normal stress(国际课程·Alevel 心理学知识点笔记 应对压力Coping with Stress)

Introduction 简介 Remember: stress is a normal part of life - it is only a problem when it causes long-term disruption or illness. Normal stress levels can energise and motivate u...

Introduction 简介

Remember: stress is a normal part of life - it is only a problem when it causes long-term disruption or illness. Normal stress levels can energise and motivate us, directing our behaviour in useful ways.


However, in most modern lifestyles, the pressures on people are immense and most people find themselves having to find ways of coping with stres**ul situations in their everyday lives.


国际课程·A-level 心理学:知识点笔记 应对压力Coping with Stress

Two ways to reduce stress: a biological approach or a psychological approach.


A biological approach might involve drugs or biofeedback.


A psychological approach involves psychotherapy to change cognitive and emotional responses to situations.


It has been found that women tend to use more emotional strategies - changing the way they think about a situation - to try to cope with stress, while men tend to focus more on changing the situation they see as a problem.


Coping with stress can be difficult. It takes time and effort to find new strategies and it can be very hard to overcome the effects of past experience - but a wide range of succes**ul therapies for the treatment of stress is now open to people.应对压力可能是困难的。找到新的策略需要时间和努力,而且要克服过去**的影响可能非常困难--但现在有一系列成功的治疗压力的疗法向人们开放。

On top of this, the problems of being overloaded at work and stress-related illnesses are now far better understood.


国际课程·A-level 心理学:知识点笔记 应对压力Coping with Stress

Coping with stress - biological approaches 应对压力--生物方法

These methods of dealing with stress focus on ways to minimize and control the body's alarm reactions by direct intervention in the body's chemistry.


These methods are appropriate for people in acute stress states or those who need rapid treatment because they may be vulnerable to heart attack, stroke or blood pressure problems.


Drug treatments may include the use of anti-anxiety drugs, such as benzodiazepines (BZs). Benzodiazepines are also known as 'tranquillizers'; examples are Valium, Librium and Mogadon. These drugs can reduce general arousal and anxiety levels and also help to treat insomnia. There is a danger that people may develop dependence on these drugs.

药物治疗可能包括使用抗焦虑药物,如苯二氮卓类药物(BZs)。苯二氮卓类药物也被称为 "镇静剂";例子有安定、利眠宁和莫加顿。这些药物可以**一般的唤醒和焦虑水平,也有助于治疗失眠。人们有可能对这些药物产生依赖性。

国际课程·A-level 心理学:知识点笔记 应对压力Coping with Stress

Other drugs used to treat symptoms of stress include beta-blockers. These can reduce levels of physiological arousal, heart rate and blood pressure.


Another biological approach is biofeedback. The person holds a monitor to measure pulse and blood pressure - they then practice meditation and relaxation techniques to reduce their level of arousal. The results are fed back to them by computer so that they can see how well they are doing. In this way, a person can learn to control their level of physiological arousal, reducing the effects of stress.


Coping with stress - psychological approaches 应对压力--心理学方法

The simplest psychological approaches to reducing the symptoms of stress are relaxation and meditation techniques.


国际课程·A-level 心理学:知识点笔记 应对压力Coping with Stress

Progressive muscle relaxation can reduce physical tension and meditation can reduce anxieties. The effects of these techniques tend to be pretty short-lived though, so to be effective they need to become a regular part of a person's lifestyle.


Other psychological approaches - cognitive-behavioural approaches - focus on training a person in new ways of thinking and behaving.


For example: Kobasa's hardy personality theory has led to the development of training in 'hardiness'. This is about gaining a sense of control over a situation.

比如说。科巴萨的坚韧个性理论导致了 "坚韧 "训练的**。这是关于**对某种情况的控制感。

In this type of training, the person has to identify stres**ul situations then analyse them for specific sources of stress - they then work out ways of dealing with those stressors in different ways, seeing them as challenges rather than problems.


It might be that the challenges to an individual in a situation are too great and so they are encouraged to take control by only accepting challenges they are able to cope with. They may be encouraged to train in new skills so that they can meet more difficult challenges.


In the 1980s, Meichenbaum came up with the idea of 'stress inoculation training' (SIT).

在20世纪80年代,Meichenbaum提出了 "压力接种训练"(SIT)的想法。

The difference with this approach is that it is meant to be a preventative measure to reduce levels of stress in the first place.


In this type of training, people draw up a detailed analysis of all the sources of stress in their lives and think about their previous coping strategies. In the next stage, people are given 'skills training' and asked to practice these. Skills training might involve examination techniques, interpersonal skills or time-management.

在这种类型的培训中,人们对他们生活中的所有压力来源进行详细**,并思考他们以前的应对策略。在下一阶段,人们将接受 "技能培训",并被要求练习这些技能。技能训练可能涉及考试**、人际交往**或时间管理。

People are encouraged to apply the new skills they have learned to real situations and follow-up sessions check progress.


SIT has been very popular with large businesses and corporations with large numbers of employees in stres**ul jobs.


The approaches outlined above aim to reduce stress by reducing the gap between the demands placed on a person and their perception of their ability to cope.


By closing that gap, a person's confidence increases and the stress they feel is reduced.


In this type of therapy, the therapist helps the person to be objective about the sources of stress and to develop new ways of dealing with stres**ul situations.


Psychological approaches have also been applied in 'anger management' courses since anger has been found to increase vulnerability to heart disease. These courses challenge a person's views of themselves and others.

心理方法也被应用于 "愤怒管理 "课程,因为已经发现愤怒会**对心脏疾病的脆弱性。这些课程挑战一个人对自己和他人的看法。

  • 发表于 2022-11-26 14:09
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