
1. 春风化雨,春华秋实。Heaven rewards those who work hard, and flowers in spring come to fruition in autumn.   2. 事者,生于虑,成于务,失于傲。Careful planning and concrete ac...

1. 春风化雨,春华秋实。Heaven rewards those who work hard, and flowers in spring come to fruition in autumn.

  2. 事者,生于虑,成于务,失于傲。Careful planning and concrete actions lead to success, while complacency results in failure.

  3. 天下大同,协和万邦。All people under the heaven are of one family and all nations should live in harmony.

  4. 行之力则知愈进,知之深则行愈达。Practice enriches knowledge. More knowledge leads to better practice.

  5. 艰难困苦,玉汝于成。Success only comes through hard work.

  6. 治世不一道,便国不法古。There is more than one way of governance and the ancient way is not the only way to govern a nation.

  7. 周虽旧邦,其命维新。Even an established nation like Zhou still regards self-renewal as its mission.

  8. 察势者智,驭势者赢。Those who recognize the trend are wise and those who ride the trend will win.

  9. 中国有句古话,“兄弟同心,其利断金”。A Chinese proverb also says, "When brothers are of the same mind, they have the power to cut through metal."

  10. 中国古人说:“交得其道,千里同好,固于胶漆,坚于金石。”As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “A partnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance; it is thicker than glue and stronger than metal and stone.”

  11. 德国谚语说,一个人的努力是加法,一个团队的努力是乘法。A German saying goes to the effect that, "Those who work alone, add; those who work together, multiply."

  12. 我们要以“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的信心,以“千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金”的恒心,推动“**”在香港的实践取得更大成就。We are fully confident that we are able to "ride the wind and cleave the waves", and achieve even greater success in the practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong through persistent and unrelenting efforts like sifting through sand thousands of times to find gold.

  13. 中国俗语称,“艰难困苦,玉汝于成”。China has a saying, "Adversity makes one stronger, just as polishing makes jade finer."

  14. 哈萨克斯坦有句谚语,“有团结的地方,定有幸福相随”。There’s a saying in Kazakhstan goes, where there is solidarity, happiness will follow.

  15. “法与时转则治,治与世宜则有功。As an old Chinese saying goes, “Order prevails when laws shift with the passage of time; success comes when rules meet the needs of their age.”

  16. 小智治事,大智治制。As the Chinese saying goes, people with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters, while people with vision attend to governance of institutions.

  17. “大道之行也,天下为公。”As the Chinese saying goes, “A just cause should be pursued for common good.”

  18. “新故相推,日生不滞。”An ancient saying goes, “the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old.”19. 上下同欲者胜。As one saying goes, “success comes to those who share in one purpose”.

  20. 中国人历来主张“世界大同,天下一家”。The Chinese people have always believed that the world is a commonwealth.

  21. “明镜所以照形,古事所以知今。”As the saying goes, “The mirror reflects ourselves and the past sheds lights on the present.”

  22. 正所谓“得众则得国,失众则失国”。As the saying goes, “He who wins over the people wins the country; he who loses the people loses the country.”

  23. “水能载舟,亦能覆舟。”There is an old saying: “The water that keeps a ship afloat can also upset it.”

  24. 中国人常说,要想富,先修路。As a Chinese saying goes, build road first if you want to become rich.

  25. “君子务本,本立而道生。”As a Chinese saying goes, “A gentleman puts basic principles first, which will illuminate the way forward.”

  26. “志合者,不以山海为远。”As a Chinese saying goes, “Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations.”

  27. “根之茂者其实遂,膏之沃者其光晔。”As an ancient Chinese scholar once observed, "Only with deep roots can a tree yield rich fruit; only filled with oil can a lamp burn brightly."28. “海不辞水,故能成其大。”To quote a Chinese saying, "The ocean is vast because it rejects no rivers."29. “红日初升,其道大光。”"The red rising sun will light up the road ahead."

  30. 他有一句名言:“攀上一座高山后,你会发现,还有更多的高山等着你去攀登。”Let me quote one of his famous sayings, "After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb."

  31. “相知无远近,万里尚为邻。”As a Chinese poem reads, "Good friends feel close to each other even when they are thousands of miles away." / Distance cannot separate true friends who feel so close even when they are thousands of miles apart.

  32. 国之交在于民相亲。People-to-people friendship holds the key to good state-to-state relations.

  33. “国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。”Friendship, which derives from close contact between the people, holds the key to sound state-to-state relations.

  34. 中国有一句类似的谚语叫做“人心齐,泰山移”。A Chinese saying contains a similar message, “People with one mind and heart have the power to move a mountain.”

  35. 有句沃洛夫谚语说,“每个人都是他人的慰藉”。这同中国人常说的“我为人人,人人为我”是同样的意思。“Nit, nit ay garabam (Man is the remedy of man)”, says a Wolof proverb. Similarly, there is a Chinese saying to the effect of “one for all, all for one”.

  36. 早在2500多年前,中国古代伟大的思想家孔子就说:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”Over 2,500 years ago, Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, had this to say: "What a joy to have friends coming from afar!"

  37. “桃李不言,下自成蹊。As a Chinese saying goes, "Peaches and plums do not speak, but they are so attractive that a path is formed below the trees."

  38. 中国古语讲:“不积跬步,无以至千里。”**伯谚语说,“金字塔是一块块石头垒成的”。欧洲也有句话:“伟业非一日之功”。An ancient Chinese saying goes, "A long journey can be covered only by taking one step at a time". Similarly, there is an Arab proverb which says that the Pyramid was built by piling one stone on another. In Europe, there is also the saying that "Rome wasn't built in a day."

  39. “路遥知马力,日久见人心。”A Chinese proverb has it that, "Just as distance tests a horse's strength, time will reveal a person's sincerity."

  40. “孔子登东山而小鲁,登泰山而小天下”。Mencius, another ancient Chinese philosopher, aptly observed, "When Confucius looks down from the peak of the Dongshan Mountain, the local Kingdom of Lu comes into view; when he looks down from the peak of Mount Tai, the whole land comes into view."

  41. 儒家倡导“大道之行,天下为公”,主张“协和万邦,和衷共济,四海一家”。An integral part of Chinese civilization, Confuciani** believes that “a just cause should be pursued for the common good” and champions harmony, unity and a shared community for all nations.

  42. 中国的先人们早在2500多年前就认识到:“苟利于民,不必法古;苟周于事,不必循俗”。A Chinese philosopher recognized as early as over 2,500 years ago that one doesn't have to follow a beaten path if he wishes to benefit the people and one doesn't have to observe old conventions if he wishes to get things done.

  43. “天行有常”,“应之以治则吉”。An ancient Chinese classic teaches that heaven has its own law and those who embrace it will prosper.

  44. “积土而为山,积水而为海。”As a Chinese saying goes, "A mountain is formed by accumulation of earth and an ocean is formed by accumulation of water."

  45. 天道酬勤,日新月异。It is only natural that hard work pays off, and it brings changes for the better every day.

  46. “安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜!”"If only I could get tens of thousands of mansions! I would house all the poor people who would then beam with **iles(ancient Chinese poet Du Fu)."

  47. 九层之台,起于累土。“A nine-storey tower begins with a pile of earth.”

  48. 不驰于空想、不骛于虚声。we have to avoid the distractions of unsubstantial ideas and superficial fame.

  49. “等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。”As an old Chinese poem goes, "When I glance at the visage of vernal breeze, I know that a thousand flowers of purple and red set spring aglow."

  50. 海南有一首民歌唱道:“久久不见久久见,久久见过还想见。”To quote the lyrics of a Hainan folk song, "It has been a long time since we last met, and I hope it will be a long time before we have to part."


  • 发表于 2022-11-30 15:54
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