telekinesis(Topic4 Year9玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻)

01话题介绍 玛蒂尔达是个非常有天赋的孩子,但是她的父母(沃乌德夫妇)对她的天赋却毫不在意。当玛蒂尔达还是个刚学会走路的孩子的时候,她向父亲要了一本书,但父亲却拒绝了,相反还鼓...

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!



Matilda Wormwood is an extremely gifted child. Matilda is born to parents (Mr and Mrs Wormwood) who are not interested in, or impressed by, her great intelligence. When Matilda is only a toddler, she asks her father for a book but he refuses, encouraging her to simply watch television instead. At the age of three, Matilda teaches herself to read! By the age of four, Matilda can read well, and she discovers the joy of books. Matilda takes herself off to the local library where she meets the very informative librarian Mrs Phelps – Mrs Phelps helps Matilda choose books way in advance of her age because Mrs Phelps realises that Matilda is a highly able reader of books. In fact, the first chapter of the novel ‘Matilda’ is entitled ‘The Reader of Books’. One of Matilda’s favourite books is ‘The Secret Garden’. Matilda also reads ‘Great Expectations’ by the famous British novelist, Charles Dickens.

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


Matilda’s parents are unconcerned with their daughter and often talk to her disrespectfully because they do not understand her great intellect. The Wormwoods prefer to congratulate their son Michael, despite the fact that he is not a remarkable child like Matilda. Mr Wormwood chooses to earn money by involving himself with criminals who sell stolen cars – he is not to be trusted.

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


Another person who is not a good role model for Matilda is Miss Trunchbull; she is the headteacher of the school that Matilda attends. Miss Trunchbull treats children with contempt and she, also, is suspicious and disdainful of Matilda’s ability to solve complex maths problems and read dense text. However, Matilda does receive support and guidance in the form of Miss Honey, her nurturing class teacher. Matilda is a gregarious child, hence she makes friends easily. Matilda develops special powers that she uses for good, ensuring that she looks after those that she loves.


Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

玛蒂尔达是罗尔德·达尔同名著作中的主角。玛蒂尔达的大脑非常的发达, 她能够很好的利用心灵感应的力量 (用她的意念**东西)。

Matilda is the protagonist in Roald Dahl’s book of the same name. As well as being a child genius, Matilda is a champion for justice – she values honesty and doing the right thing. Matilda’s brain is so developed, she is able to use the power of telekinesis (moving things around with her mind).

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

阿加莎·昌切布**是一个不可忽视的角色。她是一个身材高大又**的人, 曾经参加过**会投掷类的比赛,学生和家长都惧怕她。她着实不应该被称为老师, 因为她不但不教孩子,相反, 她还恐吓他们。

Miss Agatha Trunchbull is a force to be reckoned with. She is a tall and sturdy figure who once competed at throwing large objects in the Olympic Games. Children and parents alike are horrified by ‘The Trunchbull’ (as she is so-called). This character really ought not be a teacher, for she does not teach children; rather she terrorises them.

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


Jennifer Honey is the epitome of kindness and affection. Miss Honey notices Matilda’s talent and tries, in vein, to convey this to Matilda’s parents and The Trunchbull. Miss Honey encourages the child prodigy to continue to cultivate her mind and gives Matilda emotional support and finally becomes her parental guardian.


Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


The world-famous British author Roald Dahl constructed a narrative about a girl called Matilda. The story alone makes ‘Matilda’ the novel worthy of study. The story is essentially one of a young girl coming of age and learning how to navigate her way in the world, mostly through the education she receives and the socialisation with children and adults that she is engaged in. ‘Matilda’ has it all in terms of great writing, action, and zany characters; there is plenty of humour, too, which ensures that children cannot wait to find out what happens in the story, so they keep on reading. Ultimately, the book is about Matilda as a formidable girl - portrayed as a heroine - who overcomes adversity (the poor treatment she receives from her parents and Miss Trunchbull).

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

这部著作具有很重要的教育意义,尽管这本书是写于1988年,但它所传递的男女平等的思想符合每一个时代的主题。此外, 故事还告诉我们, 有了通过教育**的知识和见识,孩子们就能成就伟业。通过昌切布**的性格我们了解到,拥**量并不意味着要成为一个可怕的、刻薄的野蛮人。一个聪明的小女孩和她善良的老师也拥有着无穷的力量。这本书告诉我们,善良的人最终会占主导地位,玛蒂尔达就是很好的例子,她靠自己的善良和智慧最终**出众,她不必像昌切布一样用威胁和恐吓来赢得尊重。

In terms of educational value, the topic is worth learning because, even though Roald Dahl wrote the book in 1988, the story is a parable for our times, exemplifying that women and men are equal. Furthermore, the writing informs us that with knowledge and insight gained through education, children can achieve great things. Through the character of Miss Trunchbull, we learn that power does not always mean being a terrible, mean brute. Power can also be found in a very **art little girl and her kind teacher, Miss Honey. The book teaches us that virtuous people prevail in the end, Matilda is the one who comes out on top, through sheer goodness and ingenuity. She does not have to resort to be the kind of terror that The Trunchbull does.


Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


Art lessons will teach students about the concept and purpose of character wheels. A character wheel will be demonstrated to students with various key protagonists from the novel placed on the wheel, along with a description of the character. Students will also see Matilda inspired bookmarks, and learn how these can enhance the joy of reading.


In English, students learn about the significance of libraries. Libraries in Britain are discussed, in particular: mobile libraries; university libraries; The British Library; contemporary libraries. Students also learn about how to use spelling strategies in order to help spell words that are not spelt how they sound. Students can then apply these strategies when trying to spell English words (which have many irregular spelling rules).

数学课的目的是为了使学员了解speed和velocity之间的区别,同时了解如何记录车辆的速度。此外, 学生们还将了解 "multiplication" 和 "division" 的含义,以及这些是如何反转的。

In Maths, the learning objective is to know the difference between speed and velocity; also, to understand about the way speed is recorded in vehicles. Furthermore, students will learn what ‘multiplication’ and ‘division’ mean, and how these are inverses.


In geography lessons, we discuss the different types of travel, as well as the benefits of travelling, inspired by Matilda’s love of books from around the world. We also teach about responsible touri**, linked to protecting nature and the environment.

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


In PSHE, students learn about the multitude ways that education can empower us. We also teach about the value of positive affirmation and how this can go a long way in helping children to achieve their academic and life goals.


Matilda is a child genius, so in the subject of history, we talk about the British organisation Mensa (a society for incredibly bright people). We also celebrate the life and work of the famous British physicist, Stephen Hawking, who was a member of Mensa but also tran**ormed the way we perceive time and space.

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


Matilda plays tricks on her father – one of the tricks she plays is to superglue his hat to his head, which makes it extremely difficult for him to remove it! In science, then, we teach about different types of glue and how glue works. Additionally, we show experiments about how to make glue-like substances.

在表演艺术课上,我们会将罗尔德的作品以喜剧的形式呈现出来。《幽灵》是书中的第四章。玛蒂尔达使她的家人相信房子里有一个幽灵,而事实上,家人认为是“鬼”的东西,其实只是一只鹦鹉。我们通过一种幽默和温和的**来教授与鬼有关的知识,以及故事中的人物和闹鬼房子之间的联系。我们也会在教学生著名歌曲《When I grow up》的歌词时,了解音乐剧《玛蒂尔达》,向这部巨作致意。以《When I grow up》这首歌作为课程的结尾是非常**的,因为这个故事讲述的就是成长**中的故事。

The subject of performing arts allows us to let the comedy of Roald Dahl’s writing come through. ‘The Ghost’ is chapter 4 in the book. Matilda makes her family believe that there is a ghost in the house. In fact, what the family believe to be a ‘ghost’ is really a parrot! Bringing in humour, and in a child friendly way, we teach about ghosts and their links to haunted houses. We also make a nod to Matilda the Musical when we teach students the words to a well-known song (‘When I Grow Up’) from the hit theatre show. ‘When I Grow Up’ is a fitting premise on which to end the topic, since ‘Matilda’ is a coming of age story.


Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

《玛蒂尔达》在1988年出版后不久便**了儿童图书奖,自此以后一直广受读者的喜爱。全世界的孩子都知道《玛蒂尔达》这个故事。2010年,皇家莎士比亚**认为这个故事值得登上舞台。《玛蒂尔达》的戏剧作品在埃文河畔斯特拉福(莎士比亚的出生地) 上演, 随后转移到伦敦西区。2013年,该剧在百老汇 (美国的戏剧中心) 开播。

Matilda won the Children’s Book Award shortly after it was published in 1988 and it has continued to delight audiences ever since. Children the world over know the story of ‘Matilda’. In 2010, The Royal Shakespeare Company deemed the story worthy of taking to the stage. The theatre production of ‘Matilda’ opened in Stratford upon Avon (Shakespeare’s birthplace), then tran**erred to London’s West End. In 2013, the show opened on Broadway (America’s theatre **).


Roald Dahl is renowned for his vivid imagination and creative genius. Dahl uses his skills of hyperbole and creativity to excess in his writing of our heroine, Matilda, her world, and those characters she interacts with. A benefit that children can get from this topic is that Dahl’s writing style can influence children to think ingeniously and to question their preconceived perceptions. In this book, children also learn about the literary technique of how authors use the narrator point of view - the narrator is used effectively in the novel to provide commentary on events and characters.

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

儿童可以从这一主题中了解图书馆在社会进步中的价值和重要性。当地的图书馆是玛蒂尔达可以愉快的度过两个小时的地方, 一个人安静地坐在一个舒适的角落里, 一本接一本的看书。大量的阅读丰富了玛蒂尔达的经历,玛蒂尔达告诉当地的图书管理员费尔普斯夫人, 她阅读的书中的文字让她感觉自己好像被送到了书中所描述的地方。费尔普斯夫人解释说:“一个优秀作家的作品是会让你有这种感觉......而且不要担心那些你无法理解的地方,坐下来,让这些词像音乐一样在你周围不停的环绕。”

A primary benefit that children can get from this topic is about the value and importance of libraries in a progressive society. The local library is the place where Matilda can spend ‘’two glorious hours sitting quietly by herself in a cosy corner devouring one book after another.’’ Matilda’s experiences expand as a direct result of the books that she reads. Matilda tells her local librarian, Mrs Phelps, that the writing in the books she reads makes her feel as though she is transported to the places being described. Mrs Phelps explains, "A fine writer will always make you feel that…And don’t worry about the bits that you can’t understand. Sit back and allow the words to wash around you, like music."

玛蒂尔达通过伟大作家的描述了解了其他国家和大陆。“她和约瑟夫·康拉德一起登上了过去的帆船,她和欧内斯特·海明威一起去了非洲,和拉迪亚德·吉卜林一起去了印度,她坐在英国一个村庄的小房间里周游世界。”孩子们通过阅读这样的文字, 对其他文化有了深入的了解。因此,孩子们可以从这个话题中**的另一个好处是,可以激励他们去旅行和探索其他**,以此来扩大自己的视野。

Matilda learns about other countries and continents through the descriptions of great authors, "She went on olden-day sailing ships with Joseph Conrad. She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and to India with Rudyard Kipling. She travelled all over the world while sitting in her little room in an English village." Children gain an insight into other cultures from reading text like this. Another benefit, then, that children can get from this topic is that they can be inspired to want to travel and explore other environments than their own, in the pursuit of expanding their horizons.

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

Lesson 1

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


What is a character wheel? A character wheel allows us to understand about a character from a book (we can draw a picture in the wheel; we can also write notes in the character wheel).

Lesson 2


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 3

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


To introduce the word ‘bookmark’, and the notion of bookmark collections. Matilda loves reading, so we will show some Matilda bookmarks, and introduce the vocabulary needed for video lesson 4 (where we make the bookmark).

Lesson 4


Dialogue Lesson

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

Lesson 1

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


To discuss libraries in Britain, in particular: mobile libraries; university libraries; The British Library; contemporary libraries.

Lesson 2


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 3

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


To discuss the ‘hacks’ and strategies that can be adopted in order to help with spelling in English, since the English language has many instances of irregular spelling.

Lesson 4


Dialogue Lesson

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

Lesson 1


To know the difference between speed and velocity. To understand about the way speed is recorded in vehicles. Mr Wormwood reduces mileage on the cars that he sells. He reduces the mileage with an electric drill.

Lesson 2


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 3


To know what ‘multiplication’ and ‘division’ mean. This lesson expands on the concept of ‘multiply’ (introduced in the unit of ‘Charlie and The Chocolate Factory’). MH expects the children to know their two times table by the end of the first week of school. Matilda is much more advanced than the other children, so can solve most multiplication problems.

Lesson 4


Dialogue Lesson

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

Lesson 1

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!


To discuss the different types of travel, and the benefits of travelling, inspired by Matilda’s love of books from around the world. Matilda being "transported into new worlds" through her love of authors such as Hemingway and Kipling.

Lesson 2


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 3


To discuss responsible touri**, linked to protecting nature and the environment. Matilda being empathetic to the world around her, having had her horizons expanded by learning about new places and cultures.

Lesson 4


Dialogue Lesson

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

Lesson 1


To teach about the notion that education can empower us and make us metaphorically powerful. Matilda is a female character deliberately written by Roald Dahl to represent strong women and female role models.

Lesson 2


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 3


To teach about positive affirmation. Matilda does not let challenges, unloving parents, or unkind teachers stand in her way.

Lesson 4


Dialogue Lesson

Topic4 Year9 | 玛蒂尔达携纯真奇幻,为你而来!

Lesson 1


To know about Mensa in Britain. Matilda is a child genius. She would likely have been a member of Mensa.

Lesson 2


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 3


To know about the celebrate physicist, Stephen Hawking. To know about some of his work and literature.

Lesson 4


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 1


To find out about glue and how it works. Mr Wormwood gets his hat stuck on his head with superglue.

Lesson 2


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 3


To know about ways to make glue-like substances. Mr Wormwood wants to find alternatives to glue that are bought in shops – he wants home-made glue remedies, so that he knows how strong the glue is.

Lesson 4


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 1


‘The Ghost’ is chapter 4 in the book ‘Matilda’. Matilda makes her parents, and especially her father, believe there is a ghost in the house. In fact, what the family believe to be a ‘ghost’ is really a parrot!

Lesson 2


Dialogue Lesson

Lesson 3


To know and practise a song from Matilda the Musical. To discuss musical theatre as an art form.

Lesson 4


Dialogue Lesson








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