a way out中文(每日新闻播报March 26)

Luosifen [Photo/IC] >Luosifen seeks recognition 广西柳州为螺蛳粉申遗 Authorities in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, said they are applying for national and UNESCO...

每日新闻播报(March 26)

Luosifen [Photo/IC]

>Luosifen seeks recognition 广西柳州为螺蛳粉申遗 Authorities in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, said they are applying for national and UNESCO recognition of luosifen, a local rice noodle specialty, as an intangible cultural heritage. Beijing Daily reported that an internet user from South Korea shared a photo of luosifen on social media and suggested it should be submitted for intangible cultural heritage status as a specialty of South Korea, saying the food features South Korean ingredients and flavors such as ramen and a side dish of kimchi. However, it's said Guangxi inscribed the traditional cooking techniques of luosifen as a local intangible cultural heritage as early as 2008. 广西壮族自治区柳州市政府表示,正在为螺蛳粉申请国家级和联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产认证,螺蛳粉是当地一种特色米粉。据《北京日报》报道,日前某韩国网友在社交媒体上分享了一张螺蛳粉的照片,表示这种食物有拉面的口感和配菜泡菜的味道,而这些都源自韩国料理,因此应该给螺蛳粉申遗。然而,早在2008年,广西据称便已将螺蛳粉传统烹饪技艺列入自治区非物质文化遗产名录。

每日新闻播报(March 26)

Cambridge University. [Photo/VCG]

>Cambridge to accept gaokao 剑桥大学认可高考成绩 Reports of the University of Cambridge starting to accept China's gaokao scores for students wishing to join its undergraduate courses went viral online over the weekend. The university responded on Monday through its official Sina Weibo account, saying its policy to accept gaokao scores for Chinese applicants has been in place for several years. According to the official website of the university, the gaokao is regarded as suitable preparation for Cambridge. The gaokao scores of successful applicants will vary from province to province and year to year. As a guideline, successful applicants will usually have scores in the top 0.1% of those taking the gaokao in their province. Cambridge had 420 undergraduate and 754 postgraduate students from China in the 2017-18 academic year. 刚过去的周末,关于剑桥大学开始认可中国高考成绩的消息在网上刷屏。剑桥大学25日在其官方微博做出回应称,承认中国申请者的高考成绩的政策剑桥已实行数年。根据剑桥大学官网,高考成绩可以用来申请入学剑桥。各省申请者每年进入剑桥的高考成绩都不同,总的指导原则是,考生的高考成绩通常在本省排名前0.1%。2017-18学年在剑桥大学就读的中国本科学生人数为420人,研究生人数为754人。

每日新闻播报(March 26)

US Attorney General William Barr leaves his house after Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of collusion between US President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia in the 2016 election in McClean, Virginia, US, March 25, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>No Trump-Russia conspiracy 特朗普'通俄门'查无实据 US Attorney General William Barr told Congress Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller did not find evidence that Donald Trump's campaign conspired with the Russian government to allegedly interfere in the 2016 election. "The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities," Barr wrote, quoting the confidential report submitted by Mueller on Friday. According to the letter, the Mueller report did not reach a conclusion as to whether Trump had obstructed justice, stating that it "does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May, 2017, to lead the inquiry into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow during the 2016 election and whether the president obstructed justice, among other things. The investigation has led to felony charges against 34 people, including six Trump associates, and three entities. 美国司法部长威廉•巴尔24日致信美国国会表示,特别检察官罗伯特•穆勒未发现特朗普竞选团队与俄罗斯政府曾合谋破坏2016年大选的证据。巴尔在信中引用穆勒22日提交的机密报告中的话称:"调查中无证据表明特朗普竞选团队成员与俄罗斯政府合谋从事破坏选举的活动。"信中还写道,穆勒的报告对于特朗普是否妨碍司法公正未得出结论,称报告"没有得出总统犯罪的结论,但也不能证明他无罪。"2017年5月,穆勒被副总检察长罗德•罗森斯坦任命为特别检察官,就特朗普竞选团队是否在2016年大选中"通俄"、总统是否妨碍司法公正等多个问题展开调查,截至目前已有包括6名特朗普的助手在内的34人和三个实体遭到重罪起诉。

每日新闻播报(March 26)

Remain supporters and protesters take part in a march to stop Brexit in Central London calling for a People's Vote on Saturday. [Photo/VCG]

>1M march for referendum 英百万人游行反对脱欧 Hundreds of thousands of people opposed to Britain's withdrawal from the European Union marched through central London on Saturday to demand a new referendum as the deepening Brexit crisis risked Prime Minister Theresa May's premiership. Organizers of the "Put It To The People" campaign say more than a million people joined the march before rallying in front of Parliament. The one million estimate would make it London's second-biggest demonstration after a rally against the Iraq War in February 2003. After three years of tortuous debate, it is still uncertain how, when or even if Brexit will happen as May tries to plot a way out of the gravest political crisis in at least a generation. May is coming under pressure to quit after saying she might not put her Brexit deal to a third vote by MPs. While the country and its politicians are divided over Brexit, most agree it is the most important strategic decision the UK has faced since World War II. 当地时间23日,数百万反对英国脱欧的民众在伦敦市中心游行,要求举行新的公投,日益恶化的脱欧危机正危及首相特蕾莎•梅的地位。"将决定权交给人民"运动的组织者表示,逾百万民众参加了游行,随后他们在议会大楼前集会。百万的估值人数或使此次游行成为自2003年2月反对伊拉克战争集会以来,伦敦经历的第二大示威活动。经过三年的拉锯式辩论,目前如何脱欧、何时脱欧,甚至能否脱欧仍是未知数,梅正试图找出一种方法,摆脱这场至少影响一代人的最严重的政治危机。梅面临着辞职的压力,此前她曾表示可能不会让议员就其脱欧协议进行第三轮投票表决。尽管英国民众及政客对脱欧问题持有分歧,但大部分人均认为这是二战以来,英国面临的最重要的战略决策。

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