
页面中,下部是域名列表,直接点击需要获得转移密码的 域名,进入管理中心。4、新页面中,请先确认域名已经解锁。解锁方法:点击本页面底部的 Domain Locking Transfer Lock; Active: NO 中的 “ Manage”链接Username* 用户名Pas

页面中,下部是域名列表,直接点击需要获得转移密码的 域名,进入管理中心。



点击本页面底部的 Domain Locking Transfer Lock; Active: NO  中的 “ Manage”链接

Username* 用户名

Password* 密码
Re-enter your Password* 重复密码

First name* 姓
Last name* 名
E-mail* 邮箱
Retype E-mail* 重复邮箱
Organization 组织

Address* 地址
City* 城市
Country* 国家,下拉选择China
State or province* 省或者州
Postal or zip code* 邮编
Phone number* 电话号码
Fax number 传真号码

What do you intend to do with your services?  随意选择一个
How did you hear about us? 随意选择一个

Choose a Security Question 选择一个安全问题
In case you forget your password, we'll verify your identity with the answer to the secret question. Choose a question to which only you would know the answer.
Secret question 
Answer to secret question 安全问题的答案

Registration Agreement
  By creating a new account, you agree to the registration agreement. * 同意该条款
  Please include me when sending email regarding important news and special offers.

5、点击“Continue”,完成Mydomain.com 的新用户的注册。

  • 发表于 2020-12-11 14:16
  • 阅读 ( 208 )
  • 分类:互联网

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