jewish(**给中国好人回信好人的英文为什么是Good Samaritan)

8月13日,**总**给安徽黄山风景区工作人员李培生、胡晓春回信,对他们继续发挥“中国好人”榜样作用提出殷切期望。President Xi Jinping has replied with a letter to two grassroots model work...

8月13日,**总**给安徽黄山风景区工作人员李培生、胡晓春回信,对他们继续发挥“中国好人”榜样作用提出殷切期望。President Xi Jinping has replied with a letter to two grassroots model workers from a scenic spot in Anhui province, encouraging them to influence more people with their "positive energy".


Comrades Li Peisheng, Hu Xiaochun,


Greetings! I have received your letter. Over the years, you have been working to keep Huangshan Mountain clean and beautiful, and tending the millenary Guest-Greeting Pine with care and love day after day, fully demonstrating the spirit of dedication and professional ethics.


What is notable about "Good Samaritans of China" is that ordinary workers at grassroots have made extraordinary achievements in ordinary work. I hope that you will continue to set an example as role models to project positive energy, inspire people around you to do their bit for the good of society and promote the core socialist values. You should inspire those around you to be good citizens, good workers and good family members, and contribute to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Xi Jinping


August 13, 2022




Li Peisheng, a sanitation worker in the Huangshan Mountain Scenic Area, and Hu Xiaochun, guardian of the 10-meter-tall, 1,300-year-old "Guest-Greeting Pine", one of the landmarks in the scenic area, are both known as "Good Samaritans of China" — a title honoring the ordinary people who perform extraordinarily in their work.

China has been awarding grassroots heroes as "Good Samaritans of China" since 2008. Li and Hu joined the list of awardees in 2012 and 2021 respectively.

近日,李培生、胡晓春给**总**写信,汇报工作情况和心得体会,表达了为守护美丽黄山、建设美丽中国贡献力量的决心(strong resolve to make contributions in guarding the beautiful Huangshan Mountain and in building a beautiful China)。

**给“中国好人”回信!“好人”的英文为什么是“Good Samaritan”?胡晓春巡查检测黄山迎客松 图源:中国日报



**给“中国好人”回信!“好人”的英文为什么是“Good Samaritan”?胡晓春的当班日记。图源:**日报 汪瑞华 摄



**给“中国好人”回信!“好人”的英文为什么是“Good Samaritan”?

李培生在峭壁上捡垃圾 图源:中新网



为什么是“Good Samaritan”?

Samaritan /sə'mæritn/是指撒玛利亚人,这是一个古老的民族,据称是在3000多年前迁居到以色列帝国北部的一个部族的后裔。



The parable of the Good Samaritan is about a traveler (implicitly understood to be Jewish) who is stripped of clothing, beaten, and left half dead alongside the road. First, a Jewish priest and then a Levite come by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a Samaritan happens upon the traveler. Although Samaritans and Jews despised each other, the Samaritan helps the injured man.

**给“中国好人”回信!“好人”的英文为什么是“Good Samaritan”?

从此以后,a good Samaritan(善良的撒玛利亚人)在英文里就成了“好心人、乐善好施者、见义勇为者”的代名词。


这种具有中国特色的表达,在翻译成英文时采用“归化”的策略,使译文更接近目标读者的表达习惯,更有利于理解。所以,“中国好人”的翻译就直接借用了英文中约定俗成的表达,译成了“Good Samaritans of China”。编辑:左卓来源:中国日报 ** **日报 央视网

  • 发表于 2022-11-28 15:41
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