,研究成果转化等,神经退行性疾病领域还有太多问题值得大家研究与探索。
此次直播平台上有个别问题因为时间限制无法现场解答,以下是Gabriele Saretzki教授通过邮件的解答回复:
how does TA-65\telomerase activate autophagy?
We don’t know any details yet. However, we know that there might be a physical (forming a complex) and functional (Miwa et al., 2016) interaction between TERT and mTOR which is an upstream regulator of autophagy. In the 2016 paper we found that a decrease of oxidative stress by rapamycin (which targets and decreases mTOR) depends on the presence of TERT.
Does TERT expression and activity change in AD mouse neurons compared with normal mouse?
Good question, but I don’t think anybody has analysed it. We only know that TERT protein levels do not change in AD hippocampus. Instead, more TERT protein resides within mitochondria in Braak stage 6 (highest stage) of AD in 3 hippocampal regions (CA1-3).
Why male and female respond differently to TA65 and GRN?
Again, we don’t know for sure but TA65 as a highly enriched plant extract (mainly cycloastragenol) contains a certain amount (around 5%) of other ingredients, that could make a difference for some sex-specific genes as it is known that male and female brains are different in gene expression patterns and probably also for various other parameters.
What is the difference between TA65 and GRN510's effect on TERT?
We do not see huge differences in TERT expression of both activators on expression levels in brain. To my knowledge nobody has ever compared both activators in parallel. As explained above, TA65 has some other ingredients which could have additional effects compared to the GRN510.
In aged mouse brain, TERT is expressed but no activity?
In adult mouse and human (and most likely also in other mammalian) brains telomerase activity is mainly restricted to areas of neural stem cells (such as dentate gyrus and subventricular zone). However, there could be brain areas such as cerebellum and Purkinje neurons where there might be some TA.
Why TA65 takes 14 months to see the effect? How about short term treatment? see any effect?
We used 14 months of treatment starting at 4 months because we were not sure when in our conditions the PD symptoms appear. Since it turned out to be rather late, after 12-14 month, we could have done a shorter treatment. One has to give the activators anyway on a daily basis since it is a rather transient induction of TERT expression. Others (Baruch-Eliyahu et al., 2019) have done just 1 week treatment with their aryl-derived compound AGS499 and already saw an effect there on changes in expression of genes for plasticity and neurotrophic factors.
英国纽卡斯尔大学老龄研究所的Gabriele Saretzki教授演讲
法国国家健康与医学研究院的Thierry Léveillard教授演讲